Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

so you equate a dr with a PHD with someone that fails 500 times? and whos real effort is running back after wiping? this is a game. your “effort” is hitting 123232324 while line dancing. you are over rewarded for this. mounts, titles, mogs etc etc. now all good gear belongs to you too. No one is going to call you with a job offer because you killed the jailer. You wont be interviewed by ESPN. other parts of the game deserve some kind of rewards too. you shouldnt be able to 1 shot the rest of the game because you raid. you are playing a game, not curing cancer.

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Again you haven’t read what was talked about, or just ignore what was said. I am not rewriting everything again. No one is complaining. We stated that more way to gear and progress could never be a bad thing. PLAY how you want, let others do the same.

Blizzard disagrees with you. That’s why they allow BOE drops in all raid difficulties and allow even us casuals to create legendaries. The pathways to better gear don’t have to be exclusive to instanced content. They just choose to design it that way.

so no one that plays basketball but NBA players are allowed trophies because it would degrade their self worth.

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nope because your bias is showing so much. You refuse to gitgud at the game and yet you expected to be showered w/ high level gear just because you guide turtles to the water. What a joke.

I’m not sure when this turned into me dunking on you for having a disability because I’m not but I’m pretty much gonna try to say it this way.

I’m sorry your disability makes things that are easy by design difficult for you. Now imagine doing things that are intentionally difficult? Those things have no business awarding the same things as the “easy” stuff.

I’m done here, if you can’t see that ZM dailies are easier than a raid then, I’m not sure what to tell you or what that has to do with your disability.

When we are comparing two types of players in the context of the game, yes, I am. Doing a mythic raid requires many times more knowledge of your class, the fights, and the game itself. Doing a world quest however, does not. You can do world quests by running around facerolling your keyboard. I would know this, because any time I’m doing world quests my eyes are glued to my other monitor watching youtube because I dont actually have to put in any real thought or effort to complete the content. If you think I am saying doing a mythic raid is actually as hard as getting a phd and becoming a doctor, you are looking at things way too literally.


I have nothing to prove to you.

you know that only the best team gets trophies and rings at the end of the season right? There are alot of nba players out there who has not once get 1 in there entire career. I dont see them complaining

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That’s because right now they’ve all cleared the raid, but during the first few months when a new raid comes out it fully is watched by a lot of people during their raid times, if they’re streaming them that is.

Some guilds don’t allow people to watch during prog, which sucks but I mean, can’t win them all.

Most people don’t actually care about the mog, the mounts or the titles. It’s the gear half of the time for a lot. Some mounts can be cool, a lot are usually reskins, recolors, something rehashed and not new, something ehh, etc but not so compelling to a lot of players. The titles do get pretty cool sometimes, but rarely really.

And yes, gear is def the one that 100% does belong to people who do harder content. That is dead on 100% true, in every single way.


No, but you will be interviewed by WoW devs, by WoWhead, etc. when you kill the jailer as first in the world, yeah.

You do get rewards, you just think you deserve better rewards. Truth is, no, you don’t.

Yeah, because the jailer hits harder than the rest of the world does, actually. So yes, you do.

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You have to be doing it on purpose, no one said shower gear on anyone. give others a path. a way to get some kind of good reward other than raiding. at the very least stop making raid gear an I win button for the rest of the game.

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you have so much path now than just raiding. You just refuse to see it. All you want to do is complain and complain and complain. Talk about entitled brats


Never said it would be high end raid gear ,dude no one even mention that but you.

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THIS is telling. I am personally done here because you are clearly entitled but I’ll end with this, equal opportunity not equal outcome is the name of the game when it comes to a player power reward structure. There exist no video games where simply spending time in them rewards things, maybe aside from cell phone games with micro transactions.

Things that pose a challenge and test your skill in ANYTHING award high quality stuff, be it cosmetics in a single player game, or player power in an MMO.

I’m done here, you and I both know there are multiple distinct paths to bis gear without raiding. You just want more.


No… you did when you said that you had mythic ilvl gear at 256. You are delusional.

Thank god, you guys are stuck in an out dated game mindset.

look it up,or are you that lazy.Oh no here you go,

LOL I can buy a mythic raid carry right now and wear all those exclusive purps. But I’m too lazy. My laziness knows no bounds. The argument that best gear has to come from hardest content is just something people have in their minds. If gear was scaled in instanced content y’all wouldn’t be pretending your soon to be obsolete gear is what makes the harder content worth playing.

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Either something is wrong with you in the head or we are not having the same conversation because you literally said to me you had mythic gear in ZM at 256 ilvl. That is not true. I am done here.

All of that just to spew more entitled garbage like this instead of actually saying what you suggest for the game. Great constructive conversation.

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