Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

Better hurry up and get it to enjoy because it’ll be gone starting Dragonflight.

Why not respond to the rest? Im quite profound about classes not offering a true smooth experience without adequate gear, which starts somewhere at i.e. 25-30% haste, which is definetly not at item level 254 currently for me (with full ZM 6/6 gear on EU).

Your questions:

  1. “Literally why would you want higher gear to do the same content you got the gear for?”
    → because - like i stated in my previous post - world content in white/blue gear is terrible to go through, it takes time and you get rewarded with gear that makes the game play better.

I do want that status quo when engaging in world content.

  1. " You wanna do it just for fun?"
    → That and what i said in 1)

  2. “If you got that gear for free you don’t need to M+ or Raid anymore. That would be dead content because if you can get gear somewhere else you don’t need to play it.”
    → Those would offer different challenges and expriences. Reason enough to run them. Its also fun if its not frustrating. Keep in mind that the open world gear is NOT “for free”. I do spend weeks getting reputation up and thus other systems involved in item level. Its the reward for working out on your keyboard.

Hope this clears up the mystery of world gear and fun in wow for you, based on my expression.

I am enjoying it and I will enjoy it in Dragonflight too when I am doing actual end-game content.

You literally start ZM on a fresh toon with 226 and can get 252 with Cypher. That isnt “white/blue” gear.

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Oh geez,ouch.

You do know that you have extremely higher\better stats at a lower ilevel than you do at a higher ilevel… right? There was a point where I had a nutty amount of Mastery on my resto druid from 226 gear I bought. Now that i’m 276 I can barely get 15% Mastery.

Also, nobody is doing content in white gear, like if you are then you shouldn’t even be playing because green gear is given to you for free just by walking up to the vendor and saying hello. Green and Blue gear is plenty for open world since you’re meant to be playing with other players, it is a MMORPG after all.

Gonna be completely honest here right now. If you were given mythic raid gear for free from open world content, raiding would die. Same with m+. You’d be playing with 10 players and can’t even fill up a group. The best part about raiding is the reward that comes with it. Why raid if you can just do it open world? Literally.

No, this is how you kill content.

Or at least any player with gear higher than what world content gives should be willing to take that risk. This accomplishes more than one thing. It prevents tryhards with grouped content gear running around in warmode executing lowbies. It also will result in rogues continually being nerfed to the ground

In the long run raider don’t have to worry about the wqer getting high level gear they’ll never match nor exceed theirs . Yet,they would still point they don’t need it that’s not theirs to decide .

How it should be.

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This will always, always be an issue. And it has the easiest fix. Don’t play warmode. Back when warmode wasn’t a thing and there was PvP exclusive realms it was the same, and this was many, many years ago. Now you can play on any realm and choose to have warmode on or off. If you want the extra bonuses you risk being killed by another player, level 60s will always go kill level 10s etc “for the horde” or w/e.

I spent hours trolling STV killing lowbies. Great times.

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I am ok with them doing that though. They should inherit the risk of losing their gear if they get defeated by someone in lesser gear. Challenge is rewarded

Oh,pvp warmode ,well that’s true.

Well, no. Because of the open world pvp change that happened some time ago. You actually can fight a level 60 as a level 50 or lower, the damage scaling is different visually for both players. A level 50 can literally clap a level 60.

Maybe without any gear, the 60 with gear will never die to a 50.

It is. Whats your point? My point was about classes feeling sluggish and bad to play pre 25%+ haste i.e. I am at 254 ilvl with ZM gear and have less than 20% haste and less than 30% crit, full enchanted, 2 legendary pieces. I ran ZM with my main through white and blue gear. I stated that i cannot appreciate my classes due to low secondary stats and those are still terrible for some specs.

Don’t get lost on that detail.

Because whales paid good money to be ran around like children in a raid, only to be shown up by someone else who plays the game differently.

What are the whales gonna do? PLAY the game? Thats pretty absurd.

Also the people running the whales would hate for their TOTALLY LEGIT NON REAL MONEY ONLY GOLD runs to be obsolete


Sounds like an issue with scaling.

They made the change I’m not sure when, but pvp scaling in open world is significantly different than it used to be. I’d have to go find out when it happened, but I think it started maybe 9.1 or so? Like a level 50 is doing the same damage the level 60 is doing to them, and visa versa. It’s only a big gap if the level 60 is extremely high vers I believe.

Do you have the BoE 262 from the AH? You can select which secondary stats you want. Ring would offer a lot of Haste/Crit.

I agree,it is a hard balancing act,with me it’s too much haste and too much vers .sometimes it’s better to have old Korthia gear but the health would suffer.