Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

You can spend 50 hours picking herbs and that doesn’t entitle you to anything. I can spend twice as much time dying in a single player game and that does not entitle me to a trophy that says I beat the game. I didn’t. I did not achieve anything.

This is actually so far from what my point was I think you may have misunderstood so I will restate.

Awarding high caliber near top end gear to players based on nothing more than time spent erodes what high quality rewards are. If anyone can get it with low effort, then it isn’t very special, or high quality.

Time and work should be reward enough for open world content it just takes longer.AS for mythic gear in pet battles if your in ZM you have mythic level gear already so that is besides the point.

Gee i dunno, why should someone who progresses the hardest form of content have their investment rewarded more than someone spends the all day doing world quests and pet battles?

High level mythic raiding is mostly skill and awareness. The gear is only needed because Blizzard designs it that way. They gotta get mythic guilds into heroic then mythic. Then they gotta clear it 10-15 times so everyone can get their mount instead of it just dropping for the entire raid the first kill. See how Blizzard keeps the carrot on the stick with gear and rewards? I think that high level content should reward nice and exclusive stuff, but not even Blizzard agrees with me. They think its disposable content with disposable rewards. Notice how high rank PVP gets their stuff retired? :wink:

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It’s not. If someone clears mythic sepulcher in half as much time as me they deserve that gear first. Not even sure what your point is here.

Maybe so, but things have gotten so badly skewed towards raider interests with 9.2 that raiders don’t even have to do open world content for zone rep, unless they want to min-max. Raiders don’t have to do Torghast anymore either, after over a year of whining.

Raiders refuse to do anything, unless they enjoy it, and still get the best rewards in the game. Things have never been this good for raiders, but this bad for non-raiders.

Raiders think that “You want the rewards, you put in the effort” should only apply to raiding because that’s what they enjoy.

Yes, because non-raiders are nerfed outside of their chosen content.

But for some reason, for anything from raiding item levels to 9.1 Dom Shards or 9.2 tier bonuses, devs think that raiders should practically own the entire game in terms of power levels.

Devs have openly stated “we want raiding gear to be the gear that everyone will want to have”, even though it is clear that fewer and fewer people want to raid.

9.2 is a disgusting new low for non-raiding content, and the latest earnings report confirms that sub numbers have also reached a new low.

ZM is purely open world content designed primarily for achievement hunters/collectors and non raiders. You don’t spend much time there if you have mythic gear. You are totally wrong.

It makes perfect sense. Somehow you feel it wrong or are threatened by it by it so be it.
Again you must have a reading comprehension problem. I already said MORE NEW content, with MORE pathways to gear. LIKE other MMORPG have.


I built my hunter from scratch just flying around ZM and open chest. I was never in danger except from other players (open wPvP). I have do not believe you at the slightest that doing all FREE stuff that gives you alt gearing mechanics you can’t come up to big numbers on outer content. Ofc you won’t be able to solo rares in ZM cause even mythic geared people can’t do that (they grp).

You are just whiny, jealous people who want free stuff given you away right at the login screen so you can for some reason be equal to those who actually play this game mechanics “for real”.

Tell me what level is mythic gear and I do spend alot of time there.

Because the content they are doing is still VASTLY more challenging than any of the other content you mentioned. That is why they get the best rewards in the game, they still have to put in the most effort.

That is not true at all, I and many other people who enjoy raiding think that should apply to ALL content in the game. You shouldn’t just be handed gear without doing something to earn it.

That’s your opinion but this way of thinking is out dated. Its hurt the game over the years. Its more then 3 people, They just all quit.

WHAT MMORPG awards top of the line player power simply for time spent? What does this mean? What are you talking about? More pathways to gear and said pathways awarding best in slot gear are not the same thing. You’re doing nothing but talking down to people and claiming they have a reading comprehension problem when you literally have not made a single point yet other than saying you demand the same rewards as someone else for doing different content.

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You can’t be THIS deranged. You personally also then don’t define effort by your own logic. Blizzards define effort (actually player base in general defines effort and it defined that raids and Mythics worth more than 100 WQ).


Alright, go ahead and explain how it makes sense then. Your response seemed to emphasize time and belittle effort. Effort is just as meaningful as time, if not even more so. If you do not put in the work, why should you get the reward?

I’ll spoil it for you: It’s not your level. You are 256 ilvl. Barely above normal. I’m at nearly 280, that’s the reason I don’t spend much time in ZM beyond hunting cosmetics and mounts.

and what exactly is this chosen content? Last I check they didnt buff dailies since 9.0

which has not changes since 1.0. Oh wait it has you can now get tier gear w/o even stepping into raid

I already have, Its your argument , you explain how it affects you what ilvl others have and how they got it