Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

It’s just jealousy that started this thread.

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On which side? the raider or the open questor?

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thats why the raider community cried bloody tears until titanforging was removed. they didnt want to do the work.

maybe they should do the work to get good pvp gear?

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The open questor.

I’d be willing to bet few people are jealous of the higher number on a raiders healthbar as they AFK in Oribos which will be made irrelevant when a new season comes out, and are more interested in having an alternate progression path that keeps them logging in every day that could also involve exploring the large world Blizzard has created instead of being funneled inside an e-sports hamster wheel.


And raiders never complained on it,really. I say both need to look in their mirror they are both jealous of each other which they shouldn’t be Blizzard did a good job at ilevel on both,except for those doing mythic + to do raids.

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As opposed to an outside hamster wheel? Because that’s really all gearing in the open world is: the same WQ, callings and missions over and over again. The only difference is they’re much easier and less time consuming than M+ or Raids. Now if your request for better gear came with an outside zone that had the same difficulty as M+ or Raids I’d be all for it. But judging by the gripes I read on this forum every time a new zone is deemed “too difficult” I have a feeling that won’t go over as well.

You mean all the raidloggers that whine if they have to engage with any part of the story in an RPG?

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The problem with that being that you can’t make single-player content is difficult as say Heroic Raids, because of the limitations of having only 1 character class attempting it - the holy triad of tank, healer, DPS, is broken, and individual classes, and worse, individual specs within individual classes don’t all play at the same level.

I used to raid heaps, but now only do open-world stuff, and I’d bet big money that Blizzard will never be able to make content design for a single player in the open world equal Heroic raiding consistently across all classes at once.

Therefore, since our content is always going to be inherently easier, it ought to be aware (somewhat) lower level gear as a result I reckon, and right now, what we get is pretty decent enough I reckon.


Considering the story in this RPG is garbage…lol.

I couldn’t agree more. I don’t raid much either. Too time consuming and I don’t care for all the drama that goes with it. More power to those that do.

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Gear is a carrot on a stick you can never catch. Even if you get BIS it’ll be obsolete next patch. I guess people need that motivation. I realized pretty quickly the gear grind wasn’t why I played WOW. When I was mythic raiding I basically just needed gear to get the job done. But if we wore gear that was already good enough and only interacted with mechanics and skill checks, people would realize the gear stuff is meaningless if the raid team gets the job done.

Alternative title: Humanbeak tries to justify buying boosts just like they do on every other thread to the forums by scapegoating the raider boogeyman character that GD has conjured up.

Wait they are not satisfied they they have the gear to do the job ? It has to be more? :astonished:

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Fun is part of it, but so is progressing your character. Again, if you don’t do the content, you shouldn’t get the gear.

For some people it really is for gear. I think deep down most people just like the idea of progressing through tougher content with a team/friends. Everyone has a different motivation though. I can’t say what is good/bad or right/wrong, but I do know that gear is obsolete within a few months. Mounts last forever. So that’s what I collect.

Why do non raiders care about having endgame gear for content that’s a joke?


Are you a raider? just curious.

When I used to do World PVP, end game mythic gear was hilariously awesome in the open world.