Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

Oh gg :flushed: holy war.

I am a level 50. I have settled for ilvl 100 gear on my level 50’s, in fact less on those who have zero access to crafted gear thanks to blizzard’s obsession with keeping dead realms dead as an incentive for massive amounts of $$$ to go into realm hopping. Realm hop often, casuals. It’s the profit center now. You owe it to Bobby.

100 is good, but I don’t think it should take 3 months to get a weapon.

Why is it exactly you people think that everybody wants to be like you? You sound dreadfully unhappy if you feel the need to make up nonsense to believe. I wouldn’t want to be like you. I don’t feel the need to be suspicious of the overwhelming majority of players that if even one had a chance they might get something they didn’t quite deserve it would invalidate everything you guys had ever done in the game.

You don’t need higher gear either, Blizzard just made you think you do. The elitist attitude in this thread is comical. I flew around Zereth Mortis on my mount collecting treasure chests like most people did when flying became available. I just kept collecting them, getting more and more legendary mats. Sold 'em on the auction house. Super difficult content, I assure you. I can take that gold and buy a carry for what y’all assure me are “exclusive” rewards. Super duper exclusive. And I just rode my mount around in circles while y’all bought flasks, potions, and everything else from me on the auction house. Git gud. Am I right?

Thank you for confirming the raider mentality. (You don’t want to simply enjoy the content, you also feel that raider rewards being the best is perfectly justified.)

By the way, M+ scales so high that it is virtually impossible at some point.

PvP becomes virtually impossible if you are facing the best players in the world.

Solo and casual players have to put in more time or effort for lesser rewards (Cypher grind) or no gear rewards (Torghast) at all. You know, devs feel that they have to punish players for not doing the 3 pillars.

9.2 systems ended up the way they are because raiders complained about how rep, Cosmic Flux, etc. were earned on PTR. Most hardcore raiders (that Blizzard takes dev instructions from) don’t even want to step into non-raiding content unless it is for cosmetics for fun.

Honor and Conquest gear get downgraded by 17 and 13 item levels respectively outside of PvP.

Cypher gear bonuses are completely inactive when not in the open world.

Yet raiding gear is superior everywhere.


Well said. :clap: :clap: :clap:

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I agree with it shouldn’t take this long for a weapon. I think crafters should actually have been given a weapon to craft at 252 ilvl; BS with everything non staff related and then scribes with a staff.

No, I’m a gear chaser. I literally care for nothing else, and enjoy the reward for doing harder content. Granted, I don’t do mythic raiding or anything as I just don’t care for that drama nor do I find any spec/class actually fun to go through the drama mythic raiding brings half of the time, since I don’t actually find any spec to be fun in this expansion.

I raid for 2 full reasons: 1) To enjoy my guildies and friends’ company since I don’t care for mythic+ and PvP makes me wanna throw the computer at the wall because 99% of every match is CCing people out of a match until it’s 2v3 or 1v2, etc.

The other reason is: gear. Those are my reasons for even playing this game, otherwise I’d stop until DF came about and then see how my DoTs n HoTs specs played and whether I enjoy them or not.

That being said; I only do heroic raiding, so again not a mythic raider.

No, it’s not exclusive, you can get it way easier from mythic+. It’s just you can’t get it from open world, which is what this whole topic was about; open world players wanting to be mythic raid level geared without going into mythic raids. That’s quite absurd given that mythic raiding is very difficult to do, even after 75 nerfs to the raid itself.

Cool, and then you just gave it to the mythic raiders you just bought the carry from, right? See, I mean, it’s a cool thing, right?

It’s not a raider mentality; it’s actually a challenger’s mentality. This goes for everything from real world and life to video games; The harder path should always reward you more than the easier path. Example: It takes hardly any time at all to get trained up to work at McDonald’s. That’s one extreme, and at the other end of the spectrum: It takes almost a decade, maybe more pending specialties, to get to be a doctor. A doctor is paid way way way way way more than anyone over at McDonald’s.

Are you thinking your McDonald’s person should be paid the same for putting in way less effort than the person who became a doctor? If so, you need some very serious mental help from a professional. Same thing applies to every scenario, though, be it real life or in game, it doesn’t matter.

They do not, I promise you. I can promise you, this

is nowhere near the time and effort of many months of grinding out mythic raiding.

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I think some people are not understanding what some of us are saying. It’s ok to put high level/powerful gear behind world content or rep. They used to do this all the time, but for some reason after WOD they changed philosophy. I know why. Everyone knows why. But when we say anything about it, omg world players don’t deserve high level gear because WE’RE THE BEST AND DO THE BEST CONTENT! Ok, I give you that mythic raiding is the hardest PVE content in the game, I was in a Cutting Edge raid team, I know how difficult it is. But it doesn’t change the fact that it’s more skill and mechanic based than gear based. The gear is a mirage to keep the hamsterwheel going. Gotta do heroic to progress into mythic. Every. Single. Time. And what’s the difference between heroic and mythic? Mechanics and timers. The gear is just an excuse.


I ride in circles on my mount and can get the highest level gear rewards in the game. Gear is meaningless and Blizzard has tricked people into believing it’s the gear that makes the player instead of skill. There is no reason to gate high level gear behind raids other than to carrot stick people. You are doing it right if you’re doing it for fun. I applaud you. Nothing wrong with being “only” a heroic raider either. I think that’s cool. Heroic is plenty difficult. I’m sure mythic raiders will pound their chests at that statement, but I’ve done both so I know I can say that with confidence. I just think more pathways could be healthy for this game. I’m not saying we need to give handouts, but there could be different ways for people get high level gear. They’re trying this with the weekly boxes, but it’s just not the same getting a random loot box as it is working towards something special imo.

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No, the gear is the reward. However, I do agree yeah it’s more skill and mechanic based than gear based. Also, I don’t think anyone is disagreeing with open world player’s getting higher gear, but what is being wanted is the highest end equivalent gear for completing a puzzle or killing 10 raccoons or something equivalent. No. This is nothing of the sort of any kind of similarity in here.

Your cypher gear already gives you normal raid level gear, which is like 4th or 5th highest gear in the game.

I think normal is equivalent to 1400 PvP rating, maybe 1200? Not sure but somewhere in there, and it’s equivalent to like +8-9 keystone level from end of dungeons. Weekly +2 gives the same equivalent gear, so yeah.

No, people enjoy the reward. People know it’s meaningless in that it resets every tier. It’s just the best reward because nobody cares about mounts, nobody cares about pets, nobody cares about most of the raid’s transmogs since a lot of them aren’t even good for most specs. Titles are fun and cool, sometimes. All that’s left as a reward, then, is gear.

Welcome to MMORPGs, RPG where people want to feel meaningful progression on a character, which coincidentally means upgrading in power, which is best expressed through, you got it; gear.

Yeah, but again it’s all about how difficult the challenge is. If the tuned a world boss to be a mythic progression boss, nobody would care if you got a mythic level piece from that world boss. People do care when all you’re doing is killing a rare that takes 10 seconds to die and has barely, if any, actually threatening mechanics to handle and ends up rewarding you with one of the highest item level pieces of the game. That’s the frustration and where you’ll meet the contention.

Like, remember I think it was classic and BC who had world bosses that literally required 1 full raid group to beat? And had required them all expansion long I believe, like the green dragon that was over in Duskwood?

Yeah but that’s what you’re missing. What is your idea of high level gear? Because again, for doing puzzles n whatnot, you’re literally getting Normal raid level gear when it’s fully upgraded. Normal is 252 item level, up to 259 for the last 2 bosses. So you’re getting the equivalent of 9 out of 11 bosses’ worth of gear for solving a puzzle or killing a rare or something else.

Yeah, I agree, that’s why people doing 1 of the end pillars’ of the game get irritated with stuff like this. The difficulty vs reward isn’t there and it’s going to get in the way of them being able to get their rewards.


I don’t think we’re that far apart in how we view this in all honesty. You’re right, an MMO is based on a certain amount of repetition, that’s how they work. But I also think the health of this game would improve if we gave casuals more pathways. There is nothing wrong with allowing a system where we give a BIS weapon or a BIS trinket to a rep vendor and then had a BIS questline that would take maybe 4 or 5 weeks. Then we could have justice pt vendors with ridiculous prices provide the rest. Raiders would still get the best gear the most efficient way, but world players could still have something to work towards.

It aids as an entry point into harder content too especially during long patches like this one. As people quit guilds recruit. More likely a casual could get the courage to take the leap of faith into a raiding guild. Remember how scary it was the first time you went into someone else’s raid progression? We need more of that. That’s what makes WOW such a beautiful game. This isn’t about me. This is about the game. I’m waaaaaaaaaaaaaay to lazy to raid. Or else I would, and I’d be awesome at it because I’m an awesome player :laughing:

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Why would this be good? This literally stops you for doing anything else in this game.

Oh I get my bis from random mob pickpocket ahaha why would I need to try and overcome game design if I can get this stuff with no sweat?

I do not understand you people.

Got my BIS weapon, game is over I guess. Unsub. Next time you quote me, use the actual quote. Clown.

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Kek. This dude/ess advocate for me to be able to get all mythic raids by doing world quest. Kek. Imagine the top guild’s play schedule when blizzard gives what this dude/ess wants.

wake up
login into wow with fellas
press several buttons for several minutes to get mythic end game gear and achievements and mounts.
log off
get praised by fans for finishing it faster by 1 second than this dude, cause even so he couldn’t finish it faster.

I actually pretty much crave all the mythic stuff from raids that I can’t finish (I wasn’t able to finish even one raid on mythic difficulty ever in wow even though I played this game for 18 years). This guy just want me to get all this by doing almost nothing. Just so we all would be equal! NEAT! Count me in! Strip top guilds of their superiority and entitlement. PHUH!

I’m talking about in theme of this thread. Dudes arguing that we all shoudl be able to get our bis’es by doing the same casual content you describing (pickpocketing and WQstin or killing regular generic mobs). If you describing this “gain” as “something good” you automatically became advocate for these guys and their stupid circus when everyone gain everything just for login in.

Stop talking to a mirror. Turn to me when I’m talking to you.

Jeezez chrisler. And here we go into victim mentality. Who told you that you talking to men here? Is there something that indicates sex of the poster?

Logged in, got my BIS. That’s totally what I advocated. That’s absolutely what I said. No. You’re just brainwashed by Blizzard into believing the gear hamster wheel is the only reason to play this game. Cool, go get your exclusive purps. Been there, done that. I collect mounts.

Now you just being hypocritical and all that you said can be turned to you as well.

That is exactly what I meant ofc, I meant something completely else, i didn’t advocate for hamsters wheels, you unbearable shapitto mime.

Go get your new 10001th dragon.

Oh, is the :clown_face: having a sad now because he gotten taken out of context? The purps can only rain down from the mythic raids. To heck with heroic even, only my exclusive purps come from mythic. Killing mobs dropping a BIS BOE? NEVER IN MY GAME! That could absolutely never happen in Warcraft of My World!!!

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Pretty sure someone was triggered, by more than one post.

Fixed that for you :wink:

honor and conquest gets bumped up in pvp. You got it wrong the other way around

As if you can’t get tier gear this xpac w/o raiding :thinking:

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Definitely not too broke :wink: