Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

Okay so you are going to continue ignoring my last question and instead jump to baseless insults. Also you are implying you don’t also have a bias here. Goodbye credibility.

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I got news for you. We’re all wasting time. Some of us prefer to just do challenging content :person_shrugging:

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M+ or raid or pvp rating, all walls just like the new content with better gear would be behind a wall of doing said content.

Then do it. Have fun. let other have fun other way.:slight_smile:

It is generally accepted that near or at normal item level is what “open world” stuff caps out, by blizzard’s design for the past few years. I don’t see much issue with that.

Gem sockets imo shouldn’t be random to begin with so, I will concede that it shouldn’t even be a part of progression to “get” sockets. Cypher gear is a good example of open world gear that helps you in that open world with unique procs/bonuses and can just as easily be used as a vehicle into more challenging stuff. Don’t see an issue with it esp. when tier gear, something previously exclusive to raids, is now obtainable without stepping foot into a raid.

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last I check anyone can get into the content. You know start your own group and such

I seriously have no clue what you are on about.

Raiding actually is hard. It’s certainly 100 times or more harder than any open world content could or would ever be.

No, you do content that isn’t difficult, not even remotely close, and you expect the highest gear from it. No. Never. Not even in your dreams, the answer is No.

It’s already been said many times and will continue to be stated:

  1. Open world players do not need this high gear for doing something as easy as killing a rare or solving puzzles. That’s just nonsense.

  2. It kills incentive to do raiding or mythic+, PvP, too, which makes it harder to find people to do this content with considering they could just lazy farm open world content, then and never need to do something with the raid or group.

  3. Your gear already goes to Normal raid ilvl, at 252. It doesn’t need to be higher. If so, do the harder content or get out.

  4. Outside of these, nobody actually cares.

Actually, to a lot of people it actually is a job. It’s called streamers. It’s called world 100 guilds who make an actual living off of doing things like this in the game, though mainly it’s world first raiders, mythic+ pushers, as in MDI and Great Pushers, as well as PvPers. They all make a living off of these avenues, so to them yes it is a job.

It’s also a job for high end guilds because there is a lot that they have to do to prep for a raid.

Not going to rehash why we need new content for new types of players.

Love that answer ,true so true but whoes wasting the time at a vault drop 15 mythic dungeons and raid when all I have to do is finish my quests because i can’t raid with arthritis.

if your having fun then why are you complaining about not getting the best gear? It’s your choice to stay bad at the game :person_shrugging:

There is no doubt that mythic raiding is challenging content. I applaud people who love this game and love working in teams and with their friends to get raid bosses down. I just think the gear thing is a mirage to some extent. Def should be exclusive rewards in raid though. Blizzard could give world players more pathways though. It’d actually encourage raiding if they gave more pathways.

:person_shrugging: I’m playing w/ friends. Yes I’m wasting time but also having fun w/ friends

Do you know what it’s like to be impaired. try it some day.

They can still have it. Most streamer views are not of them in raids. Probably PvP in wow now.

We covered this, If it just for fun then why do you care what gear they have.

that’s why m+ was created. You have rated pvp, raid and m+ to get the best gear in game. Doing easy content should never reward the best gear. It’s easy content for a reason.

All i got out of your word salad was that you don’t like grinding, cant raid because you have arthritis, and you asked me what sort of challenge I do over you? If you’re implying that doing dailies in ZM is akin to a raid boss you are sorely mistaken.

Sports are for fun too. Let’s hand out first place trophies to everyone, you know since its just for fun?

nope I dont care what you get. You’re the 1 complaining about why you cant have what raiders/m+ and rpvp players get.

I like basketball. I play it every week. I should be getting paid millions like the nba players doesn’t matter if I’m just playing pick up games on my local gym and not train 7 days a week to get good at the game :person_shrugging:

It is to those like me a challenge but you never would know that because you never faced it.