Why do people want lasting WoTLK Servers?

As a matter of fact. Yes. Dustwallow marsh is one of my favorite zones in the game lol.

damn I wish I was so easily entertained


I am one of the people that would play wrath forever. I absolutely don’t want to go into Cata. I love the world the way it is and it makes me sad to know how it got wrecked. I am the minority I’m sure but I am truly hoping for at least one wrath server to stay on.


I wish everyone was. But everyone is so narrow minded now, and obsessed with that whole better or worse nonsense when it comes to changes now. But It is what it is I guess.

let’s change this. Let’s change that. Let’s add a dungeon finder. Who cares how bad it could possibly turn out. And the only bad thing that could happen if blizzard made permanent wrath classic servers is that big blizz could lose some cash. Let me shed a giant tear for them. Like good lord. As if blizzard needs a billion more dollars off that one Idea that just didn’t work. Let me just share some sympathy and empathy for those affected by that. I would only care about the low end devs. Not the billionares at blizz. Blizzard would probably fire them just for the sign on contract anyways. Not because of any bad decision made or anything like that. Just for showing up to work a minute early no doubt.

I would to. I honestly feel like, looking at the pandaria hook that they got going on in retail soon. Basically where you create a new toon and level up and do whatever else doing pandaria stuff. But you get loot and other stuff to trade for mounts and pets and junk like that.

They should just do that for permanent wrath classic. Everyone gets to keep their old toons that they have had. But if they create new toons, they can get loot and mounts and pets and stuff like that for leveling up and playing the game. Mounts that could be used in retail and classic variants.

There’s only 3 versions of Classic. Classic Era, Hardcore and SoD.

You can still play WotLK, just not for much longer.

The reason why they don’t want to is because of names among other things but mainly names.

I mean… It was added in WotLK.

Yah the dungeon finder was added in wrath. But it was promised to never be added during the classic experience. Anyone remember the vanilla classic panels. To heck with blizzard.

Hopefully we get permanent wrath classic servers though. All I care about right now.


Why do you even care and feel the need to make a thread on it. Don’t be a hater and worry about what people want to play on their free time while paying a subscription fee. Are peoples personal preference’s really an issue for you or does this go deeper? Go see a psychiatrist :person_shrugging:

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I can definitely agree tonthe argument of condensing servers in this case. I don’t even have a toon built up because i keep bouncing servers trying to find a good sized population.

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No it would make sense. Specially for 1 k players playing on permanent wrath classic. 1 realm is all it would need.

the same reason people returned to WotlK in the first place. To play Wrath of the Lich King.

I m not surprised many people move on or want to progress but some people always looked back and saw WotLK as superior to what followed and wished it back. Private servers served that desire for some time. Now Blizzard has managed to double squeeze the community for the same thing.

Its just non sensical for them to let it die again.

Yes, you wont need the number of servers and no doubt the majority of players will walk forward but a certain number of people would like to remain. Why not service those people?


Agreed. Hopefully they listen soon.

Because Cata Sucks and everyone knows it

No I don’t know that Cataclysm sucks, I’d rather play it and form my own opinion about it rather than get my opinon off of some youtuber or from something that happened over 10 years ago.


from my personal Exp. it did suck.

Because I love the Pvp aspect of it. esp for Priest. Wrath pvp is prob the best pvp besides MOP pvp.


Cata and MOP are considered peak wow pvp, wrath was not and a server with only 1000 people on it is a dead server, you wont be pvp’ing anyway.

It would happen here and there honestly lol.

But yah permanent wrath do it blizz.

WotLK had it’s time, it was great while it lasted.

It was great. And would be even greater if they would last forever. Now it’s just kind of great.

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Yes, forever. I’d like to be able to play my Wrath main when I want to. Now with Cata coming I never advanced him past 60 because I did not want to lose that progress and be atatched to him whan Cata came aound. Had I knonw that a Wrat Era server was waiting for him, I’d have played and still now play Wrath. I really liked Wrath, the new zones, achievements, professions and so on. But with Cata coming and once again washing oit all away, there was no idea in staying there. I left - sorrowful - for Era.

Why do you not let people playing - or wanting to play - on a server decide if it’s dead or not. I even play at the EU RP Era server, /who is almost always blow 50, but it is not dead as long as we play there and have fun. Does it hurt you in any way that people are different and like different things? And no, I don’t PvP, not ever! And even for PvP 50 or below is enough … 2 is enough.

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