Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

If you were in heroic raid gear or higher I wouldn’t even reach that level to be that powerful doing open questing.there is a limit .so if I want it I’ll have to earn that higher tier even if were questing,may take time but that’s how it should be.

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Until questing becomes as much of a challenge as heroic/mythic raiding, or high rated pvp, it should award no gear even remotely close to them.


why should they? they are a business. does it devalue? no, not any more than some one that bought a corvette is devalued when their neighbor gets a camaro. you are getting all of those other exclusive rewards. they didnt promise you that gear would be exclusive. If they want to try and start retaining customers, they need to figure this out. Ion has been steadily hemorrhaging customers. We will see if his new bosses are happy with this. Wotlk classic doesnt look much better. The whole no LFD issue has shown the ineptitude of the devs there. What should have been a slam dunk isnt looking so good now.

You think it isn’t a challenge? Then don’t do it because it’s soo easy to do but for some it is the only way to play.

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Agreed. People that have lot’s of time or no have RL issues. Just don’t understand. To me it’s harder to spend time grinding, than to spend 30 min in a M+ or a few hours a week in a raid and log.

There are people with handicaps, kids, work or other things that need to feel there sense of and progress.

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Yes and we need the gear for clearing raids. Casual players do not need ilvl 278 gear for pet battles and “collect information from roaming orb mobs” wqs. The best gear should be earned as is, not handed out for little to no effort.

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I definitely need mythic gear to solve the puzzle caches. Sorry, that’s how I roll. high level purps or bust, baby.

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In many different ways.


Did we ever say we did? people have issues in their lives that are challenging enough ti far out way the competitiveness of people in a raid environment, physical problems are there and don’t go away. If the had the gear it would make it easier for them. Would you deny that to some one because you think the will out shine you in power?

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He would, it may be some kind of ego trip. IDK. No wonder wow has gotten so toxic.

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Okay so you clearly have no idea how analogies work because that one is terrible. To give you a better example of one that also hopefully makes you understand what I am saying. Imagine you buy a corvette for $100,000, and the next day you see that your neighbor has just bought the exact same corvette from the same dealer, but only paid $10,000 for it. That is exactly how it would feel, if blizzard started giving open world players even more gear than they already give them, without making them put in as much of a sacrifice as raiders/high rated pvp players.

We all pay the same for our sub. No relevance. Play time is play time, How you use it sould be up to you.

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Just because you pay for the same sub does not mean you deserve the same rewards as someone who puts more effort into the game or does more challenging content than you.


I just don’t understand this a person with a disability plays a video game being bodangle by raiders because of gear level is the same knowing full well that person can’t move as fast because of joint pain,eye problems in a open world and say they don’t have a challenge.


you need the gear from the raid to clear the raid? so how do you clear it in the first place? why does that gear have to be top gear in every other aspect of the game? just as pvp gear helps in pvp but not elsewhere, shouldnt raid gear help in raids but not else where?


Why? So you who never was in heroic raid can FEEL better? FEEL™ equal? Lol. Yous ounds liek a lazy person who evy to those who actually do something to acheive their goals.

B-but I want to be on the same position as 7% of the player base!!11

Haha, no. If you want be equal to them go and do their activities. I will never be equal to conqueror PvPers or Mythic raiders cause I’m not good enough and have crabby reaction. And IM FINE with it. I choose to participate in what I can do (M+, heroic raids and unrated PvP).

You sounds pathetic.

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agreed. the game should reward you based on how much time you spend in the game.

That’s “like your opinion man”. Don’t be frightened of change. I fail to see how more pathways to gear could ever be a bad thing. What ilvl someone has when they walk by doesn’t affect me.


It should reward you based on the level of content you do, not how much time you spend in it. Otherwise you would be saying give mythic raid quality gear, to someone who spent 10 hours doing trivial world quests.

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So you are saying that you deserve the same quality of gear as someone who does content that provides 100x more challenge than the content you are doing, purely because you pay a sub? How entitled can you get?