Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

Without there being parity towards the end of each patch (when it doesn’t matter anymore) there is a perpetual loop of being behind for open world players. When the new patch hits and you are 20 ilvls behind you can’t choose to try out raiding or M+ because the player base gear gates you. Everyone should be able to get mythic ilvl in that last 4-6 weeks of each patch cycle.

The same reason I don’t want everyone to be paid the same wage, some people put more effort in and should be rewarded as such like anything in life, want better gear? Put more effort in or enjoy the lowest ilvl rewards possible as that’s all that is required to do open world stuff.

Open world players probably put in more time than any other activity. Is time not effort?

And what level is that? 180? in ZM? open world questors don’t get mythic raid gear so what’s the point? If that were so then raiders have 0 business in world quests.

Did I already respond to this? :face_with_monocle:

Makes me laugh when ppl are like “I wOrKeD fOr mUh gEaR!”

It was never about gear to me. It’s about the achievement/possible mount/etc

It’s all a waste of time and if you’re so triggered by casuals getting gud gear you might need a reality check. First world problems.

Things like mage tower, being a glad, etc should always have the best rewards that aren’t handed out imo.

Gear that’s replaced in a few months. Who cares.

Time is not the same as effort, you could put all the time in the world into mythic raiding but unless you put the effort into getting good you won’t succeed, again there’s no need for higher ilvl gear to complete open world content rewards provided are already more than good enough.

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Obviously, the people begging to be rewarded for nothing do.

I like how you conveniently forget the fact that gear is apart of progression in this game.

No, time does not equal effort. If I log in for 8 hours a day and do nothing, did I put meaningful effort into it?

Rightly so,everyone is different have their own way to play in the game. Raiders raid,adventurers explore, pvpers do battle grounds and arenas even war mode,there is all sort of stuff to do ,just have to pick your choice.

I’m just saying how I feel.

Would love a path to do something that is rewarding as full time casual now.

Also, it would be nice for alts to have an ez catch up.

My opinion. Doesn’t mean I’m right :woman_shrugging:

Time doing an activity not time doing nothing. There is no difference in difficulty between running a 15 with mostly 270 ilvl compared to killing rares in ZM.

How are they begging,standing there screaming at blizzard for gear to pop out of the air to them,that is truly magical delusion.

“Casual” has no definition that the community agrees on. Some players think mog farming is casual while others think raiding off-schedule is casual.

LOL. You can’t be serious. I can solo rares in ZM, I can’t solo a 15.

True :worried::woman_shrugging:

Omg,stand in that fire ,be hit by those beams and see how long you last in 236 gear instead of 270.

You are 30 ilvls above the content. If you were in 230-250 as a tank you might be able to solo the rares at an extremely slow pace, but the difficulty is going to be in the same ballpark. A 270 group facerolls a 15 and some of us find it incredibly boring running the same dungeons for 2 years straight.

Actually a 4 man group of 270 ilvl facerolls 15s in fact. Maybe M+ gear should be nerfed then because there is no challenge involved.

Look at my RIO. I was doing 15s in 252 gear because I started the season late. It shows gear at the time of completion. A +15 is in no way comparable to a world rare, you are being completely disingenuous.

Not even the same league.

With the current gearing system the open world players that do want to jump into doing M+ can’t until they do the 2 month grind into the current patch to hit that kind of gear level. By that time groups require 270. This is a perpetual cycle of being behind and shunned by the community. The only time there is a chance to catch up is the 1st week of an expansion. If you are the kind of person that likes to prepare and get say heroic dungeon gear before trying to do M+ or raid. You are just screwed if you don’t do it the way the community wants by jumping into things unprepared right at the start of an expansion.

Open world ilvl needs to flow with what community expectations on base level are. Right now it is 270 or no invite so open world content needs to provide a path to 270.

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No, they don’t. What are you talking about. Myself any others I know created fresh toons, bought 226 gear from ZM, 226 conduits from Oribos, 60 Renown from Oribos, Free 265 legendary from ZM. They are M+ ready in a matter of a day.

You are clearly a person who has zero experience who thinks he knows how things work.