Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

Literally walk up to the vendor and get gear wym

Like I said, the mage tower, being a glad, mythic raiders should have the best mounts/skins/etc and not available to everyone unless you want to put in the time.

Gear is different to me. But, not many share my sentiment.

Muting so I’m not tempted to read or get anymore responses even tho that rarely works for me being a moth to the flame personality :laughing:

Must be really hard to justify doing absolutely nothing and wanting the things people work for because you don’t want to do it. Let’s just make every thing in the game available to 100% of the player base the second they login. Let’s also make gear completely irrelevant, titles and all that. I mean, why even play? You logged in and beat the game, now what?


Yeah,at 233 like if that’ll help when running through Korthia LOL.

Can’t help it you’re a honeypot :heart:

Open-world players don’t need mythic raiding equivalent gear if Blizzard would stop open-world content scaling. It doesn’t matter what level you are or what gear you have, all mobs scale to your power. Open-world people think they need stronger gear while it’s just dumb scaling making them never feel stronger.

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233 is basically heroic gear from raiding, that’s way more than enough for Korthia. The game wasn’t designed to be beaten in 1 day. You were never meant to run past 80 mobs to get to a rare halfway across the map in 5 seconds. You were never meant to solo the rares there in 3 seconds. Ya’ll want it easy mode without actually playing the content. I don’t understand the logic.

Ahh… this fight never gets old…

It’s coz like you said that it will become mandatory to do open world content if raiding isn’t more rewarding.

This is… not completely true. They don’t continuously scale to be the same difficulty.

Nope 236 but close for a starter,you see the progression.

3 sec,really as a mage? now I’m laughing.

The difference between 3 item levels for an open world player is literally at most 20 extra dps. Because open world players don’t care about perfecting gear, ilevel is irrelevant to you. Like you’d save a few seconds, oh boy.

If you take off the cypher ,legendary and tertiary traits yeah that would be so but the health is needed more than this at the time with it to survive the zone there is no way around this.

The zone is survivable with the 226 gear you buy with gold from the ZM vendor.

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This is misinformation if I ever seen it.

Having 1 million health wouldn’t help you survive if you’re doing negative damage to something.

Gear isn’t everything, ilevel isn’t that important. Stats are for the majority of all classes. Mythic raiders are still using trinkets\weps from 1-2 raid TIERS ago, because of stats or the value said item gives.

Ex. if you gave up something extremely valuable for your class, like crit or mastery, for more health and a stat that does nothing for you. All you did was gain more health and lose damage, you realistically made 0 progress for that ilevel boost. You gained no damage, or lost damage, for health.

How is it misinformation? I literally did it on my fresh lock. My friend literally did it on his fresh hunter. My other friend literally did it on his fresh lock.

I did it as well when I swapped from Monk to Druid late in the raid tier, 226 made the entire covenant storyline easy and I didn’t even have to change out of healing spec, just did dps as feral affinity, didn’t even heal myself lol.

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Oh is this so? you mean raider don’t need health for survival in a raid? LOL,that comes with the level of your gear.

Have you ever raided before?