Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

Idk who started this or why it’s even a thing.

Raiding isn’t just for the ‘fun’ of it, it’s for higher ilevel gear. Open world requires absolutely nothing, what would be the point of raiding outside of ‘fun’ if all gear at the same item level was obtainable?

That would also apply to M+, why even bother doing it? Most people get KSM to upgrade gear via valor, or conduits. If all that was accessible in open world, why even do M+ or raiding at that point?

You literally don’t need 280+ ilevel for open world anything. You’re not meant to be soloing rares with 50x your health, it’s supposed to be a group activity so what realistic reason do open world only players need mythic raiding\m+ level gear?

So you had a static or were you playing a tank? I remember when SoD launched and you couldn’t get an invite to kill the world boss unless you were 240+. It took 4 hours of getting denied groups the first couple of weeks to get in a zerg group even.

That is, again, not true. World boss invites are instant/auto invites.

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I never said I wanted mythic gear.

I’m outtie because ppl lose their minds with this.

Break down on level gear,

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I feel bad for the people that do these activities that they don’t find fun. Why even pay for a sub at that point instead of playing another game?

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You get 252 gear for free basically in ZM, there’s 0 reason for it to be higher in any way. If you want higher gear, for open world content, do raiding\m+ content for it? I don’t understand the logic.

Idk man because I’m over M+ and raiding.

Then you don’t need that gear lol, like if you literally do just open world content, 252 is way more than enough… There’s 0 reason for an argument about getting free gear everyone else has to work for, because you don’t want to play the same content the others are playing, and then just chill in open world to kill rares or whatever.

Worked for 🫠

You’re absolutely right bro.

6-8 weeks with a couple of hours of play each day. This number is variable based on if the right WQs pop for the gear slots you need once you reach level 6. That isn’t doing nothing. The effort isn’t any different than 4 man zerging a 15 when you are overgeared.

Yes, raiding and M+ is work. It’s not free handouts you actually have to play the game. Sorry?

Some people want to be able to slip into raiding or M+ with a new patch cycle or current patch if possible. The community has ridiculous standards for this after the first couple of weeks of each patch.

I never asked for free handouts 🫠

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Stop spouting non-sense. Have you even done a 15 this season? I have disproven all of your arguments in the last half hour. All you are doing is spreading misinformation.

4 manning a 15 IS ez :clown_face:

No, the standards people have isn’t gear related. It’s experience. Ya’ll seem to forget that. If you didn’t do keys last season, and your ilevel is low, people assume you don’t know how to play and don’t want to do a learning\progression run.

I’ll give you an example.

270 ilevel person queues, 0 rating, no keys done last 2 seasons.
240 ilevel person queues, KSM last 2 seasons, 0 rating this season.

This is assuming both players are playing on their mains, aka the 240 guy got KSM last season.

Who do you think will get invited? You’re going to say the 270, but it’s gonna be a no. It’d be the person who knows their class & has experience for that content already, vs someone who hasn’t ever done it before.

It’s never been about gear, yes it helps. But gear means nothing if you don’t have experience?

It is, but not comparable to ZM Rares like he is saying.

They would always say it’s a free hand out but you have to do the content to get it,free hand out is a magical delusion in this game.

Oh true. This is what happens when I do not read every comment.

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