Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

Gotcha, so I can just log into GW2, run in circles for 50 hours and get top end gear?

No you haven’t, and I already have numerous times here. It devalues the reward from doing high level content, if players doing lower level content get the same reward. How is this hard for you to understand?

Even Blizzard used to believe in this pathway to some extent. I still remember getting my BIS trinket from a quest hub in Cata during Firelands. That felt awesome because I didn’t have to rely on it dropping or not dropping in the raid itself. And it also motivated me to get into the raid knowing I wouldn’t be a complete carry on day one. I liked how Cata was designed from that perspective. One of the BIS daggers/fist weapons was from pick pocketing and BOE. That was so cool to me. Blizzard hasn’t done anything like this since WOD unless I’m forgetting something.

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Is it really their argument when all you’ve been doing is demanding something and then expecting justification from the other side when you won’t justify your own beliefs?

Its your reward for what you do. Its others for what they do. Is ilvl some kind of trophy or self worth? That’s not a good game design.

LOL, nope mythic dungeon gear is 236,heroic sotfo is 265-272 so I’m in the right spot lol. perfect for the zone I’m in and yet your still working on yours.

Your argument is to lock everything behind the walls you like. I disagee.

And the level of that reward should correlate to the level of content you do. If you do more challenging, effort intensive content, you should receive a higher reward. If you do easier, more casual content, you shouldn’t get a reward that is of the same level as the former. By your logic, do you believe a mcdonalds cashier should be making the same amount of money as a doctor with a phd?

Dude, are you good? I don’t need to touch ZM because it’s not content designed for me. It caps out at significantly below the item level I need to do the content I do. At your item level I couldn’t accomplish a mythic raid or high level keystone.

100% your opinion. This is not a job it a game for FUN!


No, it’s the point that defeating a challenge historically rewards prestigious things in video games, and in real life. This is nothing new.

Okay. How near an ilevel is too close to top end raiding gear? A five ilevel gap? Ten? Fifteen? Fifty? 100, 150?

What about proc affects in the open world, or set pieces that have bonuses? Gem sockets? Are those limited to raid gear? If so, why? Where’s the boundaries of what makes raiding gear special or high quality and where non-raiding content gear impinges on that specialness?

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Okay so you are going to ignore my last question and assume the same logic behind it cant apply to an MMORPG.

Yeah, you don’t need to your a big shot raider I just do dailies for gold why do i need to spend so much time wasting on vault drops for higher gear that repeats over and over in rng? So whoes wasting time?

I have absolutely no clue what you’re even on about dude. I think you’ve lost the plot here.

agree to disagree. But man that last post of yours shine some light.

what wall? I’m not raiding and I’m 270+ Havent even step into mythic raid this tier

What challenge???

Not my fault you have reading comprehension problem or pre existing bias.

If Blizzard made the items purely cosmetic I wonder if they’d have this same argument? Probably not. The scale in dps checks are there purely as gear gatekeepers and to fuel the time played metrics. If you entered the raid and all gear was scaled to a certain item level the only things that would matter would be tier and trinkets per usual.