Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

Because you enjoy the raiding merry-go-round.

At this point of season 3 i couldn’t care less if open world content gave full mythic ilvl gear.

Most of the serious mythic raiders are either already CE or just raid logging.

Casuals or solo players getting full mythic gear makes absolutely no difference for the people that get CE every tier, its usually the people that are struggling through heroic/early mythic bosses that have an issue with casuals getting gear.

What I don’t want to see is mythic ilvl gear being rewarded from doing open world content early in the season which forces people to mindlessly grind dailies/WQ to stay competitive in the end game content.

With how lucritive M+ gear/vault is this season most of my raid team started raiding mythic at 275+ ilvl, raiding for gear isn’t nearly as important as it use to be and most of the more hardcore raid groups are just raiding for the achievement.

oh looks who’s back


I mean if you’re gana get upset for me answering your question…

cant get upset w/ a clown. They make you laugh

I think its an old school mentally but has slowly died over the years by those who “believed it” and now you just have others banking and betting on the idea: Raiders gud world players bad me gud you bad.

In Vanilla which many more not be OGS but hello to those that are! Raiding gear was like a status symbol, like you are riding around in a used Civic (None raiders) and then you see this strapping chad in a BMW (raider gear) It was amazing, it was epic when epic meant something, it was a class of there own.

Epic is not “epic” anymore its just another item and that is what raiders who still believe in this time long ago that they where not even part of, Wow has moved on from it. Everyone has a BMW now (epics) just some are newer models (higher item levels) but everyone gets something.

I also will say world players should be overly happy with how far wow has come: you are decked in purples, you would NEVER have achieved that long ago so be happy if what you hit dies: is something dying .3 seconds faster going to change your life?

It’s your choice to be a child instead of staying on topic.

I think the real question is, if open-world gear is more than adequate for open-world content, why do world questers feel they need/deserve mythic raid gear?

Is the problem that the item level is too low, or the way that players get it in outdoor content?

Raiders don’t want non-raiders on their level.

I think it’s poor game design that raiding is the only avenue to the top.

There should be more options for accessibility.

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Sunk cost. The kind of players who think this way don’t actually enjoy raiding, they just want power from item levels. Everyone else should have to suffer the same as they have, or their “investment” is “trivialized.”

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"Why is he with Ilvl 265 gear from WQs if I had to do Heroic raids for them! :frowning:

Wlel, dude, go do those WQs. Or what? You don’t do raids for the fun, but the reward? Are raids that boring then? If so, why are they wasting resources on them, then?

(That’s a rethorical question, not a statement.)

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Because the area they do the content changes and becomes more difficult as they progress through . Everyone seen this but people are denying it just like they start screaming you don’t need mythic gear! Why do they do this and point to specifically “mythic” ?

As we going through the game each step becomes harder this process has been going on for years hasn’t changed .If they change the need for the power of the gear stats and abilities all this changes it turns to either be a blessing or is a curse to the player.

I’m still waiting to hear why it’d be a bad thing if it was possible to get higher ilvl gear from outdoor content. It’s not about ‘there’s no difficulty in outdoor content’ IMO. The game’s got systems that can be used to compensate for however much ‘challenge’ there is to an activity. If there’s less challenge, tune the other metrics up to compensate. Time is absolutely a metric that can be used in this case, because it’s something that’s valuable to everybody. Easier stuff can have the same rewards, but provide them over a longer period of time.

As for ‘but they don’t need the ilvl for easy content’, that doesn’t really matter either. Stop for a minute and consider what that implies. You don’t need mythic raid gear to clear a mythic raid, right? If you did, how would you get it in the first place?


Why do open-world players want raid ilvl gear? You don’t need that kind of gear for open world content.

Because they may want to raid what better way to transition after all isn’t that what the developers want? Or is it a tease to laugh at the player (I’m considering this possibility).

you should, if the Quest was hard enough.

We need challenging solo content so we can have meaningful solo rewards.

You don’t need top-level gear to do top-level content, either. You’re generally running and clearing content with worse gear than the content provides, since the content obviously can’t be tuned around the level of the rewards or it’d be basically impossible to clear. At the mythic level, the gear you’re getting is basically a trophy since you obviously didn’t need it to clear the content.


No one is forcing anyone to do anything. It’s a game that you choose to play, therefor you except the game play mechanics.

As for the gearing argument. I have been on both sides of it, ya it’s nice when you have shinny gear from raids that make you more powerful then those that can’t or don’t do that content. It’s also not really a big deal if open world play can get you at least some equal to raiding gear, if not a full set.

What bothers me is the borrowed power requirement. The only requirement to begin your journey into end game should just be farming your item level up a bit.

Mythic level starts at 236 they reward you in ZM even higher because of the zone difficulty .it’s a even progression you wouldn’t get anywhere near mythic raider gear period.