Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

You’re not required to solo rares.

Not as dps,abut as a tank hell yeah.

I believe the blanket answer would be that raiders feel entitled to better gear because they put in more effort with the teamwork and cooperation necessary for a raid, as opposed to open-world quests.

That said, I actually believe there should be a different system. Remember when PvP items had different stats, that were more relevant to PvP? Or bonuses that ONLY worked in certain settings? Why not just incorporate something like that again. You can rise to whatever ilvl/gear you want doing what you want to do, and the gear you obtain is relevant for what you enjoy. The division would be that raid gear doesn’t translate into PvP gear, and vice versa. The same could be done for open-world gear, adding a stat that only activates outside of instanced content.

They did something like that this xpac, really similar to the kind it was during WoD. During WoD it was really bad, pvp gear was the same ilevel as raid gear, and scaled high in pvp. You couldn’t tell who was a pvper and who was a raider without physically inspecting them.

Nobody needs raiding gear unless they’re raiding. Nobody needs pvp gear unless they’re pvping. You can literally play the game with what you’re given in open world. It’s not that we’re entitled it’s that you DON’T need it for any reason, if you just do open world.

Why give you something we had to spend countless hours\days\weeks wiping on, huge repair bills, lots of stress etc, for free? Lol?

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Problem is that they wouldn’t be able to sell runs with people in wq gear nor can they jump into a raid using it. The same would aplly to raider doing wq content.

A reason why an open world player (me) cares about item lvl:

*** Some classes are functioning poorly without good haste (gear) ***

I find it curious that we have to start any new expansion with extremely low haste. Haste in particular is smoothing out rotations and makes the GAME EXPERIENCE so much better for me personally.

It has come to the point, where i feel a need to progress classes into certain item level thresholds to actually get a true functioning class feeling out of them.

World content is not rapidly getting easier, nor is it at max convenience when you are at white or blue item level. It is a chore to heal up more often or run away from a +3 pull when you can only handle 2 mobs at a time.

→ content gets more convenient with higher item level
→ classes play smoothly with better haste and some specs are heavily depended on it (in that regard)
→ higher item level gear would definetly help me getting interested in raid or mythic+ content. Without the gear, i doubt my class to a) entertain me playing the rotation for 30+ min in such environments and or b) perform well enough in a group of strangers seeking fast and easy clears.

Hope this makes sense in this discussion. Thanks for reading!
(A random EU player)


Not understanding what you’re saying.
People selling runs don’t need you in any gear, you touch the boss then go die. You can have 0 ilevel, is that what you mean?

Or are you trying to say that gear being raid exclusive is causing people to sell and open world players are paying for runs? That is their choice. Nobody said they had to buy a run, or forced them to do it.

You are being disingenuous. They would do it the same as practically everyone else. As a group. People constantly flock to them.

I’m with you on that lol. That’s why I’d propose a system wherein open world players do get some type of special gear, that’s specifically catered to open world content, but the buff would be taken away upon entering a raid. Both sort of win in that circumstance.

Why wouldn’t they be able to sell runs? The people selling the runs are geared, and the people buying aren’t, which is…why they’re buying them?

Also, I’m not saying that the open-world (not world quest) gear would make someone OP, it would just give them a buff in open world content, and that stat wouldn’t be active in instanced content, like PvP or Raid/Dungeon.

I’m not even gonna bother responding to anything else besides this. My only question would be “Why?” Literally why would you want higher gear to do the same content you got the gear for? You wanna do it just for fun? If you got that gear for free you don’t need to M+ or Raid anymore. That would be dead content because if you can get gear somewhere else you don’t need to play it.

Not by what he was applying if they restrict wq to only being wq gear it will be nelled before entering a raid or dungeon .This has been suggested by others to do this so only wq have their own gear,same goes with raiders. You’ll have to look it up with screamers suggesting this.

Technically ZM’s Cypher gear is directed mainly at open world players, as us raiders don’t use that in raid, for obvious reasons. It’s accessible to us but we don’t use it. Those bonuses on cypher gear was made for you guys. It may not be much, but it’s something we don’t have, well use.

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Because they’ll be nelled you can’t use the gear in the raid at all .

WQ gear is for you guys who do open world. It’s RNG just like drops in raiding is RNG for us. Raiding is 1 chance per week, you get countless chances for gear from WQs per week.

You don’t need to raid if you’re just doing open world. You don’t need raiding gear just to go do open world. Literally already said you’re not meant to be soloing anything. You don’t need our gear for zero work invested, sorry. Most of us raiders spend weeks and countless hours preparing for raiding, then spend more hours and days, some people even weeks, on the same boss.

You are not entitled to get free raid tier gear from open world when everyone who raids has to stress for theirs.

I agree with you 100% on that. I think that’s a step in the right direction, but shouldn’t be implemented during the catchup phases. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not advocating for someone to be able to grind out high gear for minimal work or anything.

Oh well lol. People are angry irl because they don’t make as much as others, and equate working at McDonald’s to a real job that should actually pay what is considered a livable wage. But I won’t get into that. People can be mad, but that doesn’t make them right.

Simply because at this point, people who actually do end-game content would have out geared the cypher progression. If someone wanted to raid Normal SoTFO in Cypher gear right now, they can.


Same here with world boss there is no guarantee you’ll get it four weeks to get one drop 8 weeks now for the other but you get more in a vault then we do.so…?

The real problem with open world gear like I tried to point out way earlier in the posting, before you got here, was the stat values tbh.

Like, ilevel only means so much. Open world players just need access to better stat gear of the same ilevel they already get. Us who raid and do m+ have a larger pool because we can pick or choose the content to grind out, for hours and hours, for that one piece of gear.

Only a very small amount of classes benefit more from raw primary stat value outside of secondary stat value. Yes primary matters, but if it’s a very small ilevel upgrade, the secondaries will give you more damage which in theory helps surviving as well, because if it’s dead that much faster, it can’t do damage to you anymore. Get what I’m saying?

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I’d say Blizzard cares.

Players will most likely go the path of least resistance. If World Quests offered the same, then Raids and Mythic + participation would dry up with only a niche amount of players still doing those activities.

That would be devastating to World of Warcrafts archetype 3 pillars and would cause management to justify the investment of time and resources into future raids and mythic +. Blizzard would have to reinvent itself and considering its track record with warfronts, island expeditions, Torghast they haven’t done so well.

I’d suggest Blizzard work on a fourth pillar that rewards open world players with a slow progression in iilvl with each patch and season to heroic but the benefits don’t hit till almost the release of the new patch.

Zereth Mortis should be bumped to 278 on the release of Season 4. It allows open world players to tackle old raids for pets, mounts, transmog. By now, the final raid of Legion Mythic should be a cake walk for every class. Otherwise there really is no reason for those type of players to sub till release of DF.

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If you defeat a player in the open world that has higher lvl gear, you should be able to take their gear and use it or scrap it for materia

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