Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

I think this whole post is showing this sentiment applies to world solo content quite well.

We honestly don’t care what little jimmy is running around with in the open world we never interact with him. We just don’t want to have to world content on farm every day for power gains. This is why we hated AP


Except for world bosses and the odd rare elite, nothing in the open world is much of a threat. Open world players don’t need mythic level gear.

Stop expecting high end gear being made available via simple quests or puzzles. Earn it.


I raid Normal and Heroic, I don’t care what ilvl open world players have. Try to to stereotype please.

To put it bluntly they dont even think about you. Ever. Your fears are made up in your head. No serious raider has ever thought “man those open world players dont deserve gear” they literally do not think about you at all.


If you do the easiest content in the game maybe shouldn’t be getting the best gear in the game eh? crazy thought I know


It’s about invalidating the games reward structure in a fundamental way.

Surely you don’t think you should get a quest reward without doing the quest?

Why do you think you deserve end game rewards without doing the content?


So you’d rather have to continually farm and gear up new raiders and lose them once they’re done, or having the alt rotation drama when other raiders get bored redoing the same content repeatedly.

I agree, Open World should not be the same level as Mythic raiding. That said, there’s no reason it shouldn’t be pretty equivalent to LFR/Normal levels. The especially annoying bit is the continued bottleneck throttling of weapons/trinkets which are arguably the most difficult and contentious drops.

High end raiders also get their shinies and titles that the casuals don’t, and that’s fine too.


I don’t give a crap what solo, open-world players are wearing.

I ABSOLUTELY care about what content I’ll have to do to get relevant, competitive gear. If open-world is a relevant source of gear, and raids aren’t, then I’ll be bored to tears grinding world quests and farming rares. I don’t want to do that.

  1. No

  2. This is why. I don’t want to do Withered Jim or slog through LFR every tier just because tier sets are a ludicrous performance increase. Titanforging sucked. Let me play alts and stick to content appropriate for the character.

And it is “mandatory.” See Tomb of Sargeras and Sepulcher being some of the most overtuned content in history because Blizzard had to account for Titanforging (ToS) and double leggo + tier (Sepulcher).

  1. Um, yes. The hardest content should have the greatest rewards. At 252 ilvl from Zereth Mortis you absolutely stomp ZM and LFR, you don’t need 278-285 to parse on rares and Antros.

You get full 252 gear from Zereth Mortis. That is normal Sepulcher level.


The core thing people don’t understand is why open world players are always complaining about gear. It’s primarily solo content and nobody understands this obsession with playing an MMO solo. Like dawg, the game has been based on group content since launch.

Anyways, maxed out cypher gear in the open world is quite literally more powerful than normal raid gear.

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because if you can collect 5 flowers and be rewarded 300 ilvl gear, what’s really the point of playing thru weeks and months of raid bosses?


It is already normal raid level…

why do “open world players” need mythic level gear?


This is the perfect reason why we hate when blizzard adds grindable ways to get gear with infinite time. There needs to be a balance and usually in the past it was through the badge system/currency system that had a daily or weekly cap.


Show me one instance of raiders claiming you shouldnt have power and ilvl please.

The biggest gripe anyone has with open world content having higher gear is that if open world content matches fear from lets say mythic, you create less reasons to do other content for gear. Also it can cause some unncessary gating if trinkets are held on world quests in a weekly rotation, we saw this in BFA.

Nobody cares, the question is always…why do you need it for open world? What could possibly make you need that gear for open world content? If you want better gear, then do the available content for it. That content is tuned for that higher ilvl and better gear, so they put it there. Open world content isnt tuned for mythic raiding, so there is world quest ilvl loot in there.

The real question is why do you feel like you are entitled to better gear for killing a mob in ZM or the like? Whats stopping you from doing M +2 and farming valor to upgrade pieces? Whats stopping you from raiding? You dont have to be social in a raid group, you dont have to be social in a key, so whats the beef?

Put it this way. If you go to a competition, lets say a science fair, you dont get to win for showing up with a crotchet hat, its not science related. You dont get a participation trophy either. You have to learn all that sciency stuff, participate in the competition with a relevant entry, and then you can win.


A question as old as the game itself. Raiders feel entitled because they think raiding is hard. Same as PvPrs getting salty they have to pve for pvp gear, and pvers wincing in pain when someone raids in pvp gear.
Unfortunately blizzard has catered to the raiders so long they have a chip on their shoulder.


I havent raided on this toon and im 275 ilvl from two weeks of playing


You can thank everyone who has been complaining. It wasn’t that seemless in previous patches.

Uhhh, i did it the same way as previous patches…valor upgrade and vaults

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