Why do people want World of Warcraft to be realistic?

My machine is just over a year (maybe 2) old and it’s still running like a sewing machine. Which is to say, no bumbs, no stutters, no stops. Everything smooth on max settings. Now if I just didn’t have such a micro SSD effectively, that gets irritating when I can’t hold more than 3 games on my SSD it’s kind of a large imposing problem. 256 ain’t pooooooop.

I think that maybe a lot of people who say they want a “realistic” looking WoW are conflating art direction and graphics. They probably want more advanced graphical features like PBR (physically based rendering) and better lighting, which are things that can be had in a cartoony looking game… you don’t need pseudophotorealistic art direction to have nice graphics.

Or they’re the opposite and would call any game with a cartoony art style “N64 tier” even if it’s super high rez with all the graphical bells and whistles imaginable, which is just wrong.

I take appreciation for both the Stylistic and Cinematic aesthetic.

Save up like eighty bucks and get yourself a 1tb m.2 drive.


The Unreal Engine fanart folks do is impressive, but WoW being cartoony is the reason I enjoy it more than others.

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I just love how people want a realistic game not cartoon game and thinking that somehow cartoon style or design is beneath them and think that cartoon is for kids when it’s for everyone.


The vibrancy of WoW, and just how much Blizzard has embraced color is why I have to run a heavy reshader on pretty much any other game I play. Everything else feels so dull, washed out, and lifeless by comparison.


I mean, Stormwind could use a facelift in poly count, not to mention STRAIGHT WALLS, but the movie is as realistic as it gets.

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People who don’t play the game, I think.

My best friend refuses to play wow, “bEcAuSe iT LoOkS LiKe pS2 gRaPhIcS,” and somehow I haven’t cut him off… yet…


I think people are yearning for the Warcraft IP to flourish.

But under Blizzards current gaze it can only rot.

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These people are using 1050ti rigs and asking for Cyberpunk visuals for WoW.

Barely anyone wants WoW to look realistic. I’ve seen those tech demos; they’re nice and all, but it’s just for fun. What those fan creators should be doing is showing us how UE can benefit while still being cartoony.

What needs to be asked is why people think using something like UE = realistic, when there are cartoony games that use UE…

… Or why people think you need a beefy system to play a UE game, when there are UE games with required specs as low as or lower than WoW’s. I’ve played mobile cartoony games running on UE.

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Imagine thinking the like of GoT and Witcher are the heights of fantasy.

When God Hand exists.


I’d imagine there are some people out there. Like statistically there’s gotta be.

But yeah, WoW’s style of graphics making it age well is hardly an unpopular opinion. Even classic has aged reasonably well for using the graphics of over a decade ago.

Psychopaths, one can only assume…


Typically FFXIV people who feel like WoW should look like FFXIV.

Personally I like the cartoony aspect of this stuff

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I don’t think people asking for better graphics is the same thing as asking for hyper realistic style. You can have better graphics while still being styliZed

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For one thing a realistic WoW would have to go full A/M for Adult/Mature, we have guts and gore everywhere afterall with things like ghouls and Abominations… not to mention realistic Succubi…

But if I could make one tiny adjustment… less low res 2D trees in old zones… the textures are like theatre scenery props…

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i am not a gamer. i only ever played wow. since the early 90’s with tides of darkness right up until now wow and wow only. no other game can compare. and honestly i feel if they tried to change it it would turn me off. its good the way it is.

The weirdest part about those who confuse art style with engine is that Fortnite is Epic’s flagship game.

I’ve seen people in topics about videos with a WoW zone made of kitbashed Megascan assets argue that UE can’t do stylized/toon graphics.
