Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

No, it seems like you’re making a choice to limit your play to a small chunk of content and ending your progression.

Nothing wrong with that of course.


good point, but from a customer retention point of view it seems clumsy.

not asking for mailed mythic epics, but some small upgrade system based on valor might keep me on the hamster wheel when I’m not watching Super Crooks…

For pvp sure but nothing in open word is hard or difficult.

It’s called mythic plus. Should try it sometime.

When it affects raiders they 100% will care about it.

running old content a 1000 times is not as much fun as watching a good anime or fantasy animation.

just caught The Sea Beast last night, I recommend it highly.

Fun is subjective. Also running current expansions dungeons isn’t running old content.

If you choose to limit yourself you don’t get to complain.

I don’t watch anime.

You jest but that honestly it is what some think. Is it stupid? Yes, but belief in that stupidity none the less is a thing.

paying someone to run you through a raid isnt that challenging. the rewards for the challenge are titles, transmogs, mounts, pets…or are they over rewarding riding?

This raider could care less. Their sub to do with however they like.

We don’t care what open world players get/do.

As someone else pointed out there is obviously Mythic plus. But I agree with you. There are a couple obvious standouts (apart from valor) when it comes to potential upgrades.

At present you can buy 246 gear for Sandworn Relics in ZM. But you out gear that very quickly and Sandworn relics become wasted bag space. So why not provide an upgrade path that uses Sandworn relics? Players are already somewhat capped on how many they can farm in an hour/day/week so you can’t earn a ridiculous amount of them quickly. Add a token you can buy for say 200 relics that upgrades only the Sandworn gear by 4 Ilevels. Or add it to the current upgrade NPC in a manner similar to the Korthia items and currency.

Similarly, the Cypher gear improves as you level up the Cypher Research. BUT it caps out at 252. Again why not provide an upgrade token you can buy with the massive amounts of Cyphers of the First ones you earn each week? Or again, provide an upgrade NPC where you spend the Cyphers to upgrade gear.

In each case it wouldn’t be hard for blizzard to gate it based on how much you could earn per week so that you can’t upgrade a heap of items all in one week. Heck they could add a time based cooldown similar to the Creation Catalyst now that people have got their heads around that concept.


The real reason is that raiders hate having to do open world content to raid. If all gear is equal that means that it comes down to stats so suddenly we enter territory where the bis trinket for your class comes off a cycling world boss. Its happened before and it always felt awful having to do obtuse grinds in unrelated content to do the content I want to do.

Should there be decent world quest progression? Yes. But it shouldn’t be to a level where it eclipses the current high end content, if it does then there need to be a re-evaluation of gear in general which could be nice tbh, but in the current game gear is a flame that lures us moths to the raid/m+/rated pvp.

Every time I see this sort of post I wonder why world questers care about ilvl when their content doesn’t require it.

The only content I bother to max my gear out in is PVP because it’s necessary. I only do M+ for 3-4 weeks on each toon until I’m above KSM IO, if I’m already clearing the content I want to clear I don’t need to make sure I do vault every week for an extra 8-10 ilvl for vanity purposes. For that matter I don’t even use PVE gear for the most part.

Currently you can become a mythic raider, get 2400+ in 2’s/3’s/RBG’s, or time/complete a 15+ key every week to max gear. All of which are pretty hard except completing a 15 key. Why should the reward for killing 10 chickens equal doing those other forms of content? Lol


It’s the same mentality as people screaming for Legion tmogs from the Mage Tower to come back when they didn’t even play Legion: they don’t like that there’s things in the game they can’t get and we live in a world where participation trophies are expected for everything.

Pure irrational entitlement. “I want max level gear for chasing a robot dropping applies in ZM waaaaaaaaah!”

Open world questing gear should be the lowest ilvl gear in the game because the content isn’t challenging at all (unless you suck at playing your class).

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this guy gets it.

when progression ends, I go do other things.

Blizzard has Entertainment actually in their name.

when the entertainment stops we go elsewhere and right now Netflix has incredible fantasy and action entertainment.

this has nothing to do with other players.

reading comprehension is lacking in this one…

Who said raiders care? I sure as hell don’t. Maybe I’m not considered a raider since I only raid 2 or 3 times a week.

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That’s a good thing IMO. Time to do other fun stuff and not feel like you have to be logged into wow every day isn’t bad.

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this guy gets it…

does Blizzard ?