Why do people want lasting WoTLK Servers?

And classic and SOD are terrible in my op. I want to experience the original overworld in wrath. Not in stupid vanilla.

No, you wouldn’t. The entire point of the pizza example is that, no matter how much you enjoy something, having it and only it forever will make you sick of it

The harm is development time and resources for something that won’t sustain itself


Trust me. I will never get sick of playing wrath. I would get sick of paying for pizza though. Stuff is expensive now.

Yes you would

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To each their own I suppose. But to me spending 5 levels to place points in 1% hit for a total of 5% just isn’t that exciting.

I just miss cross speccing. You legit could not be a frost fire mage anymore in cata. I liked having the best of both. You only really had like 1 or 2 abilities exclusive to each tree at the bottom.

In cata, frost mages were simply frost mages. And I just found it boring. Well, not boring I guess but not as fun as what we had in wrath and before.

Those talents never really made sense to me. In retail, I always pick the talents that actually give me new abilities. I am not really a fan of the passive buffs or health boosts. I like having more abilities to use.

There were like 2 possible specs where that could be viable. In almost every single tree you needed to take the end cap talent to be competitive in any capacity. I see your point but it’s just so niche.

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What content creator video did you watch to just to come and repeat what they said?

Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.

It’s more exciting than not spending 5 talent points to gain 5% crit from some passive automatically given.

If you say so.

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Oh no i agree i was talking to the guy complaining that you can’t do that no more. It only affects like 2 people.

I couldn’t care less. I just don’t understand the appeal and thought I would get insight from people who want them.

Guess youve never bothered to look at private server numbers. The demand would be there.

For real though. It isn’t like the demand isn’t there. I just want a permanent wrath classic server that isn’t endorsed by 3rd party bullcorn. I think private servers are a different can of worms. But I don’t want to do that. But that might be our only option.

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Well, for one thing. It was the last era of the game to have the old overworld intact. And sure, we have vanilla classic. But I personally am not a big fan of the designs of vanilla. And even in sod and classic plus. I just found it to be a stupid experience altogether. I mean, for crying out loud the cata overworld has outlived the old overworld they deleted now. 13 years later. And I just did not find it as appealing as the old one.

Vanilla doesn’t have death knights. Wrath classic does. I honestly didn’t like the fact that cataclysm took so much out of the game. That still bothers me 13 years later.

I also feel like the class designs of wrath classic, were better than in cataclysm. You couldn’t do half the stuff in cata that you could in wrath. And I also quite frankly like the class designs in wrath better than vanilla classic and vanilla SOM and classic plus. Keep in mind, I tried som and classic plus out. It just didn’t fit me. Like at all. And If I wanted to do some crazy hardcore experience, I would just play runescape or eve online. Which I don’t because I don’t like starting all over again all the time.

I mean, in retail, you have to level up again. Etc. Which is fine. But at least I don’t lose all of my stuff, and my entire toon whenever I die or a new expansion comes out. And I honestly don’t understand the appeal of that playstyle either. But it does have it’s fans.

I personally love the old dungeons of wow, and they were best experienced in wrath in my op. Cata decided to delete old shadowfang keep and deadmines. Some of the best dungeons in the game. As well as getting rid of ammo and everything else. No one needed mana or to actually be somewhat responsible anymore. I just found cata to be a step backwards in alot of ways.

I mean, I never will forget corla herald of twilight. Like how hard is it to rotate beams until you get a debuff stack of 80, rotate out amongst players, rinse and repeat so that the twilight things don’t evolve and own everyone. Never forget the frustration of trying to coordinate that boss. And no one knows what an interrupt is. Interrupt her force grip ability is all you have to do also. Or something like that. I just remember the IQ levels of the average wow player going down in cata. And blizzard just enabled it and nerfed everything. And for a long time, there was no alternative until mythics came out.

I just remember being part of the wrath community the most. It was just easy enough but not to easy. And the leveling process was still involved to all the way to 80. I don’t like the dungeon finder feature if I am being honest. That ruined the appeal of cataclysm in my op. And now, all anyone ever does is power grind and level boost with real money anyways. And I find it kind of annoying.

But at least I can play wrath. And now, I might not be able to anymore. Well we do have private servers. But they seem sketchy. As they aren’t officially endorsed by blizzard.

I just liked everything about wrath. The leveling. The class designs. The talent trees and the ability to hybrid spec. The death knights. The dungeons at 80 were also pretty cool. Some of the best in the game. The old overworld. It just isn’t the same in classic era which doesn’t have 70-80 content or the same talent tree and class designs.

But I never understood the appeal of just deleting old content and old dungeons. I hated it when blizzard was doing that. It still makes no sense. And everything just was so good, and made so much sense when wrath was the top expansion at that time.

Why give you Wrath Era when you’ll stay subbed just to necro Wrath Era threads? Good business move for Blizz.

You’ll lose some of your Wrath Era thread bumps when my sub runs out though. :cry: You’ll just have to step up your game.

Some people just genuinely love and enjoy Wrath for what it is, and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s not a foreign concept to understand considering there are many games out there that are a few decades old (some even with several sequels/expansions) yet are still actively played by many to this day. I mean, we already have a neighboring community that’s proof of that in Classic Era.

TLoZ Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, Doom, Counter-Strike, Pokemon Emerald, Super Smash Bros Melee, Starcraft BW, Diablo 2 LoD… the list goes on. Despite the fact these games have long remained unchanged for many years, people still continue to play them. Some enjoy them to the point that they play competitively or even speedrun it. Others just have a “forever game,” a game that they keep going back to no matter how much time passes; for them, it could be Wrath as Era is for many.

In my case, I’d love to play on a TBC Era server (would prefer Seasonal) if that were a thing as I completely missed out on its Classic release due to not being subbed or keeping tabs on WoW since early Legion. It’s not something I’d want to play for the rest of my life, but I have plenty of unfinished business with that expansion that I could see myself still enjoying it for a few years at least. Maybe I’d take a break from it every now and then, and maybe I might even get that itch to play it again some time later. Who knows. I just know that if there was an Era server for it, I wouldn’t have missed out on getting Hand of A’dal twice in my life.

Missing out is a thing too. In a few months, Wrath Classic will transition into Cataclysm Classic, so that’ll be a version of the game that will no longer be playable once again unless it gets a Seasonal or Era realm. Sure, it might be one’s own fault for not being there from the start or playing since way back in the day, like I wasn’t around for TBC Classic and joined long after it was gone, but the timing of Wrath Classic’s release may not have been ideal for some.


If there’s an insufficient market for black licorice for the producers to make a profit or to justify stocking it in the limited space in a store no company or store should be required to stock it. I live in a small rural community of 700 people with one small grocery store and many items are not stocked and I have to travel about 50 miles to purchase them. Just like the world of warcraft wrath classic shouldn’t be maintained if there is insufficient interest from players for blizzard to make a profit from it.

The seasonal model is probably the best idea frankly, and keep it small. Only two servers per era. One PvE, one PvP.

SoD shows that there’s a market for it, and if they did Wrath era SoD progressing from Phase 1 lvl 25 to Phase whatever 80, they’d have at least twenty to thirty thousand people who would play it, which is more than enough for two servers.

I think there’s plenty of interest for a Wrath era/seasonal server.