Why do people want lasting WoTLK Servers?

And I think Ghibli movies are pretty meh overall. That doesn’t mean my opinion is indicative of reality

I’m going to copy and paste what I wrote about this in another thread on this subject and add some additional thoughts BUT to answer your question OP:

  1. I actually like modern WoW and how it plays, and all of the QoL features it has.
  2. Wrath Era is the best version of Classic EK and Kalimdor that I can play as they’ve added a lot (but not all) of the modern QoL features of modern that I like.
  3. I would much rather they bring classic Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms into modern, but I know why that is likely to never happen.
  4. As such, barring item 3 from ever happening, I’d like them to keep a Wrath Era server, exactly as it is right now, going so I can live here instead.

I don’t raid or PvP, so Cata doesn’t really have anything to offer a player like me that I can’t already access in modern. I have a Classic Era character, and an SoD character, but of the three versions available this one is my favorite by a mile.

I like my mounts and my pets in a tab, instead of one characters inventory, that I access on any character regardless of what faction they are. I like the token (as much as it gets crapped on) so I’m not broke all of the time and I can just quietly play through the game without having to worry about being able to afford my skills or gear upgrades or mats or such.

I also like how, in addition to all of the unsundered world content, I also have access to TBC or Wrath content if I should want to venture that far, which I can’t get on Era.

I like the convenience of LFD. Playing in both Era and Wrath, it is orders of magnitude easier and faster to get a group in Wrath than Era.

Finally, I like how Wrath classic plays over Era. I like the talent arrangements more than what’s in Vanilla, I like how Classic is easier and more smoothed out than how Vanilla is.

I don’t have anything against Cataclysm, and I do wholly agree that the leveling experience in the sundered world is much better.

But the classic is my home. It’s the world (of warcraft) that I fell in love with, where Thrall is my Warchief and my faction hasn’t nuked Theramore or burned Teldrassil down yet. I’ve been playing this game since the stress test before launch in Nov 2004. I lost my home in December of 2010 and didn’t get it back until 2019.

I don’t think they’re ever going to bring the unsundered world back to modern, so Wrath Classic, as it exists right now with the various QoLs that they’ve added, is the best version of classic for me. I don’t think one is better than the other I just like this one the most.

As what I would do on such a server: What I do on retail and the Era server right now, just live there. Quest, craft, hang around, make alts, try to explore and find things I haven’t found yet or rediscover things I completely forgot about.

Is all that worth a Wrath server? Probably not, but you asked and I hope I answered your question.


This is cope from someone who obviously hasn’t played anything retail related since, let me take a wild guess, atleast 2019.

Wod, BFA, SL, are all very solid contenders for being worse than Cata. The cata hate is literally just blind rage from over a decade ago. Oh no, your stupid little leveling zone isn’t a cluttered mess anymore. Too bad Cata directly improves upon the groundwork laid down by LK for class design. Too bad Cata heard the cries about “gamers missing the hard days of wow instances” and presented actual challenges, too much for the “gamers of vanilla” to handle. Oh no, all the talents you got in your COOKIE CUTTER BUILD are now baseline? Guess that’s it. It’s joever. Game’s ruined because you don’t have to talent into must have talents anymore. Oh no, hybrids died, cried out 0.5% of the playerbase when Cata dropped.

You can dislike cata, but don’t sit here and pretend like you’re anywhere near current information when you regurgitate your decade old hatred onto the rest of us. If you’re going to dismiss the expansion, maybe say why you don’t like it instead of doing a juvenile play on words for its name and leaving it at that, because otherwise you just look like a jaded old man who’s mad that time moved on.

Don’t play cata. Go back to era. It’s that way ---->


See you in Cataclysm!

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A seasonal server set in TBC or Wrath would be a bit weird. You’d have 60 or 70 levels respectively before characters even get into that expansion’s content. Could they just start every character at a higher level? That’s a thought.

I think the bigger issue is that it would require yet another game install. All those Vanilla servers are just separated by a server list. Same client patched a little differently. A whole nother version would be more involved.

If it seems weird to level the old fashioned way (and having to rush it) on a Seasonal Expansion server, there could be a few ways to go about it. Starting at a higher level, as you mentioned, is one way. Another would be having an experience boost for the first, say, 58/68 levels to help people make their way to Outland faster since that would be the goal. There could also be a “Phase 0” that caps the level to 58/68 (with vanilla raids temporarily locked) so people can take their time reaching it. But these are all really just faster leveling with extra steps.

I think Seasonals would be interesting since you’d be able to progress through the expansion’s raid tiers (assuming you start around the time it releases, of course) and experience each as they were. Currently in Wrath Classic, players that reach endgame now have hardly any reason to run Naxx, Ulduar, and even ToC since they can just run gammas all day and skip straight to ICC afterwards. That’s basically what I’d do in a Wrath Era server on its final patch: ignore everything except ICC. ToC can be considered somewhat if gammas are excluded from it, but it still means Naxx and Ulduar get ignored entirely unless you really want to run it for fun/achievements.

I wouldn’t mind another install to be honest. I only have vanilla installed because of trying out SoD for a bit, and Wrath because it had to make do for not having TBC Era. I’d just uninstall the versions I’m no longer playing.

The word you’re looking for is subjective.

Which, eh, considering that Cataclysm is why the classic train started happening in the first place, I’m gonna disagree with you.

While I 100% disagree with the rest of your post, this particular part is factually correct. Cataclysm’s sin is being the progenitor for what became the modern design philosophy, and in retrospect it’s actually not that bad with the exception of Dragon Soul.

All possibilities, though in my opinion the phasing system in SoD allows people to not feel like they’re being left behind while still iterating on the original experience.

Either would work though.

Level caps were a fantastic idea. Going forward any seasonal server they do should obviously have them.

Without them the zoomers would have been 60 within a week, and the masses get left in the dust and lose interest.

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People have been begging for Vanilla servers since the day TBC launched

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I think the idea is to preserve the game so that the option to play it is always there. But Blizzard doesn’t want to do this, even though classic is still here. For whatever nonsensical reason that would only make sense in a uniquely Blizzard shaped brain, they’re preserving classic, but not crusade or wrath.

The silver lining is that everyone defending cataclysm will reap what they have sown when cataclysm gets its turn for the plug pull. This is assuming their realm even lasts to the last phase, which is unlikely. Blizzard is actually considering merging all realms with cataclysm, because even they know this awful expansion isn’t going to do well. These are the same people that refused to do exactly the same thing for crusade/wrath.

I’m convinced you have no idea what you’re talking about because everything you posted is delusional rubbish. Perhaps the best (or worst) part is you claiming I “fight tooth and nail” against changes. You don’t seem to realize you’re talking about someone that has a history going back years of fighting mostly for changes, not against. You know not long ago I made a thread listing suggested changes for cataclysm? And you know who one of the users fighting against changes was? Noxranna. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/a-better-way-to-do-cataclysm/1713384/9


There are only two types of wow players, those who fell in love with one particular version and those who want to move through the expansions about every two years. Those who fell in love are very few and most of them want to stick with vanilla, BC, or Wrath, theoretically forever or so they claim. When Cata ends the vast majority will be ready to move to MoP. When MoP ends the vast majority will be ready to move on to WoD, then Legion etc. There will be almost no interest in a permanent Cata era, MoP era etc. because all that will be left is progression players.

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I’m convinced at this point that people like Drain honestly believe that they’re only allowed to enjoy one thing. The only video game that exists to them is WoW, and the only version that matters is their favorite expansion. If the game ever changes they have to fight tooth and nail for it to stay the same or they think they can never enjoy anything again

Instead of just…leaving and playing another game


Thinking about trying Dragon’s Dogma 2. Seems decent.

By the way, I think Cata must have run over Drain’s puppy or something. He has such insane hatred of it.

I personally think these are all good points that warrant a permanent wrath classic server option in my op.

It was probably one of my favorite features of wrath back in the day. Just turn off exp at 60 or 70, and you have vanilla and bc content progression for those toons. Pretty sweet.

Also, vanilla doesn’t have Death knights. And I honestly liked death knights. And I Agree. Everything plays better in wrath compared to vanilla.

And I also agree with your first bullet on liking retail. I actually like retail more than most. It is pretty fun. If only they would bring the old overworld back for chromie time. Which I know they never probably will. But I can dream.

But I don’t like stuff being taken away. I love alot about cata. But removing stuff wasn’t one of those things I liked about it. It played completely differently than wrath to.

Now, I want to play cataclysm classic. But I don’t really have any motivation to play any versions of wow at all if I don’t have the option to play permanent versions of wrath classic in some form. That is just 2010 all over again.



and of course there’s you know hundreds or thousands of more posts about all the things you hate about this game, cata, blizzard and who knows what else

50+ results for hate @Zaalg-ashkandi


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For the pvp

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Cata will have a player base. If only to make the army of 85s for….MoP lol.

Ngl, Cata is not the must have expac for me. It is however the stepping stone to maybe future versions. It will get some sub time blocks from me.

If only to make 8 85s lol.

I just need to see legion happen again. I can wait. And level. Hell I came to like wod too in some ways.

It’s got positives and negatives. I’ll resub and give it a shot. So long as Blizz doesn’t insist I play on a megaserver.

MoP also has some potential. WoD is the end of the line for me though. Besides being a garbage expansion, it had the new character models, and I want no part of that. Maybe if there’s a toggle… Don’t remember when they removed the toggle.

Legion I think actually has potential as an Era server. There’s a lot to do. Especially without the crazy catchups they put in later.

Well why don’t you go ask the people playing plain classic and ask why did they want theirs and why they still play it after 6 years…