Why do people want lasting WoTLK Servers?

Ok, that doesn’t answer my question though.

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My only question here is are they going to create cata servers? Or are the wrath servers getting converted? Me personally, i hope they keep separate wrath servers until i can complete the expansion and get a character to max level. Yes i know, i’m a bad player. It’s been like 17 years and i have yet to complete wrath. But most people seem to be forgetting two factors in this discussion. First off, we live in a capitalist society. This means that Blizzard is not going to do anything unless it brings them a return. Therefore, they believe transitioning to cataclysm is a profitable move. That would mean they have reason to believe that no matter what is screamed, that cata was and is more popular than people want to admit. My second point is with the cata servers. If they are going to make seperate cata servers (which they do have the materials and man power to do already) then everyone is getting bent out of shape for no reason at all. It will be as simple as not logging into the cata servers if you don’t want cata. If they go the cheap route, and simply convert the wrath servers to cata, they will know within a couple days if it was a dumb move. If it proves a dumb move, they will simply recreat the wrath servers and then we will have 5 choices of what to play under our Classic tab.
Granted their best move would be to only convert a couple wrath servers to cata and see what happens. But end of the day, they already have more accurate numbers and projections than anyone on these forums can come up with.

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No, they will not make new cata servers. WOTLK will be upgraded to Cata the same as every other expansion upgrade has been done. If you don’t like Cata, I’ll be happy to take your stuffs.

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He did the same thing to me, completely off topic only serving to bump the thread so it gets more traffic.

What I said…

What he replied with…

Like what is he doing except bringing pointless traffic to these threads to keep them active.

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Doesn’t matter now, they denied us, we unsubbed, life goes on.

wrath will return in sod form im sure

I feel blizzard goofed up with how they did classic era. There should have been 1 pvp and 1 pve server instead of clustering a few of them together into 5 or so servers. I think if they used that approach the server would feel more alive. I know some of the clusters on classic era seem to be really low on players.

Because they don’t. They want the option to go back to Wrath and play it when they want. Absolute no one wants to play one version of a game forever. Not even Skyrim or Minecraft gets that.

They just want an option that they may or may not use, and they want Blizzard to pay for it regardless of if they are using it a lot or not.

Arguably that is how it should have been done… heck I made an entire post about how there should be 4 versions of WoW.


So far they seem to have done everything I suggested in a worse way. The only thing they don’t seem to be doing is keeping a version of each expansion active… ultimately I hoped that each version would benefit the other one way or another. Even if retail’s contribution would simply be continuing the timeline.

Permanent Wrath servers would be dead in 6 weeks.

Can I have your stuffs?

I’d give it 4-months. People will get there BiS kill H LK and then quit. Then at some point there were to be some revivals like… “Lets play Wrath again, but you have to beat every raid and dungeon at the appropriate level and you are only allowed to keep the loot from the first boss kill”…

I see your point, but if my memory is serving me right (which i could be entirely remembering wrong, and i don’t have the time atm to even try and look it up) when they went to bring wrath, it was originally going to be an upgrade to the current classic servers at that time. A couple weeks before launch they 180’d and created new vanilla servers. I just remember logging into to play vanilla, and my toon and realm was gone. I was confused as all get out. I didn’t bother filing a ticket or anything. A few weeks later i decided what the hay, lets play classic wrath. Logged in expecting to pick a server and make a new character, and bam toon and server were now under wrath. Reminded me of the great fun i had with my characters years ago when they condensed and removed retail servers because of the population drop. That was the only moment i hated having so many alts.

Please keep wrath.


Agreed. Keep wrath classic blizzard. Do it right now.

I just remember never cloning to vanilla because I honestly didn’t give a rip about vanilla.

And now, vanilla has like 5 variants and wrath classic and bc classic have zero ways of playing them. Which is so stupid. I am not a vanilla fan. I am a wrath classic fan.

Just kind of frustrating. And I think the reason why vanilla era failed is because they kept all the servers up. They should have transferred everyone to 1 or 2 servers. Even now I think there is like one vanilla era realm that has a decent population. And in my op, they should do this for permanent wrath classic. Just funnel everyone’s cloned toons to one or 2 servers. And it will be enough.

im sorry did you say “if” ? lmao

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When not if I guess. We got 3 weeks till cata mostly comes out.

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then guess what Northrend is untouched in Cata, hell it’s untouched and the same world today in retail too.

The original 1-60 overworld. You knew what I meant lol. But maybe you are that dense and stupid.

Blizzard just hates permanent wrath classic players. I get it now.

really attached to mudsprocket eh?