Actually it does get old.
While BM with tank pet possible,oh yes. Loner nope,not without a group helping.
They all did it solo. The hunter did it as Survival. So again, you are wrong. 226 is more than enough to get started. The Cypher gear you get along the way and later down the road makes ZM a joke.
I did the entire ZM campaign as a Destro lock in 226 gear before running any M+ and used my Felhunter the entire time.
Yes, but quite because there wasn’t a reward in RNG. Look up the info on my profile.
Clearly you haven’t. So let me give you a breakdown of statistics to help you understand the value of items over ilevel.
Lower ilevel weapon\trinket = 3k+ dps increase
Higher ilevel bad weapon\trinket = No dps increase + 1k health (that’s being very generous)
What do you think is more important?
Doing more dps allows for skipping mechanics, btw. Mechanics that do damage.
I hardly doubt it, i seen people try to solo the rares only to see the results.
Why are we all of a sudden talking about soloing rares? You just moved the goalpost.
You are not meant to solo rares. Not even with the highest ilevel in the game. MMORPGs aren’t designed for soloing. Quests yes, open world? No. Can you? Yes. But it’s not designed for that. You don’t need to solo a rare for any reason.
It’s content if you haven’t notice. No goalpost movement at all there.
And I do know this why else would’ve had done them in the past.really.
You are not meant to solo ZM rares, tanks can do it - slowly. This discussion has been about completing ZM objectives, campaign, and world quests. Which is completely reasonable in 226 gear.
They gave the solo player gear with the ZM loot. 233 gear isnt bad for for solo people.
Not as a dps I’m not but tank oh hell yeah!
Case and point, you moved the goal post. You, yourself, were talking about the zone and not the rares. 226 is a reasonable starting point for the ZM Zone.
They are the same content .so hunter soloing at 223 in some of the zone (possible) but not rares.
Mythic raiders have to do open world content, we also have to do M+ content, and obviously we also have to raid.
Certain items that help in raids are locked behind rep, which requires open world content.
Some powerful items are in m+ that are significantly better than anything in raid, so we have to do that.
Open world players literally just do open world then want what we all worked for to get, like, no. Put in the effort to get the reward, don’t complain that you’re left behind, you chose to be left behind. If you can’t raid then you don’t need raid equivalent gear. If you can’t do M+ then you don’t need M+ equivalent gear. If you only do open world, everything you need is accessible to you in open world and you need nothing more than what is offered there, for any reason.
If you later decide you want to be doing raiding or m+ months after content is out, you have to do the same work everyone else had to do to get where we are now, you can’t just jump on the ship because it sailed away, you gotta work to get to it.
252 is unlockable in ZM, 252 is WAY more than enough for everything ZM has to offer, you even get bonuses from ZM gear that we don’t have on our gear from raiding, which gives you an advantage over us. But none of that matters I guess? I mean you don’t see mythic raiders complaining as much as open world players do, and we have to grind out everything.
You are being disingenuous and you know it. Talking about the zone and then switching your argument to soloing rares is not the same content or discussion.
Starting ZM with 226 and ending at 252 is more than generous.
They don’t need to do them past a point of progression .Get to exalted they’ll quite doing them .They really don’t need the zone.
Getting to exalted requires a long, tedious grind of farming rares and WQs and weeklies etc. It’s not done overnight. We have to do the same open world content you have to do, as well as doing m+ and raiding. What’s the problem you guys are having? You’re literally an open world player wanting free hand outs everyone had to spend weeks and months of constant grinding to get, and you want bliz to be like oh yes here you spent weeks picking your nose, have 285 gear! No… Do the work.
Quest require you to do them to fulfill the weekly quest in ZM how else would you do it, just running chests? How boring.