Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

IMO ZM provided a rather decent path to solo gearing. If they upped that ilvl to the heroic or mythic raid ilvl I don’t believe it’d feel any better.

I just think the game feels shallow lately after you reach whatever the gear cap is for your playstyle. Probably because there’s really no benefit in the world to being that much stronger, other than things fall down quicker. But there’s so few tangible rewards tied to things falling down at all.

Right now, the current content’s collection system is still very RNG dependent. The only thing in this entire expansion that feels decent to me (again, IMO) is grateful offerings, because it’s a direct path of “get X until you have Y” without any outside-the-game research required, without camping anything and hoping for an RNG drop, etc…

That content that drops that currency was outgeared in patch 9.1. The only place being stronger in 9.2 is noticeable is Zereth Mortis, but there’s so little to actually work on in Zereth Mortis other than gear. I guess protoform synthesis is all right, but it’s just a more complex “camp this for RNG drops” which is not a compelling design.

Game just needs more to do that actually feels like you’re going somewhere other than gear.

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M+ scales and has affixes. Raid is static and is “literally running the same raid over and over to the point that you know the entire raid, so it’s actually not that challenging”.

I’d argue 252 for open-world is more than fair, which is on par with M+8 and 9.

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Because they want to feel special? Riad progression… watch YouTube video, mimic actions learn 3-4 different dances for 10-15 min to kill boss. Collect gear feel special. Since open world players cannot dance they are not special.

Part of the draw of giving up your schedule for the game is being able to lord your rewards over those that don’t.

That’s why they hate m+ so much. Normies getting gear makes them mad.

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you don’t give a crap…but you do ?

So much generalization going on in this thread.

If only Toxicalic Emanation was actually real damage, and not just phantom numbers to troll Details! with.

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That’s the sole purpose of an mmo is the power creep. Regardless of what the player does with the gear. Their needs to be Reward.

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There is reward though. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a nearly completely solo, open world player nowadays, and I’d love to have better equipment, but I’m not doing Mythic dungeons or Heroic raids, and the content I do do, isn’t nearly as difficult as either of those.

Therefore, the gear rewards shouldn’t be as good.

They probably care because raid is considered end game content… and if open-world is dropping high ilvl stuff… probably feel it takes away the value of raid gear, meaning… you don’t have to do end-game to get end-game quality gear. That is my guess.

Maybe WOW needs a companion system like Pocopoc or what they have in SWTOR and ESO that can be leveled and useful during solo play but is not available when you join a group.

Or they could do something with professions that allowed players to gain power in their chosen mode of play be it raiding, PVP or open-world.

Or maybe something like Benthic gear that you could grind but with properties that only benefit you in open-world play.

It doesn’t seem like it should be too hard to come up with something that allows continuous progression for players in their favored mode of play that doesn’t “force” them into content they don’t want to do. I for one would love to have a sense of progression without creating alts and repeating the storyline a dozen times.

I see a lot of complaints people are stuck at ilv 233 or 246 but as I finished all of ZM and synthesized most of the mounts, the gear level dropped me 252 gears on this main, most of my gear is now 252 just from open world in ZM.

Anyone who mythic raids for progression are going to armory your character before an invite is given.

Yeah except most MMOs, hell even ARPGs which are well known for power creep and it’s a design feature for those games especially associate the idea with the power creep behind doing progressively harder content.

PoE doesn’t generally reward players for blindly staying in white maps farming, their item drops potentially being good are few and far between. If you play a build in PoE, unless it’s a budget build getting it to the point of being good enough to just effortlessly farm most of the game that isn’t the hardest content is still about a solid week or two if you know what you’re doing and can make currency fast.

I agree on reward, but there’s also a whether the activity warrants the reward that generally is met with difficulty factored into the analysis. Generally items that are very simple, can be done on your own time and are pretty straightforward to get tend to not really be that great. Rewards that require a coordinated effort of some variety tend to offer better, with this going up based on the difficulty of the content.

I think part of this is a weird thought “non” raiders have.

First off I don’t care what any of you say you don’t need “raid level” gear for open world content, everything dies, A raider will kill it .6 seconds faster then you but remember they had to work with 19 other people who can be THE WORST human beings to earn a CHANCE at that gear, they earned it, its that simple. - and again WHY did they earn it? they had to HOPE 19 other people all where on the same page, then hope the group don’t stress our rage quit, THEN hope after 6-15 minutes worth of a boss something drops for them, 3-5 items for a group of 19.

But I think non raiders THINK if they get better gear they can out power or out gear the raid or something and get into move things which is not the case, you still need awareness and a small level of skill. I think non raiders thing high gear = skill removal = OMG I CAN RAID NOW! And…no its just not like that.

And while most wow players are the worst anyway, I have seen many times where ‘non raiders’ with some decent gear will go into a group, fail super hard and then go “LOL YOU GUYS SUCK” and leave…when its like my dude you didn’t even beat the first boss in this raid but we suck?

Mythic raiders aren’t going to care if open world has a progression path, neither are high end pvp’ers and m+ players or even those last two on the lower ends. It’s the heroic raiders who always have a problem with people getting better gear because for some reason heroic raiders think that heroic raid is the pinnacle of content and should get the best of everything and they shouldn’t have to do anything outside of that to get better gear. Which I agree with the latter in a way. Gear should be a means to an end, not an end goal.

I will agree on your last paragraph, but one thing I see is raiders always saying how hard they had to work, honestly I’ve done both,( my raiding char is just a memory now) raiding was easier, you signed in did your things and signed out for the week, to assume open world or PVP isn’t work is a wrong mindset, open world and PVP you are here every single day, grinding the things you need in order to attain the best open world or PVP gear, I spend hella more time grinding open world or PVP than I ever did raiding. So I think THAT is a weird thought that raiders have.


You missed my point. MMO’s are all about getting stronger. its that simple. If Blizzard really wanted to remove that and give gear based on raids. All they would have to do is remove the ILevel tag and the treadmill comes to a halt. As long as their is an ilevel progression. Everyone should have a chance to increase it. Its the foundation of the endgame.

Oh good, this idiotic thread is back.

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Everyone has the same opportunity to increase it. Someone not wanting to do what is required to improve it doesn’t change that fact.

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