Why do players complain so much but continue to play?

I’m not worried about randos here taking me seriously. Never have been. I stand by my remarks.

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it’s also the reason blizz/devs arent on their toes. there’s no real competition.


Thanks for showing everybody you’re in bad faith by ignoring the comment that debunked your whole existence:

I get this. Nice explanation.

you are incorrect, for instance when dragons expansion started most still had quests not completed from shadowlands, we are only a couple of months into war within and i have spoken to many who have completed all the quests they could find, and on a few of my own toons the same is true, can keep completing delves and dungeons forever but makes for a boring gameplay

For the last few expansions it’s been pretty obvious that the “best” way to experience the game is to just wait a year after release - buy the game when it goes on sale - and play the game with all the content releases, bug fixes, catch up mechanisms, etc. You’ll miss out on some fomo toys and paper doll dresses…

I’m sure there’s some ingrained psychological reason as to why.

Though every bodies reason may be different as despite certain aspects of the game being absolutely broken (PvP), it is not the sum parts of the game neither does it utterly destroy the fantasy world we can escape to from time to time.

For me? It is the sounds of blades crunching into flesh or the simple whoosh of blades hissing in the air whenever I press whirlwind, plus the challenge of finding decent armor mogs for my Vulpera.

a lot of complaints have been about the bugginess and downtime this expansion. Totally justified whining.

As for that mount, just like the last one, no one has to buy it…BUT… many of us were whining about it and asking for a cheaper version even if it wasnt so grand.

and now we have a MUCH cheaper one, and we’re still whining about it…so I dont know what that ends up saying about the player base.

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I like to think that players complain because they still care about the game. I’m sure some people complain just for the sake of it though.


Perhaps, but I’m referring to the people who complain constantly but continue to play. If people hate the game, why are they here? I’m suggesting video game addiction is one reason.

Do they continue to play?

These last 2 expansions have been extremely unpopular as far as I can tell.

So this is crazy, but two things can happen at the same time. You can like one thing in a game, and hate another. Crazy, I know.

I personally love the combat of wow. I always have. The rotations are unlike any game really. The enemies are to an extent too. I also very much enjoy the art team, and the world. The characters are alright.

I can’t stand Blizz’s communication and I very much dislike the bugs and lack of content in the new patch.

If everyone that ever had a single complaint about a game quit then there would be nobody playing video games.


Haven’t been playing just have gametime left and figure might as well use it for something like voicing my frustrations with the game which are actively making me take my buisness elsewhere.

They got suckered in to a yearly sub.

Its cause there human

I complain about certain things. The things I complain about aren’t enough to get me to unsub because I find more fun than not in the game right now.

If things ever do get to a point where I don’t like more than I do like I will absolutely unsub.

Bronze coin acquisition absolutely sucks.

I think people complain too much, but there are valid questions about:

  1. Why are maintenance windows still necessary? It’s a huge company with vast resources. Obviously they’ve decided it’s just not worth bridging that gap. But it’s a reasonable complaint.

  2. Similarly, their testing seems to leave something to be desired. When something ships in a bugged fashion, do they fix it AND write an automated test to prevent that class of bug going forward? I do not know. But they should.

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I don’t think it’s a you being too casual for it ot bother you.

Some players just live to complain no matter what it is.

I think it’s more something you are aware of but not getting into a rawr,rawr,rawr over it and or having a hissy fit.

Sure there is a portion of players and legit complaints just as there is a portion of players who actively choose to nothing but complain.

Here is the most honest answer you will ever get:

Gamers get mad, instead of sad, when something they have loved for so long… changes. Most people CAN adopt change, but need a long time to do it. Blizz changes things on a dime, without their consent and expects them to know “it is for the good of the game”.

So instead of actually crying and expressing the sadness against the change, they lash out in anger, stay subbed, and pray things get better. WoW is my longest “relationship” in my 50 years on this planet. I adjust to change quite easily, so I get called a shill for Blizz. Meanwhile, their hearts are breaking and instead of choosing vulnerability, they choose violence.

I will keep playing until the game is essentially ruined for me. At that point, unlike most, I will simply give everything away, delete characters one by one, uninstall, and move on to something new.