Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

Well written response. It holds true for me personally. You will notice my engagement drop off significantly once my goals are met. Season 1 was KSM, Season 2 were Portals, Season 3 was Conduits. I still play, but definitely with less enthusiasm.

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As someone that played a lot more when I was younger and still puts in about 60 hours a week gaming, gear is a crutch. Skill will far outweigh any person that has the best gear if they don’t know how to use it properly.

When I use to raid hard core 7 days a week 5 hours a night minimum, I use to use the gear I found in the world and dungeons over raid loot because I knew my skill level. I let the raid loggers get the best pieces first because they didn’t care about farming materials or doing content to get on par. They just looked at the shiny 1s and 0s that parsers said would be the Best in Slot piece.

Now I don’t do dungeons, player vs. player or raid anymore and spend most of my time helping people in the content that works with my current lifestyle. That means I have generated thousands upon thousands of useless currencies on my main and alternate characters. Would it be nice to upgrade them more then world content? Yes, through turning in those currencies to a vendor that upgrades them even further.

But to tell a person that all that time you put in which usually is significantly more than a person that doe’s dungeons or raid logs time isn’t worth it, no. An example would be my main, just over 1.4m anima, 427k stygia, 380k category research, 123k cosmic flux, 33k cyphers and 3,148 grateful offerings. That is just one of my 9 alternate characters that are max level that I spend time on helping people as I go about my business.

Once upon a time there use to be vendors you could turn the currency’s in to buy stuff that was equivalent to dungeon / raid loot. A catch up, RNG God modifier as we all know the horror stories of the vaults (well not me as I don’t do that part of the game anymore).

252 Cypher gear
You can buy random M+ gear with Valor and upgrade it to a certain point without any achievements
226 Gear vendor in ZM
226 Conduits in Oribos
60 Renown in Oribos


If there wasn’t an issue then WoW would be great.

It is not so great.

I think a big part of the problem is storytelling…or really total lack of it!

When the story is being told as bad as it is, we dont have any emotions towards the raidbosses, so we dont feel like we actually doing anything when killing them. Same for m+ and outdoor content. Nobody feel like they are heroes of the alliance/horde and put a dragons head on a stick at their capitol…its just log on - kill a few npc’s - log of - wait for ilvl reward. (or vault-dissapointment)

When the rpg part of ‘mmorpg’ has been left out there is only ilvl rewards left.

I am not really a roleplayer, but I need the mmorpg world to be alive and give some sence of purpose other than weekly vault.

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The question is why do you feel entitled to the same items people work hard for?
Open world drops the same as the Normal level raids, there is nothing more you need to do open world content. Now raiding and High Mythic+ are different, they require higher ilvl to pass them, so they reward higher. Its simple, why whine that your ilvl isn’t as high as someone who put in the work on harder content?

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It’s all about degenerate playstyles and being forced into trivial content for the hopes of RNG loot. It’s also just really bad game design to offer supreme rewards for minimal effort/time spent and lets face it, world content is a joke. You don’t need gear to absolutely crush it. When I’ve fresh 60 I just chain pull as much as possible to mop the floor with the threads of fate quests so I can just go do dungeons. The main story line is just as trivial, but has more annoying RP quests.

So yea, I don’t think raiders care much about what you’re wearing. They just don’t want to be forced to grind the bottom tier crap to be invited to their raids. At some point, generally a month or less into the expansion, world content becomes useless. It only serves as casual content and getting non-power related perks.

If they made world content on the scale and spectrum of mythic raiding or keystone hero level dungeons I’d be fine with them getting the same loot. I’m not much of a raider, pvper, or M+ player. I just do the content I feel is high enough at a PUG level to achieve, then I stop and raise an army of alts along with world pvp and random stuff. If I had more high end stuff to do I’d be on board. Collecting X flowers for X NPC and getting 278 ilvl would be a mockery.

My guess it’s about me and this just tells me in a gentle manner to shut up.

Instanced PvE gear should be strong in instanced PvE content.
Open world gear should be strong in the open world.
PvP gear should be strong in PvP.

They can all reach the same ilvl, but be meaningfully weaker in content they aren’t meant for.

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It wouldn’t be fair for people who put in next to no effort to have the same gear as ppl to who do competitive content. End of story.

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Work here meaning playing flappy birds in Bastion.

Good news, this is exactly how the game currently works.

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i would love a set for every type of content so i have absolutely no bag or bank space

i want to be able to mine ore for a mining set. i want to hop on my mount for my flying set. maybe toggle from run to walk for my slow but powerful set.

honestly, blizzard needs to get past this “effort for reward” thing. it doesnt even make sense. i can have a set for circling orgrimmar, specialized for that


Epeen waving. Can’t feel special if raiding isn’t mandatory for high level gear.


Pretty much. As someone who does m+/raid, as long as open-world gear isn’t better than the loot I get from my content of choice, I see no harm in people getting up to max ilvl in open-world gear. Just don’t make it equally powerful in instanced content so far as it opens “another gearing path” (that myself and most instance PvErs wouldn’t appreciate).

Because wah wah my effort is invalidated :frowning:


whatever you’re smoking, can you share?


So as a proof, I went and restored a bunch of gear I’ve vendered over the last couple months and built an open world set. I didn’t even bother to restore the stuff I could make into set pieces, its all just 252 cypher equipment and other things you can get doing world content. Then went and did Antros.

If I could do 40k single target with this gear in a raid instance, I’d wear it. Open world gear is fine.


Dedicated Mythic & Heroic groups: questing ilvl doesn’t affect them
Dedicated PvP’ers: questing ilvl doesn’t affect them
Dedicated Mythic + dungeoneers: questing ilvl doesn’t affect them

…yet people in every single one of those situations say that obtaining gear outside of those sources shouldn’t be in the game because it wouldn’t be earned.

Dedicated Mythic raid groups buy their gear from players
Heroic Raid groups prefer to have players who are overgeared for the content and will ignore requests from adequate-enough players
Mythic + is literally running the same dungeons over and over to the point that you know the entire dungeon, so it’s actually not that challenging

I’d say that none of their gear was truly earned in those three situations. I think open-world players deserve a chance at gear that’s equal to current-tier level gear.

Are you talking about RWF? or raid BoEs? Either way, that’s very limited.

Welcome to pugging. If you don’t like group leaders doing that, join an organized team.

If M+ isn’t challenging, why have you only run a single 15 all season, and it was in a group that looks suspiciously like a carry?

The real argument from raiders/M+ is that world gear doesn’t affect us until it’s buffed to the point that it does, and that’s what we don’t want.

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