Why do people want lasting WoTLK Servers?

Move on already.

Funny enough, I finnaly got a private warmane client downloaded. And I litteraly waited like 20 mins in the server que for icecrown server.

Like anyone saying wrath is not popular. I don’t know what the heck you all are talking about. It is. But not from blizzard client side. I wonder why. Most people don’t want to pay a company to constantly screw them over. Like that is kind of counter intuitive. And maybe private wrath wouldn’t have the turnout it has if blizzard wasn’t so stupid. But whatever. And with private wrath. You don’t have to pay for jack all for a subscription. And, the servers never, ever, EVER go away or get turned into something people don’t like.

Like. I should have joined a private wrath server from the beginning. Experience gains are better. A dungeon finder. From the beginning lol. That would have been a huge plus for the pro dungeon finder people. Instead of waiting for what seemed like 200 bloody years for blizzard to finnaly do it. I wasn’t a big fan of dungeon finder, but it is there on private servers.

Like I don’t know what the heck anyone is talking about anymore. Even vanilla classic era is doing perfectly fine atm. I was playing a bit this morning and there were tons of people leveling up and doing god knows what else. I just don’t want to play vanilla. I want to play bloody wrath classic era. So I didn’t play vanilla classic for very long.

I also find it kind of ironic that blizzard can’t provide a quality experience. But 3rd party companies can. :thinking: :thinking: Kind of funny to me how buggy cata classic is. Wouldn’t even let me que up for a dungeon. Like woohoooo. So much bloody fun. I can’t even play the game.

And man. Anything this stupid company says from now on. I am going to take with 100 percent grain of salt. Because it is probably not true.

So. Have fun with your buggy, bullcorny cata classic servers for those who decide to stay. They will probably be buggy for a while. And all those bugs should have been fixed 10 years ago. Like yesterday. In the beta where most obvious bugs are supposed to be fixed.

And thanks for private servers. Thanks for picking up the slack blizzard refuses to pick up.

I mean, in answer to the op. Why do people want blizzard to constantly move forward and constantly make stupid changes and make stupid decisions over, and over, and over again? Why is it such a problem to stay in one bloody spot, wrath classic permanent, for the next 30 years or whatever. Like we want permanent wrath classic, because we love permanent wrath classic. And some of you, I get it. Just love to constantly move forward and never really question anything regardless of how bad it might be.

If this was the hey arnold movie, everyone now would be like, woohoo. Let’s go future tech industries. Let’s move forward. Who cares if all the cities are getting demolished and everything else is getting annoying. And everyone who didn’t agree with the decision would be kicked out. Which makes no sense.

Wrath of the lich king classic is legit the bridge between satisfaction among everyone right now. And I know the divide isn’t that large. Like I have been told a million times. But private wrath servers beeeeeggggg to differ lol. But, if blizzard created permanent wrath classic servers. Then no one would be complaining right now. Like at all.

Same thing with real world US politics. No one is going to make me move forward with decisions that I think are really stupid. I don’t care what anyone says. We all deserve the right to feel comfortable. And I don’t feel comfortable living the way the US wants. And I don’t feel comfortable not being able to play wrath classic anymore.

I mean, this is why I am so frustrated vanillataur, is that real world US politics are the same way. Like even If I disagree with the way politics are operating. I have no choice but to continue dealing with them even if I think the changes are stupid. At least I can just unsub from wow. Which I did. But. I don’t even know anymore.


I do understand your frustraton, and I share it - mostly. But I am not going to Private servers. Most I have found are PvP only, have many “QoL” changes, and have sped up levelling - And as my poison is levelling in my own slow speed and playing HC, those two exact things deter me from Pservers.

I unsubbed too. Sad you cannot unsub from politics :frowning:

Blizz should just give 3 Wrath Era servers, and 3 TBC Era servers. Yesterday!


I’ve not even set foot in a single raid. I have a ton of heirlooms to collect still. I just enjoy playing the expansion. Why do people still play Mario 64? Because it’s fun.


Make me. Do it alva. Do it. Do it alva. I dare you alva. Do it. It’s just to late.

Also, how the heck does someone missfile something. What could be easier?!?! It’s all alphabetical. YOU JUST PUT IT INN!!! THE RIGHT FILE!!!

Right. Just watch the future of gaming. And nintendo is going to come to our houses, and take out copies of zelda ocarina of time and mario 64. They own it. It’s their properties.
Just watch lol.

Already reading stuff on how game devs and movie producers and creators don’t think we actually own the stuff we buy anymore. I mean, I can understand the idea of not owning the rights to redistribute it or make copies of it. Etc. But I did purchase it. So, it’s mine. And as long as I am not making money off of it or copying it. I should be able to do whatever the heck I want with it.


What in the world are you talking about. Jeez, you need to spend some time away from the internet.

Man. It is a movie quote lol. Bonus points to anyone who knows the movie. Like you need to chill my good sir.

1 of each would be barely sustainable. Its ok to dream but why get greedy?

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They were actually overtuned to a degree. Dungeon finder required 329 ilvl, but the tuning was close to 359 ilvl.
Blizz difficulty adjustments are always too far one direction or another. They should have not nerfed the difficulty but just fixed it.

Hmm depends. If only one it should be a PvE server. I at least would never join a PvP server. A RP server would maybe be superfluous, but 2 would be fine. Not greedy just realistic.
How do you know 1 would be enough? From the same place I know that 2 would be fine, I’m sure.

Because cata is bad.

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Lots of players do not like the difficulty that Cata brought. That’s why so many quit.

These same players are scared they will fall behind in Cata Classic, so they want to stay behind in Wrath Classic forever.

What difficulty? Cata is the easiest expansion, You’re OP, steamroll through anythhing, never get out of Focus/mMana/Wrath and never need to eat or drink between combats. There’s a reason why new characters were no longer given food and drink on creation.


jumpingin at the end without reading this whole thing…but here;s my reply to the OP question

There’s probably many players that thought 18 months wasnt enough time for them to experience everything in the expansion. Maybe not for a lot of the “Uber Players” that frequent the forums, you know the type, the ones that have read everything about everything in the game years ago on wowhead. The ones that played the expansion the first time around when it was new. The ones that refuse to answer questions asked in the game chats but instead say to google it or something to that effect. For those players 18 months was more than enough time for Wrath.

But there exists other types of players too. Ones that werent able to reach max level until after phase 3 or 4. Missing out on all the previous content that felt like other’s speedran it. People that werent able to reach certain gear scores for entry to certain raids until far too late in the timespan. People that dont have the time to dedicate to essentially the 2nd job that is being current with the pace of the game.

There also exists people that this is the very first time they have played wrath ever. Never played wow in the past at all. So all the breakneck speed of the pace of phases and expansion releases is daunting to them.

Im aware of some folk that have several level 80s by phase 2… I personally only had my first 80 by then. My 2nd 80 was in phase 4. Only one toon of mine has a GS above 2k, its my main mage with 6k+. But the 18 months for some seems like more than enough, and that same 18 months for some others just isnt close t enough.

There;s no easy way to reconcile the differences between these groups but to the OP’s question, i think this is the majority of the reason you see people wanting the wrath era servers.


They can’t do anything about physical property. But, it’s true as you said:

This is true for modern stuff we buy. Because, it’s attached to a live-service, or online only. And, to be fair, most of the new stuff I wouldn’t mind dying off and never seeing again. Just glad I enjoy mostly more older stuff that I can keep.

Maybe I should learn how to program games, and release free versions of fully playable offline only.


Personally I feel the questing was really good in wrath. The zones were my favorite and really well designed. Fun, nostalgia. It’s the only expansion I liked to make multiple alts.


I honestly would have to agree. And while I liked cataclysm, and retail in general now. It just cannot do some of the things wrath did really, really well.

Even vanilla era, in my op, has absolutely nothing on wrath. And if permanent wrath classic gets made. I will never surf the forums again. Nothing really irritates me more than the thought of not getting permanent wrath classic servers.

And I think if I was a bc classic server person. I know that those servers don’t exist either. But I think it would be a reasonable compromise to at least get a permanent wrath classic server in a bc classic servers place instead. But whatever at this point lol.


to answer your question now that Cata pre-patch hit.

Cuz Cata is crap…thats why


Well said. People on these forums don’t understand this though. Everyone is supposed to play non stop 24/7 365 the way they do.