Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

You know, I never really hear anyone whining in FF14 that they aren’t getting 605 weapons from doing leveling roulettes. WoW players are weird. I’m pretty sure, and maybe someone could correct me, that you could be pushing well into Mythic+ at 252, possibly into 15s and getting Mythic gear from the vault.

For reference, the 605 weapons are from Dragonsong’s Reprise Ultimate, harder than anything you will see in WoW. Echo, the best WoW raid guild on the planet, still hasn’t even cleared the thing.

From ZM questing alone (if you spend enough time there), you can get enough gear to time +15s or kill possibly the entire raid on heroic (not 100% sure on some of the later bosses) with good play.

Which makes the idea that the gear isn’t good enough completely preposterous.

Perhaps it’s my former raider days talking, but even as a near totally solo player now myself, I think the best raid/mythic gear should be available only from raiding/mythics, just as the best PvP gear should be available only from PvP’ing.

I’d like to see more gear progression for open world players (now that I am one), but it shouldn’t ever be BiS, not unless it’s so time gated that raiders/mythic runners would be under no incentive at all to obtain it that way.

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I don’t do antorus or tombs because there is nothing from there that I want.

But please keep in mind that open world players get 233 gear plus tier plus 291 leggos. This is WAY more than even Best in Slot mythic raiders had in patch 9.0.

So you, as an open-world only player, still has access to extremely powerful gear that world first mythic raiders didn’t have at the beginning of this expansion.

seriously. that thing is crazy OP
it’s pretty great

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they didn’t when i raided at a reasonably high level. if anyone in the raid cared, i never heard about it. we didn’t sit around after raid and complain about how this one time we inspected a casual and he had BIS TF trinkets or whatever

It should be BIS for open world content. Not raid. Not PVP. Many of us have made this comment before.


I hope that’s a general you and not a you as in me :joy:

Pretty sure Normal raid quality gear is BiS in the open world lol.

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Oh please we all know you’re only RPing as a PvP Chadiator and your real passion is herbalism and world quests.


Have i told you about our lord and saviour isle of conquest
Let me tell you about…. Isle of conquest

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I feel like as far as open world goes the BiS is always whatever offers the most primary stat.

But I’m just an Open World Ollie so what do I know?

I will say I’m GLAD tier is easy to get and way OP, it’s fantastic for open world content.

A turtle made it to the water!

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The tier bonuses alone trump whatever small increase in primary stats you would get from a standard piece of gear and BiS at the same item level.

Agreed, BiS is tier at any ilvl followed by whatever is best you can get (259 Antros otherwise 252)

I’m working on my assassination rogue now and hoping his 4 piece bonus is as busted as my destro lock

Raid level gear and tier gear should never be obtainable through casual open world means.

In my opinion open world gear should be locked at 235 ilevel. Raid gear 249 for lfr, 252 for normal, 265 for heroic and 278 for mythic.

We have to defeat some of the hardest bosses in the game and have to work hard for said loot.

To be honest, I think blizzard is really generous by allowing open world players to get a full tier set without even doing LFR.

Four piece tier set is very powerful for basically every class and spec.

You can do ZM rares and chests to get cosmic flux and farm sand worn relics then turn that relic gear into tier with the cosmic flux.

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compare it to real life and it makes sense real quick.

should the blockbuster clerk get the same salary as the surgeon?

extreme example but you get the idea.

the surgeon would probably be pissed :wink:

personally i don’t really care, i’ll do what i enjoy no matter what - but i understand.

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Nope, I don’t care what the ilvl anyone wears is. That’s their business.

What I do care about is seeing people in ugly transmog!

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