Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

Doing random world quest of saving ten ducks for hundred of times isn’t the same as killing Heroic Anduin. And shouldn’t be awarded the same.

You literally don’t need heroic/mythic gear to do openworld stuff. It balanced over what is given by world quests and regular quests + LFR.

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I have seen plenty of posts saying that casuals don’t deserve any gear because that content doesn’t require any gear. And no gear is required to do that content we are told.

It’s all about “deserving”. What, you want to see one piece of world content gear a week upgraded by 5 ilvls? How dare you demand mythic raid gear be mailed to you!!!

Why do you people keep bringing up that fabricated claim, if not that you think no one who doesn’t do mythic raiding deserves any gear, but please keep paying for the development of my content.

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Yes, and all of them are correct.

Again, the gear you can already get is more than adequate for whatever form of content you are doing. Why should you continuously get better and better gear if you aren’t taking on greater challenges? The game shouldn’t reward you for doing nothing.

It’s your content just as much as mine, you paid for it, you’re just too lazy or unwilling to go and do it, and yet still expect that the game rewards you for it? Sorry, but paying the sub fee doesn’t get you gear, doing the content gets you gear.

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You are stretching.
People who running M+ deserve M+ gear
Other people running content of their levels deserve iLvl of their content. No one talking about "no one deserves ANY gear but me cause I’m M+ runner).
This is THIS simple. If you work hard you deserve to get paid more than those who work light and sleep tight.

no. people don’t deserve gear on par with mythic (or max pvp) raiding gear from doing trivial content.

if those people want to do content - even solo content if blizz ever made something challenging - that’s equivalent difficulty wise to whatever gear they think they “deserve” then there’d be no complaints from me.

as things stand now? that would be correct. you don’t need gear over and above the ZM gear to do ZM content. in fact, the buffs on the ZM gear make it far superior for ZM content vs raid gear. I think it would be cool if they expanded on that - make the buffs work in other overworld zones, and even in legacy instanced content.

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Not at all. I have seen this in the forums. By outraged raiders who were offended by the idea that casuals exist.

There actually are. And the idea that casuals should just do chores which will not give them gear is a problem.

Again, your opinion. If you think that open world players should continue to play after you have nerfed their content and trivialized it, you’re responsible for so many players leaving due to no progression path.

Wait, you’re too lazy or unwilling to do world content, but you expect other people are so stupid they’ll stay subscribed to pay for the most expensive content in the game that you think you deserve, which you yourself would quit if you had to pick up the costs.

Something’s not quite right, and it has to do with your entitlement. And the fact that you couldn’t feel good if a casual could get a 5 ilvl upgrade of a piece of gear, because you deserve their money but they haven’t earned their fun.

Why are you not doing that world content? It’s not good enough for you?

This is a game. It’s supposed to be entertaining, not a vehicle for you to use to punish people you see as inferior. How do you stand life? The overwhelming majority of people in the world are not playing wow right. That must be utterly painful for you.

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On a side note: this thread was started by the loaded question fallacy.

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Question: Why do you want what raiders have and not raid?

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lol how do you stand up with that giant chip on your shoulder


You stretching again. I never ever seen anyone saying that you don’t deserve ANY loot for doing your stuff. You don’t deserve BETTER loot for doing your stuff that isn’t as hard as loot which you want that supposed to help with overcome hardness of harder content (which you do not do). For me personally it’s very frustrating to run M19 dungeons for three weeks and never had ANY loot from drop/chests and never getting weapons. But even this is “okayish” for me cause I understand how random works.

Here you simple want mythic/heroic loot for doing what? Random world quests? Ha. No. You shouldn’t be able to get it. Cause people spending their time to get it and still don’t getting it and here are you. Wanting it to get without any sweat and with little time.

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You tell me how it is that every post asking for any progression path for casuals/solo players is met with outrage of players who say that they are asking for mythic raid gear for doing nothing, a demonstrably false claim we have seen many times in the forum?

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ok then what loot do you want ilvl wise?

basically, this.

guy wants the same gear people get for heroic/mythic/m+ by doing… nothing. literally nothing. oh, no, sorry, by doing some world quests that are so easy my dog could do them by wagging his tail against a foot pedal.

it’s insane.

Again. if they put actually challenging content in the game that you would accept, I think there would be far, far less arguments against it (ie, visions type content).

but as things stand now? no, “causals” as you define them (ie, people who do nothing but trivial world content) absolutely do not deserve the same gear as raiders/m+/pvp without doing the actual raid/m+/pvp content.


Well then the question becomes what exactly are you asking for? Like how far should a casual player only doing open world/solo content get in the game in terms of progression?

There is literally a progression path for players in ZM right now. All you need to do is to fly around ZM and loot tons of free boxes. Then upgrade Pocopoc’s console and voila - you will have better loot than my M+ rogue running it for season 1.
And the iLvl of this gear is what you need to overcome outside dangers. You still won’t be able to solo rares in ZM (cause it’s hard to do even in Mythic gear for a lot of classes) but this is why it’s MMORPG not RPG. You invite randos to help you with them.

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This one. Same reason they don’t like mythic+

You literally have multiple other progression paths that you just refuse to take. That is your problem not the games. I will say that world content since legion has been total garbage and I would like to see more meaningful and engaging world content, but that still doesn’t mean you deserve continuous gear upgrades past that content.

Ironic to call anybody else entitled when you are expecting the game to just hand you things without putting in any of the effort. It’s not raider entitlement, its raiders wanting the time and effort they put into high end content to actually mean something and have exclusive benefits to their characters. You are the only entitled one here.

I do the world content when I have to, but if there are other progression paths that lead to better rewards, I am going to take those, instead of sitting around crying that the game isn’t giving me power for doing nothing like a lot of the “hypercasual” players on the forums do.

This is an RPG, not mario. Character progression is a big aspect and has been since vanilla (even more so back then). If your character gets to progress without actually doing anything, that aspect of the game is ruined. If you can’t handle that, then maybe these kinds of games aren’t for you. It’s not to punish anybody, it is to reward those who put in the most effort. As I said, you want power? Go earn it.


Serious question. Is there any game that actually give you player power solo or multiplayer without actually doing hard content?

Except for games that you pay microtransaction of course.


Guild Wars 2, at least the last I played it, you could get top quality gear with open-world style play. There were still rare drops and such, but they could come from anywhere. The content just had higher and lower chances.

Honestly GW2 is very close to what I wanted D4 to be like. Even their monetization I find perfectly acceptable. It is just the ease of acquiring the top gear that turned me off to it. Once you have it you’re like “what now?” With a more Diablo-esque gearing style, this could extend the playtime near indefinitely.

Cause players should have options.

Raid or die as a concept is dated and sucks.

A thriving E-sports for WoW is a pipedream.