Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

See, this guy has his mind in the right place.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Used to be years go even if I was properly geared to join and I get ported in.

I get laughed at for being inside fargodeep mines then get kicked for it.

I don’t think it’s unreasonable to have a significant time requirement! It does have to still be weaker though, not just because ‘it doesn’t come from raids’, but because no matter how bad the grind is, if it’s comparable to raid gear, raiders are going to bemoan that they’re ‘forced’ to grind for it. Which is kinda weird to me, since it’s fine to tell players that ‘they should raid’ if they want better gear, but it’s somehow not fine for equivalent (in terms of ilvl) better gear to come from outdoor content. Just because it exchanges ‘challenge’ for time isn’t inherently a bad thing, is it? Some things are valuable just because they take a long time to get, even if it’s otherwise not that difficult to get them.

But yeah, as I’ve seen some other folks mentioned, maybe the way to ‘solve’ this would be to have some sort of ‘set bonus’ that only applies outside of group content. Doesn’t do anything in instances (maybe legacy content and quest-based instances would be exceptions) nor any form of PvP, but provides some sort of bonus outside of those areas to make it compelling.

you don’t care…but you do ?

Won’t do it huh? Figured. Elitist.

it’s exactly this.

above your level, there is another level. And above that one is my level.

My god…the ego of a 3/11 mythic player is astounding.

Hell yea. see these epics? it means I’m better than you.

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Pure delusion. It’d be sad if it wasn’t so funny.

newbie, please.

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I think it would be problematic to try and get the game to tag gear as “applies only to open world and legacy content” just personally.

So long as the gear is a little bit weaker than raid/mythic gear, and so long as there is some sort of time gating on it, then I think open world should have as much gear progression as it can.

If, for example, raiders end up on ilvl 300, then open world gear should (eventually) top out at that less 10, 20 whatever levels.

What I’d really like to see if more varied open world content, and harder content - the problem though the Devs have is that it’s really hard to tune content for a single player, given that some classes are just inherently better at soloing than others.


Dragonsongs Reprise was cleared in 6 days.

SoTFO lasted over 3 weeks.

Going by how the last expansion went this will be the only ultimate for the entire Endwalker Expansion.

Half of that time is doing things unrelated to the raid lol.

It’s already planned for 6.3.

They were killing mythic bosses on day 2.

By “half the time” you mean 1 day? The heroic splits were mainly done before mythic was available.

Day 6 nobody had made it past Hallondrus.

I’m glad they are looking to go back to 2 bosses per expansion norm instead of only 1 like last expac.

Wut? They were doing splits during the entire progression lol.

They pounded most of them day 1 of mythic day which is why guardian didn’t die day one (although other top 50 guilds put in 50+ wipes and couldn’t kill him).

I normally agree with a lot of your stuff but you’re out of your mind with this. 6 day clear vs 3 weeks of multiple guilds planning on a LAN in the same room with a non-player coach making raid calls while playing 16+ hours a day.

And yet they still haven’t cleared it :man_shrugging:.

And you don’t need to run other pieces of content either lol.

I’m in a similar position, I have a BE hunter at 52, cannot seem to “find” the urge to go online more than 1 level every few days. once I ding 60. i will do the hunter quest as the BE and then be done. as far as my downtime, I am usually in the hot tub staring out at the lake watching the ducks - thinking about absolutely nothing.

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