Why do people want lasting WoTLK Servers?

It’s been 18 months, what else can you possibly want to do and how long do you want to be in Wrath for? Forever?


A very small number of people would be active on it. I think it’s the concept of losing it that’s making people want it.

They don’t its gaslighting from weird no changes classic vanilla only people that post on 18 diff forum alts

no one I know that plays the game would play an era server, they will play with their guild and friends in current content in cata, or sod.

Blizzard knows the real truth and data, hence why they don’t make era servers just for 20 people.


exactly its just people that want their own server to play by themselves on blizzards dime lol.

people that want to only play wotlk, never played classic and stayed on pservers. Era servers would be a waste


Running the one permanent WoTLK server would have higher running costs than the 20 active player subs they would get using it.


None of my friends want cata lol. My whole guild is disbanding if cata replaces wrath.

And it has 2 k people active at any given time to.


I mean, no one you know would want to play an era server. But, they are different people.

Different people want different things. And at the end of the day, you all are hypocritical.
The people you play with would be sooooooo maaddd if blizz made a decision that they didn’t like to. Like it isn’t gaslighting. We are just complaining about a decision being made.
And I don’t like the fact that wrath classic permanent options aren’t going to exist. End of story.

People can’t act like our opinions don’t matter or that we don’t have the right to complain just because we have the smaller overall general opinion. Like I think deleting permanent wrath classic servers is a stupid decision. And I stand by that opinion.


We want it for the same reason people want Vanilla. And Vanilla has enough users to justify it despite SoD’s best attempts to sabotage it (and WotLK).


You can’t delete what never existed

Genuine question: what would you actually do with permanent, unchanging Wrath servers? Do you honestly think you could only eat pizza every day for the rest of your life, consequences aside, and never get sick of it?

Lol. SoD and hardcore are themselves what justify Era. The base Vanilla servers are complete ghost towns


no you don’t vanilla had an actual reason for there to be an era server, as there was entire communities still playing vanilla and classic was announced as vanilla, so it makes sense to have the first game preserved, and they also gave those communities HC servers


GASLIGHT MORE that’s how I know you’re a fraud, real wotlk fans don’t want to play on a 20 player era server. get real.

I don’t know why people say such silly things like that. It’s not being deleted. A new expansion is coming.

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There are several guilds on Atiesh that are specifically recruiting for Cata. Just spend a couple hours in prime time and you’ll see them recruiting in /4.


You mean like crapaclysm?

Those people are long gone considering WotLK was wrecked by stupid changes.

But yet we’re moving on to crapaclysm again… One of the worst expansions in wow history that almost no one will play…


You are hysterical.


That’s what’s called an echochamber, how many people are we talking about here? Assuming your friends are your guildies I’m going to say ~30

I don’t know if you mean that your guild has 2k active players, if you are then you’re lying because a guild can only have 1,000 characters.

If not then I have no idea what you mean by saying 2 k.

They’re not getting deleted, they’re progressing.

Kind of a bad one to use tbh, Pizza can have a lot of toppings to keep it fresh.

I think I could do it but if that changed to only one type then nvm.

Why is it bad? Broken world, new quests in Eastern Kingdoms/Kalimdor, flying? Why do you think it’s bad?


Yes. I could lol. I still have an old nintendo. Still as cool as the day I got it.

Well, With pizza, I just refuse to buy that stuff now anyways. Companies charge way to much for consumables now. You buy a shirt that lasts forever for 50 bucks. You buy 50 dollars of food and it is gone instantly. I mean, my goodness is the economy broken.

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I have to point out, that means there are thousands of people that DO want a permanent Wrath server. They just aren’t playing with Blizzard, nor are they paying Blizzard for it.

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You exist in an echo chamber to my friend. After all, blizzard doesn’t really listen to anybody. You just happen to be satisfied with where the game is going. Until you aren’t. Then you will probably go around doing the same thing. Complaining about a stupid decision blizzard made or whatever.

Second, it is basically a 2 guild system I have on my server functioning as one guild. Both having 1 k folks in it. So feel free to argue the semantics on that in the next comment you make towards me. So it isn’t really 1 guild, but we technically treat it as 1 guild.

Also, is that your logic. You just take every comment that you disagree with and decide that they are in an echo chamber. Sound logic there. And you better never complain to me about anything going on in wow about any given decisions, or in real life. Because you can’t even have an objective convo with anyone who has an opinion that differs from your own.

Or like other commenters who just accuse me of necroing. Whatever floats your boats.

Basically, anyone who disagrees with you is in an echo chamber. Which isn’t true. And you will be satisfied with wow I guess until they make a decision that excludes you. So don’t bother complaining about it then.

Anyone who disagrees with me. Necro. Call the forum police. Like, that is just the dumbest logic ever. It really shows the types of players blizzard has playing wow now. And the double standard to.

Like if I can’t complain, then none of you all can complain either or post anything. That is hypocritical. And if I can’t have an opinion. Neither can you.

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Okay maybe calling it an echo chamber wasn’t right, but if you’re saying your opinions are based off of what the people around you are saying, specifically your guild mates, the ones you spend most of your time with then yes, you’re in an echo chamber.

I’m not in an echo chamber because I don’t get my opinions from others, I make my own and if someone makes a good point I’ll reflect and change that opinion.

I guess you’re just in a classic zerg guild, one that’d invite anything and anyone.

No, it’s not my logic. If you’re getting all of your opinions from a set group of people who only parrot the same stuff back to you with nothing challenging the point then you’re in an echo chamber.

No I can have an convo with someone of differing opinions, Freezeui and I have had numeruous disagreements but we had a civil back and forth regarding specs

The links dead now but it starts there and continues for a bit.

I mean, they’re not accusations, you are dredging up threads that people have stopped posting in.

Never said that but alright.

And all I’m doing is responding, you post your opinion and I’m allowed to say whether or not I agree and the reason why I do or don’t. You’re taking this way too close to the heart, it’s not that deep.