Why do people want lasting WoTLK Servers?

yeah because classic era is working out sooooo well.

Mostly GDKPs, and AH inflation that I honestly can even comprehend. Those people can have fun spending 3k just to raid one night, but I’ll pass…

I’m kind of in the same boat with you, my friend. When I transitioned my warrior main from Classic Era to TBC Classic, I ended up deleting and recreating him because I felt that he needed a fresh start in the expansion. For the first time in my life, I rolled a rogue that I (for lack of a better term) co-mained and leveled to craft armor kits for reinforcing both my rogue’s and warrior’s armor. My warrior being a blacksmith, would use the leather my rogue sent him to help craft his gear. I also had him send my rogue weapons that he crafted to help him maintain good dps.

In time, I focused more on leveling my Combat rogue than my warrior, and I got him up to 58 before switching back to my warrior who was still in his early-to-mid 40’s. I had just worked my warrior up to level 50 and finished the “Saving Sharpbeak” quest chain shortly before the day of the pre-patch. Was on the last leg of questing in Tanaris when Cata Pre-Patch hit. I thought I would have at least 2 more weeks of questing in Classic Azeroth until the world had permanently changed, but evidently that wasn’t the case when I logged in post update.

I guess you could say my approach to playing through the Wrath Classic content has been more relaxed and casual even for a “casual player”. Every so often I would pay Behsten 10g to lock my character’s level, so he didn’t wind up outleveling the content of the zone he was questing in before moving on to the next one. This made both the quest rewards and loot drops in dungeons stay relevant and useful. I’m 47 years old now, and I work in a warehouse environment where I am required to perform strenuous physical labor. Being able to just relax and play through the Wrath Classic content at my own pace has not only been a privilege for me, but a blessing. My only regret is that it didn’t last long enough for me to complete all the quests there were in the world of Azeroth before the Shattering.

To this day, I still have yet to complete the quests for the Argent Dawn/Crusade in the Eastern and Western Plaguelands, the Hydraxian Waterlords and demon hunter in Azshara, and the classic quest hubs in Winterspring, Blasted Lands and Silithus. For me, having the luxury of a lasting WotLK server would mean finishing my character’s journey as both he and I experience, for the very first time, the lore of the content as it was before the world of Azeroth changed. It would bring me a sense of closure, fulfillment, and peace.

I know I could always go back to questing in the Classic Era realms, but I’ve become spoiled by both learning the Riding skill and having a mount at Level 20 and having all my mounts be fast mounts with an improved Riding skill at Level 40. LOL
It just wouldn’t be the same having to spend half my 60 levels questing up and down The EK and Kalimdor on a foot beat. I guess that, ultimately, it will be what I have to do if I wish to truly experience Azeroth as it was before Deathwing’s arrival. Although, I really feel that should not be the case.

My hope is that Blizzard will someday soon grant the wish of at least a couple permanent Wrath Era servers (one PvE and one PvP) to the players who desire them including me. I swear that I would pay a separate subscription, whether it be 6 months or annually recurring, for the server alone. If they will not listen to us, then maybe they will listen to my credit card statement which will no longer have my recurring 6-month subscription listed when it expires July 1. Have a blessed day, be safe, and stay healthy.

Thank you for reading. Happy, healthy (both mentally and physically) gaming to all.


Thanks for writing this. I am almost in the same place as you - only I realised when Cata was announced, that I culd not make it with the time I had, and thus I deleted all but two of my Wrat characters (Main and co-main) and put all my playtime in HC, where I have now made it to 60, and am goint to try to do so again following the stricter IronMan rules.

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Can’t have folk in SW wearing questing greens and having a higher gear score


And how long do you want to have classic upgrades? What next? MOP? WOD? LEGION? DRAGONFLIGHT? What next? Where will it stop? It is not what “classic” is meant to be. I wanted to play WOTLK but after a year I really miss TBC experience, but also wotlk some days.
I know if they separate servers, people would spread a lot so to PUSH and KEEP people one place, they just upgrade classic. No matter if you like cata or not, all of you are one server = numbers numbers numbers. That’s sad. I’d rather have seperate tbc/wotlk realms.


Yeah I always liked but how will people know how great I am arguments against tmog.

I don’t even know what many great armours look like. I can’t bow down in homage…when I don’t even know what to bow down too.

Some in pvp go well how do I know what they have?

Ummm, attack them? Or see hp bars. I know what my hp is for few classes in pvp gear.

If a dude has more than me…it means they are mogged wrathful. Or really likes stamina gems more than I do.

As I opt to just save honor and keep furious and relentless. I’ll have a shopping spree at 85 is why.

You can always bow down to me. :wink: You can’t go wrong if you do that.

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Yes this so much. They want it there to log on to occasionally, but I doubt very many would play it to a large extent.

You can easily get full wrathful and save 4k honor for 85.

It doesnt take long at all.

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No clue. Wrath is only marginally better than Cata, which itself should have never been launched due to it being the end of any chance for WoW to be a decent game.

I dunno. Why does blizzard and alot of players not want us to have them.

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I mean, WOTLK is when the game actually got good. All classes and specs felt good to play and were viable. RDF was introduced and leveling was fun. Northrend is fun to level in, quests were designed well and the music is great.

Raiding is pretty good outside of Naxx, and PvP was decently balanced. There’s not much to not like about WOTLK, and theres a reason its by far the most popular pserver.

Blizzard doesn’t think it will bring in sufficient profit.

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Just stay in Northrend, the contents going nowhere.

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And, well uh, I think that permanent wrath classic, WILL bring it SUFFICIENT profit.

Ok cool but Blizzard isn’t and you subbing is showing them you support Cata over Wrath.


The guy that made this hasn’t posted in 5 weeks now, time to let it go.

I want a fresh vanilla-tbc-wrath cycle.

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How many people will start a subscription if there’s wrath era servers?
How many people will cancel their sub if there’s no wrath era servers?
You have to answer those two questions to find out if wrath era would bring in sufficient profit.

The only realistic outcome I can see going forward is that the story will do one of two things, or both, or both + something Ive not considered at all yet. SO we’ll split the difference and say thats one of 2.5 things lol.

The story of Classic comes to an ending point, so as not to just be catching up to retail, or staying in perpetual number of expansions behind the retail one. Where that is, I suppose the money will be the most watched indicator by the people that decide these things.

The story diverges from the one we’ve all known that established the lore that is canon to the retail timeline. We get a totally different one, and pardon the old term but i think its apt for this, a Classic Plus in the realest sense unlike SoD has been. Thrall never makes Garrosh Warchief, and Illidan never encounters unprepared foes, and Moroes doesnt die needlessly, The Centaur join the Horde just as the Dryads joint he Alliance, The Naga and the Murloc and Turtlefolk become the 3rd faction that force a new paradigm shift as it is not DeathWing that rips apart Azeroth, but Hogger and his mighty Unhorde of Quillboar/Worzen/Gnoll/Kobold/etc let your imagine run free from here. Blah blah blah lol.

The story Loops, maybe like how Season of Mastery and Discovery and Hardcore were all derivatives of the same thing. Multiverse options essentially. Each Reboot comes with new challenges never before endured by the classic players.

ANd what else has not been considered is out there too.