Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

you dont get to define effort. there is no real effort in a computer game. run a marathon, play hockey. there is some real effort. its a computer game. just because you have a lower ping than someone else doesnt make you special. we have seen how easy it is to carry someone through raids. how can we see if you really put in the effort or was just there for the loot?

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I fail to see what this means. If an individual opts to spend 100% of their play time doing pet battles that is totally fine. It does not entitle that same individual to the same calibur of player power as someone who is doing a raid.

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This is not an opinion. Completing a mythic raid takes VASTLY more effort than doing world quests for a few hours. If you disagree, go down mythic sepulcher and come back to me.

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If they put in time and effort. YES! Other MMORPG do. Why does there upset you. Play how you like. WoW has been on a huge decline. Like I said before This is not the twentieth century. The game needs to evolve.

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I’m going to ask, if blizzard gave more loot would this problem go away or would it continue?

Exactly. If I take my little gnome self into Zereth Mortis right now, as is, I’m in a huge world of hurt – regardless of spec. I could send Idun gear from my main via ZM’s catch-up methods; if I did, the character would only be in for a moderate world of hurt.

What some raiders seem to trip over is that the open world content increases in difficulty as new areas of it open up. Just as new raids or raid wings have increased difficulty. And like raiders want a sense of progression as they raid through increased gear, people who don’t raid want the same sense of progression in the content they do.

Said gear through open world progression doesn’t have to be the best. But there’s no reason it can’t have the occasional trinket (looking at you, Arcanocrystal) or other piece that has a property raiders drool over … and can’t get through raids.

Besides, we all know “best gear” is short-hand for “best-looking gear”. Stats and procs diminish with the next patch, but transmog is forever.


What effort do you have to put in doing world quests that even remotely compares to heroic/mythic raiding or achieving a high pvp rating? Tell me because I have yet to see anything in the open world that even comes close.

put real rewards throughout the game. at least attempt to give the 95% of the rest of your customers some progression. Blizzard isnt hurrying to 10.0 just because the jailer asked them too. They need to do something to remind the majority of their customers that they are supposed to be having fun, because evidently raiders dont play to have fun.

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Is this a serious response? This is akin to giving first place trophies to people who came in dead last in a competition. What does this solve other than erode the integrity of a games reward structure?

What more do you want? I absolutely play the game to have fun and I raid. I like raiding, and I like doing challenging mythic plus. I also like transmog, I like the mage tower. I like collecting mounts. I like doing old raids. What reward do you add that isn’t one of those things, but also not tied to player power? Unless you’re suggesting that we award mythic raid gear to someone doing pet battles?

Take away all PTR that lets raiders practice raids before they’re even released, and then we’ll talk about the integrity of the reward structure.

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Is this supposed to be implying that a raid becomes a curbstomp simply because it was tested on ptr? Is this why a very tiny amount of players have cleared mythic and I am still not done with it? Come on, lol

I am not saying something dumb like pet battles. I said more ways with more content not just kill one guy in a WQ.

TIME! and work.
But you don’t accomplish anything in a raid solo. What does it matter to you what someone works hours for?

Go do mythic on the PTR, and then tell me how long it takes you to complete the raid when it goes live in progression.

so there is only 2 spots on the reward charts? cant they make a little effort to reward casuals? or will it cut into the dev efforts of kissing raider butt too much? there is a wide spectrum and you jump from one extreme to the other. because everyone knows if you run a race you are either in first or dead last…

Your logic still makes no sense here. Time cannot be a lone factor in rewarding the player, otherwise someone who spends 5 hours doing pet battles should get the same rewards as someone spending 5 hours downing a mythic raid boss. I ask again, what form of world content asks you to put in even remotely as much effort as a mythic raid?

Not really? What content do you suggest gets added to the vault to be placed alongside pvp/raiding/dungeons? I seriously want to know what you suggest. Low level keys are there for you to progress in, LFR is a joke, normal is very approachable but that’s all “challenging” content. What do you suggest blizzard does to award players with high level gear that appropriately fits the challenge/effort required compared to what we have now?

What make you believe your game time is worth more than others?

The best gear should be earned by your best performance.
Like a mage tower(which doesn’t even bring gearing into consideration of how hard it is) or a mythic raid, or a Mythic 20+ dungeon.

Not a save 8 vombata pups 10 times or fly to the lich egg and crack it open.

You 3 people whining about not getting raid value gear are strange. And you are blind to the cause. If you get mythic raid gear doing regular nonsensical dumb stuff that EVERYONE can finish in 10 minutes of time there will be NO point of going INTO raid/mythics cause 90% of people go there just cause of gear. I finished gearing my rogue two days ago with 3kraitring in M+ and I immediately lost interest on M+ cause it will bring nothing more than I already have except vault random gatcha chance for +3 ilvl of a weapon (which will never proc).

Imagine people understanding that gear is handed over just for doing WQ: Raids and hard activities would be obsolete and only those who compete for achievements and ranks would be interested and will stuck forever in LFG in 7 to 10 persons grp.

I’m pointing out the “integrity of the reward structure” is a joke when you can practice getting it over and over and over. Face it – the PRT does turn the rewards of raiding into giving the first place trophy to the last kid to cross the finish line.

If there was no PTR and everyone had to go in blind, then concept of a reward structure having integrity would mean something. But we do have PTR, so there isn’t one. It’s just the gear carousel people who love to raid ride on.