Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

yet raiders are more than willing to sell runs to get this “must have worked 500 wipes to get” gear. if it is going to be exclusive it should remain exclusive. otherwise get rid of this false exclusivity.

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its only a joke in raider gear. they should raider gear lower in the open world to make it relevant.


I really enjoyed island expeditions. )

Way more than the creepy nzoth stuff.

I actually miss BFA. It was imperfect yet charming.


I look at it this way if raider complain about people getting gear in the open world they shouldn’t be in the open world doing the same content. Let them raid only and see where that takes them.


This would make some tears. Have raid gear scale up like pvp gear only in raids. The rest of the time like BG ilvl


I know everyone loves to dump on it, but I enjoyed BFA. Island expeditions were a lot of fun and I enjoyed running characters in both factions just to see how the storylines played out for each side. That will probably never happen again because it seems Blizz doesn’t want to separate the stories by faction anymore.


Well,it would bring a little peace,and have 4 ways only ,pve open world ,raiding, pvp,and mythic none of them can cross each other since each don’t play well with each other.

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Not all raiders/guilds do that so I’m not really sure what your point is. I fundamentally disagree with gear boosting. GDKPs and paid boosts are a cancer to the game and should be banned outright. You cannot use a few bad apples to generalize an entire population.

not all open world players want better gear. blizz could put a stop to boosting if they wished, the ball is in their court.

I am all for more ways to gear and more content. Especially social content. wow need’s less toxicity. More fun that’s not found by blizzard and quickie deleted.


Right I understand that, but the difference here is that I am not making statements generalizing open world players. I am responding specifically to the ones here who DO think they deserve the same gear as high end raiders/pvp players without having to content that is equally as challenging. You are categorizing ALL raiders as people who support selling boosts.

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What if the raid content was based purely on the skill of the teams and the mechanics instead of gear? What if cosmetics were locked behind harder content instead of better stats? It’s something I’ve thought about. But then Blizzard wouldn’t have guilds progressing through the same raid 2-3x lol.

blizzard will eventually have to decide if they want just raider money or do they want those pesky casuals that sub year in and year out and want some progression too. It will come down to $$$$.

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Might be an unpopular opinion, but there’s nothing wrong with boosting people through raid content for gear.

That would be difficult to do most players wouldn’t even look up mechanics ,the only thing they concerned about is the now and it has to be now,not later,that’s why they start wipe 3 times then leave.

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If that is the case then they can make those skins appear in other places next expansion. bonus content. its either exclusive or its not.

Honestly, if you want rewarding world content just go play TBC or wrath when it comes out. Both of them, and even vanilla, do it way better than retail does currently. That being said, even though world content in those versions of the game does actually reward you with some pretty powerful gear (although you do still have to earn it and it takes time), they do not outshine raid and pvp gear. Why should they? World content is not and never will be as hard as heroic or mythic raiding, or high rated PVP, so why should it ever give gear equal to them? What do you need the gear for so much, that it is worth devaluing said gear from the other, more challenging modes of content?


You see it don’t devalue either raid or open world questing even if they are the same level just earns it one way while the other another and may have different stats.color and design.

There’s really nothing exclusive about raid gear. The devs actions speak louder than words. PVP is more prestigious than PVE.

If your character gets to be as powerful as mine for doing a 10 minute world quest, while I got my gear from hours upon hours of raid progression, it absolutely devalues the gear.

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