Why do people want lasting WoTLK Servers?

That’s completely false, era servers are alive and doing very well. But go ahead keep spewing your baseless nonsense


Maybe you’ll be able to convince yourself if you keep saying it :slight_smile:

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Its pretty simple.

People want to play the game when it was good. That’s the whole point of Classic and as it happens, Cata is when the game stopped being good.

Therefore, Wrath era is the only solution. Yes, people want to play it forever and they will. As proven by the fact that Wrath pservers are the most popular of all time.


Personal incredulity.

No, Vanilla’s the most popular by far, just look no further than Nostalrius.

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SoD is absolutely crushing Wrath Classic in player count. Wrath can’t even beat a Vanilla server with a few TBC and Wrath abilities tossed in.

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I think there will always be some interest from players, but honestly doubt there will ever be enough for Blizzard to justify it. They won’t want to do something that they don’t at least think will make them a considerable amount of money. At least millions of dollars in profit.

They have plenty of completely dead retail server clusters.


Players need to realize Blizz doesn’t care what we want. They didn’t even ask about Wrath Era servers. They just want to keep selling Deluxe Editions of already made expansions. That’s where the easy money is at.


Well, I mean I will just keep complaining about it until it happens.

Permanent wrath classic servers should be a thing.


Even once cata drops, can we still raid icc?

I don’t blame Blizzard for their decision.

When TBC classic came out, Classic era was pretty much a ghost town, era only got a surge of nostalgia, hardcore and eventually SoD.

Classic era being a ghost town initially and still is to some extent to some people is the reason why TBC era and Wrath era servers weren’t on the table and at the same time its not worth the operating costs where there is few people playing and slowly bleed out as players eventually get bored in a stagnant, unchanging Wrath era server.

If I wanted Wrath era servers, It would be doing ICC till I get bored of it and eventually quit because you are at an apex where you have the bis gear, like you said I’m playing on a server of a version of a game that ends in ICC + RC so really I have nothing to look forward to other just running ICC for 100th time.

While sure there is other stuff to do in wrath but eventually you will get bored of it aswell.

Eventually you will get bored of it and quit because there would be nothing to look forward to.

100% it’s autistic people that can’t deal with all the changes in Cata.

Last I checked. Nost didn’t exist

And the sub numbers prove you wrong

Cataclysm wasnt bad, its playerbase was, so they left because dungeons and raids got hard.

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Of course. ICC isn’t going away in Cataclysm, so you can still go back there at 85 if you wish. There are still plenty of incentives to go back like if you want the drakes from the Glory meta, Shadowmourne, transmog sets, or a small chance at Invincible. But if you mean if you can still raid ICC as a level 80 via locking your experience, well that certainly will depend on the interest of your server’s community.

Because cat was the down fall of wow classic. Its the 1 that started retail and game became a job and unfun

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You mean WoD. Cata is, mechanically, just more of Wrath. You have reps that you grind with tabards in dungeons along with daily quest hubs, gear up through heroics with weekly tokens that you spend on raid-level gear, and then gear from the raids themselves

Pandaria is just more of that too. It isn’t until WoD when we start getting daily upkeep chores with garrisons. Then Legion jumps off the deep end with artifact power


Yes. You’d just lose fomo drops if there. Same as older raids mounts.

And it be easier at 85 with the levels and new gear.

But…at now 3 years later in the future icc is getting there anyway.

It be run 500 of icc. Most could run the bosses blindfolded and high as kites really.

Even in retail icc is a big seller. I’ve had hundreds of failed runs for that damned mount lol.

It’s the old, low res mount a rational person would say why the hell am I here…again. And the gamer ocd says shut up and run this lol.

What does this even mean. I see anti-cata players say it all the time, but it’s a nothing sentence.

What exactly did cata do to make the game into a job?

Edit: added a question mark

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I don’t hate cata. But I do hate the fact blizzard won’t let me play permanent wrath classic servers in the future. Bugs me so much.