Why do players complain so much but continue to play?

Look at any thing, event, process, practise, hobby, habit, career, lifestyle etc in the world.
All will have enthusiastic participants.
All will have less enthusiastic, dissatisfied participants.
All will have participants who change the activity for better or worse.
All will have participants calling for change better or worse.
Thinking that gamers are special, different humans is n error.
We are all snowflakes. Individual --and–just like all the other snowflakes.
Warts and all, gamers are hooman.

Some complaints are completely valid. Like people complaining about the rogue bug where they could spam their finishers and people were doing super high keys, with 4 minutes to spare.

Or raid bosses with graphics not lining up with their abilities, or glitching out. Or bosses being yanked around with pvp items, so they skipped/interrupted doing their abilities.

If nothing was ever complained about, I feel fixes would be pushed slower.

People are allowed to voice their concerns about class balance or not liking things being sold in the shop.

People still want changes for things like worgen having tails or the sword resized back to what it was on the TP.

If you don’t like those kinda threads, just skip over them or even try visiting other parts of the WoW forums.

Unpopular opinion.

Addiction. They have this idealized version of the game in their heads and are angry when the game doesn’t meet these expectations they’ve made. Instead of showing Blizz they’d rather not play instead of adjust their expectations, they rage on the forums while continuing to engage with the game. So not only can they not give the game up, they’re angry while playing as well.

They somehow believe Blizzard will one day listen and “go back to the good days” but that’s a pipe dream that isn’t happening. All the while continuing to pay the sub, buy the expansions, and even drop some extra money on mtx (cash or gold, all the same to blizz).

I’ve unsubbed many times in the past when I didn’t find the game enjoyable. I skipped all of the second tier in cata, the entire year+ of SoO in mists, most of WoD, most of SL, and s2 and some s3 in DF. I know what I’m getting when I sub to the game and I set my expectations accordingly. When I no longer feel the game is worth my time, I unsub.

If more players did this, they’d probably be less angry about the game. But 20 years of time has them beholden to the golden handcuffs of sunk cost fallacy. They can’t quit but they hate the game that isn’t meeting their expectations. They also can’t stand the thought of “missing out” on a game they also lowkey hate. Blizz then capitalizes on that fomo, driving them to be even angrier.

It’s just pixels at the end of the day. I’d rather try to spend my time doing something I get joy from. The forums paint a picture of players who spend their time hating what they’re doing hoping they’ll hate it less in 6 months.

They got addictive personalities.

sunk cost fallacy. thats it. thats literally all there is to it.

For the same reasons that people complain about all of the complaining but continue to come to the forums.

Why do couples fight without getting divorced? (Here’s a hint: people want to feel right more than they want to feel happy.)

I agree. It’s a micro chasm of life. People complain too much.

Because they’re addicted to their punishments.
Blizz is the master, and they’re craving this disaster.

100%, and I’ve said this too. Addiction is blinding. When there’s obvious shortcomings and people resort to. “I didn’t notice anything”. It’s in denial territory. Some have even said this expansion isn’t buggy. I mean give me a break. People buying the Brutosaurus second one. I mean there’s some really compulisive people playing this game.

What does addiction have to do with wanting a better game?

WoW players love to hate WoW.

Because a company only cares if you unsub. You can’t unsub if you’re addicted to the game. If you never unsub, why would blizz change what they’re doing? You’re paying no matter what.

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So let me get this right.

You are saying that the game is sub par due to addicts playing?

They’d pay anyway, so why fix anything?


Yeah I don’t doubt Bobby Kotick thought that at one point, but I don’t think that’s how game development works my friend.


In a nutshell, sure. I’m saying Blizzard is putting out their Minimally Viable Product (MVP) which is exactly how software works. It’s the lowest effort of a product they can release and still make money on. Because players will not stop playing despite how poor they feel the game is.

I’m not sure how that’s hard to accept or why it’s outlandish. What would blizz gain by putting in much more time and effort (which costs way more money) if they know the profit margins would diminish?

Companies only change when it hits their bottom line.

Edit: takes like this for example. User says they’d need to be banned to “make it easier to quit”.

That’s addiction.


Because i love Warcraft III, because i already invested decades into this God forsaken game and there’s nothing better to play atm

I have Stockholmer Syndrome yes

Its ok to complain and still enjoy something. People want to be heard and someone listen but not every time you get what you want and thats ok. If they truly didn’t enjoy a product or service I don’t think you would hear.

Because they care about the game. Why bother to play if you don’t care about the game?

No, liar.
I questioned your stupid comment, I wasn’t making a statement.
Typical wow troll literally changing what is said in a quote.

Regardless, people told you countless times that they give reasonable feedback on the game that could be made better, could be made on a AAA level, could be made on the level of games that give customers what they want, resulting in many millions more players than WoW because some people actually care about the game, now 20 years worth of investment, that’s been designed to the ground compared to what came before it.
If you don’t get that, I can’t imagine you get much, which explains a lot about you, but I can’t believe you edited what I said in a quote though. You’re 5000% the problem with gaming, and people in general. /spit

I enjoy that you tell someone they’re the problem and then spit on them after calling them names.