Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

Unpopular opinion: I’ve never been more content with Open World than the time of the Quel’Danas. Open World Quests, dungeons and the Sunwell. All backed up by a currency which could be acquired in all parts of the zone and let me gear myself in the order I found most useful. That was a long rep/gear grind, but I never grew tired, because I was always productively working towards something visible.

More guilds have killed it than mythic Jailor despite being out a fraction of the time and SotFO being pounded with nerfs.

They don’t. You are not special. Sorry.

Because hardly anyone gives a crud about the Jailer lol. The majority of people in the raid won’t even use any of the drops. Also, last time I checked 20 > 8. Hate to break it to you, but the hardest thing about Mythic raiding has always been the numbers required, not the raid itself.

That there depends on the content of the world most don’t need the 278ilvl gear but some would in any progression of it. Questors never requested BIS ilvl gear but the raider are adamant on not allowing anyone to attain even close to their level,in that case,they shouldn’t be in the world doing it’s content and stay doing related raided content.

don’t care; merely stated logic. you honestly think the same people who rather pay for carries, boosts, and gear wouldn’t also take the shortest and easiest route to be able to brag about their superior ilvl?

I don’t. Actually, I don’t know any mythic raider who cares. I loved Instructor’s Divine Bell being Boomy BiS for awhile. Easy to obtain. M+ gear is a whole other story, though.

As long as the gear doesn’t work in raids/dungeons, I am fine with whatever ilvl they have. But getting high gear without having to do mechanics then coming into dungeons/raids = they will likely die often and not know how to play to the max potential of their gear and high ilvl players will be the ones you wont want in your raid.

As one of those raiders who does open world content too? I don’t. I really don’t.

Who, at this point, really thinks that anyone you find playing at some random hour only does one type of content? People who exclusively Raid and do M+ usually set a fixed time to play, then do just what they logged in for, and then log out for the week. I almost guarantee they don’t care what item level you’re in. People who do multiple forms of other content? Yeah, I’m going to go out on a limb and say they probably don’t care either. As a matter of fact, pretty much Noone cares what your item level is.

Except some streamer or youtuber making O.M.Gee content.

If it doesn’t work in raids and dungeons how else would they transition to do the content?

Weird coming from someone that hasn’t raided anytime recently.

Our guild has never had to recruit or even worry about our raid size, it has always been about getting people to learn and adapt to the harder bosses that blizzard creates.

This tier is harder than any recent tier, pretending that getting 20 people is all that matters is a slap in the face to those that don’t even get cutting edge while working their asses off.

Neat, maybe ask some people on a dead realm if they feel the same way.

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Mythic is cross realm for more than half of the tier, try again.

And what about that first half? You know they had to force it open right?

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You were arguing that getting 20 people was harder than the content, you’re not even arguing your point anymore. Have a good night.

Huh? You talked about cross realm and I responded lol.

And the reference to 20 was in terms of number of clears, not the difficulty. I’ll admit I probably worded it poorly lol. If 10 man Mythic was a thing, you would be seeing a heck of a lot more clears. Getting 20 people on a consistent basis is the hardest part of Mythic raiding. You can’t even question the difficulty of the raid if you can’t even get enough people together to try it lol.

Yes. we do. If everybody was just given gear equal to the gear I get from raid, that would devalue the entire point of raiding for many, and it would become nothing more than bragging rights saying you did it. Sorry, but if you don’t do the content, why should you have the gear? This is supposed to be an RPG and character progression matters. If your character never went into the raid, (or did high end pvp) excluding LFR, why would they have the gear?

I dont care, what kind of goof ball question is this?

It would devalue everything you have ever done in the game if there was even a 1 in 1 million chance that some casual/open world player could get 1 piece of moderately decent gear. Why did we see so many complaints about a 1 in 1 trillion chance of a high titanforge that nobody had evidence that even happened?

You can already get gear that is more than adequate for open world content from lower tier content. Sorry, but you have no need for heroic or mythic raid (or elite pvp) level gear if you aren’t doing that content, and certainly don’t deserve it. You want power? Go earn it.