Why do players complain so much but continue to play?

WoW has been the same for some years now. They make money through store mounts, gold token, etc. They release a big patch and then wait for the majority to catch up before they release another.

They seem to be up front about it and I don’t see how anyone could think the game is different than what it is.

Maybe I’m just too casual so it doesn’t bother me.


Some people complain just to complain.

But for the majority (like 99.99999999999999 percent) of the time it’s because people like the game they just want it to be better, be their ideal version of WoW, want it to live up to its potential, etc.

I am not saying they are “passionate” and I think there are nuances from one complaint to the other. A lot of times I think people are just incapable of expressing their complaints in a constructive, or even conducive manner. And some people aren’t interested in that and think complaining loudly does the trick.

Who really knows?


I like that assessment. Personally I think the game is in a decant state. I’m not a huge fan of the raid, but I have been enjoying m+. Yes some trash pulls/bosses seem rather punishing, but they are not as bad as people make them out to be.

Edit: Shaman healers should not be so amazing, sorry lol, but you are op currently.

Because self-awareness is something the community isn’t familiar with. On top of that, it comes off as some sort of weird abusive relationship that these ppl keep coming back to.

I don’t get it myself. :woman_shrugging:t3:

I just find it silly the amount of M+ posts that keeps churning out during S1 of TWW, the mode clearly made some ppl unhinged that they’re doing it while saying their not happy with it.

A quote from Bungie:

“Like - anger is not the OPPOSITE of loving a game. Loving and Hating a game are like 2 degrees off from each other, and they both come from passion - from people who are HIGHLY ENGAGED. The opposite of Loving a game - the thing that will kill your game - is Apathy.”

Wow has so much potential, and a passionate fan base, and most things making people angry are so simple to fix (some maths for class tuning, some quality assurance testing teams, etc).

If the game didn’t have good foundational pillars like raid/m+/pvp people would become apathetic and the game would die faster than an indie game after a hype wave wears off.

We complain because we care, and it is frustrating to see potential being held back by greed or incompetence or both.

Like Diablo 4 was a flop for so long i fell into complete apathy and will never play it again. I got to level 94 eternal realm and 59 in season 1, but the problems were so systemic that there was no hope of the game being any good in an acceptable time frame.

I never logged in again after leaving season 1 at level 59.

WoW I still enjoy arena, but will always voice complaints about MMR and/or tuning, as they are easily fixed issues. MMR got fixed after 6 weeks of complaining about it, tuning in 11.0.5 has been a disaster though… so we continue to complain.


I advise how the game could be better and people with low standards and a staunch loyalty to the corporation take that personally on their low level forum troll alts.


Yeah people think a 20 point chore list of existing boring weekly content we already burnt out on, for scraps of anniversary currency, is a good design apparently. I made a thread critical of how boring / burnout inducing the anniversary is, and multiple shills jumped to blizzard’s defense lmao.

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10% are legitimate complaints.

The other 90% is:


Your complaints can be valid, and yet still not enough to completely ruin the game to the point you can’t enjoy it anymore.

yea, the game just keeps getting better and better and subs keep going up and up because only 10% are legitimate complaints :joy:

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Oh cool. You know the sub numbers that are never released. What genius is in our midst?


above your paygrade because I understand how to read a simple line graph and apparently you cannot /shrug

A nothing answer as expected.


Me telling you why you choose to be ignorant about facts was a nothing answer you expected, eh. Impressive.

Are you a narrator why are you talking like this

Exactly as the person above said. Hate isn’t the opposite of love, apathy is. People complain because they care about the game. They have nostalgia and sunk cost fallacy from years spent on it.

People should voice their opinions. Disagree with one another. Argue out what the direction of the game should be.

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People are creatures of habit.

The front page of the forums is 3/4 full of people posting “the poors are mad”, and “$90 for pixels is cheap” simply to let us know they bought the brutosaur to stand around dornogal with for attention. On anonymous player characters…
The other 1/4 of posts is people wondering who tf greenlit the bronze currency time-gating for the anniversary event. :joy:

So maybe flip that statement around and people can take you seriously I say.


It’s called addiction.

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Complaining is called addiction?