Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

sorry guess some people have access to their mom’s credit card

Oh that’s so cute. You’re adorable. There’s no way someone could possibly make tons of gold without “their mom’s credit card” :rofl:

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They can’t make it anymore obvious by simply bumping up the ilvl of the same gear every season.

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You already get the same gear as someone who does normal raids. If thats not high enough for you then too bad. Jump in a mythic + or heroic raid if you want better.

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To be fair, Blizzard is changing this paradigm in Dragonflight by making the entire dungeon pool update so that this “problem” doesn’t exist.

I personally don’t think its an issue whatsoever (see: Diablo 3 and regrinding the same gear every season) but Blizzard is “listening to the fans” in this regard.

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Er, yes and no.

Yes in that it won’t be the same gear all expansion, but no in that there won’t be any new gear/transmogs (with the older M+ dungeons at least). I wouldn’t be surprised if the situation actually gets worse as a result.

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Not really, they haven’t said anything about not adding new dungeons mid-expansion. I wouldn’t be surprised to see another mega-dungeon added in S2 and added to M+ in S3 of DF

Fair-ish I suppose. We’ll see how it works out. Hopefully there will be enough new things added to keep it fresh.

Agreed. I have 1401 pets, and it gives nothing. I want legendary rewards!

I dont even use crazy catman title…since Trashmaster is so describing of guardian playstyle atm ^^

We don’t care, I was ilevel 253 prior to 9.2, open-world gear ended at 252 which took weeks to get. I was 270+ by week 3. Take your 252 gear and have fun idc.

The whole point of having higher iL gear is to facilitate different difficulty levels.
It is also a reward for doing a difficult tasks. That’s how rewards work… You do something more difficult and you get rewarded.

You clear normal to upgrade ur gear to progress heroic

You clear Heroic to upgrade ur gear to progress Mythic

If you can’t clear heroic with full normal gear you don’t need higher iL gear.

Fresh 60’s can clear world content. Why do you want such high iL gear for that when there is no need. I think the answer is you just want to be the same as someone else without having to put in the work to complete difficult content. If you feel such a need to have the iL gear then do what the rest of us have had to do and clear the actual content.

I think this post is bait but there are enough responses to warrant an explanation

I would suggest taking away add-ons that tell players when to move, where to stand, what to do and when to do it. This would justify the risk vs. reward and pacify probably most players in this debate. It would also show who the truly skilled players are verse the ones along for the ride.

The only thing I can say would be time-gated content that you have to do tons of quests and faction grind to get. Raid’s it’s all about killing x NPC’s learning tactics of those NPC’s and for some the use of add-on’s that make that job even easier. Both have one key factor and that is time. Skill only comes into it if you don’t use add-on’s that make the job easier.

I see both sides of the equation and why both sides stand where they stand. That said, those that earn gear by skill I have far more respect for then someone that goes along for the ride.

I don’t give a fart in a high wind about improving my gear: I get what I need to do.

What I do care about is open world as a progression in its own right, and that is what insecure raiders and Mythic-plusers want stopped. Because God forbid Blizzard take time away from a part of the game that isn’t raiding or dungeons.

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Blizzard has done this in the past. If people keep complaining, they may again.

Though I strongly suggest those urging for the removal of add-ons read up on the concept of “the monkey’s paw”.

Open world already does have a progression system. Every patch allows you to progress to normal raid level gear without setting foot in a raid or mythic plus. Of course there is an endpoint to progression but the same is true for mythic plus and raiders. Now if youre asking for progression to mythic raid gear for open world content then the difficulty level needs to be increased appropriately. But we all know what happens when open world content becomes too difficult.


I don’t raid and I see no further gear progression path for me for the next 5-6 months.

so I’m going to watch a lot of anime on Netflix and not play WoW.

does this seem like good game design ?

I don’t think any raider should care about what ilvl you get form world content. Blizzard is the one who actually cares, since they want everyone to “participate in all kinds of content available” so they use higher ilvl on harder content as the proverbial “carrot”.

Yep. We are at the end of the expansion and season 4 starts in early August. If you don’t want to step up and do M+ or Raids to progress your character then I’d suggest chilling until pre patch for Dragonflight comes out because there’s not going to be any new easy open world content until then.

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I see comments from people in this thread who want 272-278 ilevel pieces to drop from open world content. Frankly I’d love that, but I absolutely believe in the effort -v- reward argument.

I’ve been raiding semi-casually this tier and it took the group I’m with roughly 100 attempts over a number of weeks to get Anduin down in heroic. That’s literally dozens of hours for a few pieces of 265 gear. I know my main guild is working on Mythic and still hasn’t killed Mythic Anduin.

Can you imagine just how bad it would feel to someone working hard on raid bosses to see better gear dropping in open world for basically zero effort? Fly up to a tocattic cache, solve a puzzle in 30 seconds and you get 272 gear? That would crush peoples spirits and they’d quit raiding and likely the game as well.

Now, if blizzard were able to somehow make open world contents effort -v- reward curve similar to raiding then sure, why not give max level gear. But that would mean that the Toccatic cache caps at like 229 ilevel gear since it’s a zero effort reward. You’d need to have something like massive questlines that take 20 hours of play to complete in order to get a 272 piece from open world. Or heck, maybe just add another row to the weekly cache - complete 20 world quests and you get a single chance for an item in the cache. Complete 40 and you get two chances, 60 and you get a third…

The unfortunate side effect of that though, is that hardcore players maximize their chances to gain gear. So the serious players would effectively feel forced to smash out not just raid bosses, mythic+ and PVP they’d also need to smash a heap of world quests. Which leads to two problems - player burnout, and players gearing too quickly.