Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

Mythic dungeon ,dude. or you’re not even viewing it. I’m done with you.

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Thought you was done here. I know I know men always have to have the last word so GO ahead.

Its common when people run out of arguments to give, for them to jump to ignoring points and start throwing out insults.

Why does this bother you so much?


Then go buy a mythic raid carry.

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What does sex have to do with anything here? How entitled are you?

Did you not read the part where I said that I’m too lazy? Don’t care about gear. Realized it was a carrot on the stick. A never-ending hamster wheel. Did you have fun? Then you won. Stats last 3 months. Mounts last forever.


I wasn’t one spewing insults, I was just give back. Probably was uncalled for but am I supposed to sit here and take it? Indeed we are all different.

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Mounts are ehh. There’s very few that are cool. Most of the people with them earned them as a byproduct of doing something they wanted to do, not for the mount but for something else with the mount being a different prize a lot of them didn’t care about.

Same thing with pets pets, achievements, as well as toys and transmog.

I read it, and was too lazy to respond to it.

So then you don’t need higher gear, then.

Actually patch cycles are around 8 months or so, so it would be 5-7 months.

Welcome to RPGs, if that’s not what you’re here for, there’s the door.

Answer my question, what does sex have to do with any of this?

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It’s how man act, As a women of color I would know. Not saying we don’t use insults. But it best to just let most men say what they have to say and end it.

You’d be wrong, actually, as most men don’t get the last word. They just stroll off and stop listening because of the attitude you have. :stuck_out_tongue:


So not only are you a sexist, but now you are pulling the race card in a topic that has nothing to do with either sex or race. Jesus christ how much more entitled are you going to get?

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We all see two sides of each coin. I hear ya.

Why are you so into entitlement?


I can use more like all the protected classes.

Okay, sexist.

Cry me a handful of tears.

Okay, race-baiting exist.

can’t stop got to have the last word Go ahead prove my point.

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None of what you said will change the fact that you are a race-baiting sexist.

btw girl here