Why do people want lasting WoTLK Servers?

Ok. If all that is true. Then why did you even mention the echo chamber debate. Just to get me to stop talking I am assuming. And I am not going to.

Trust me bro. I want permanent wrath classic servers as much as you and others want me to stop talking about it. I don’t know what else to tell you.

And again, if you can’t handle my opinion. And all it means is that I exist in an echo chamber or necroing posts. You can’t have any opinions either.

And that was litteraly how you started your argument. Was the whole echo chamber bullcorn. Like what’s your point. An echo chamber. So what.

I mean, kind of hard to have a civil fight with someone who posts stuff like that. The echo chamber thing made no sense. I mean, yah I see the echo chamber argument being used for criminally insane people on twitter thinking some extremist idealogy or whatever. But I don’t think it is that insane or extreme to have a couple permanent wrath classic servers. But that’s just me.

But my opinion, and the others who agree with me. They aren’t invalidated just because it isn’t the larger opinion. Not how it works. At that point, it’s just like, look we have the larger opinion guys. My opinion is just as important regardless. No wonder why no one likes working actually. The big opinions always outweigh anything else. And I don’t think it should be that way.

I mean, I picked and chose this battle pretty carefully to. That is all I want from blizzard right now. Permanent wrath classic servers. After that, they can do whatever they want. I will have zero cares given after that. And I don’t really complain about anything else either. It would be different if I complained constantly. But I don’t.

I mean, what do you even mean by bringing up the whole echo chamber bullcorn. Like you legit don’t even want to have an objective convo. It isn’t some extremist bullcorn, which is usually when the echo chamber debate is brought up. Just a bunch of folks who want permanent wrath classic, when the millions of others on the other side don’t.

I am just going to pull the whole I know you are but what am I thing. It’s all any politician does anyways nowadays. So you are the one who is in the echo chamber. Not me. You are the one who has the wrong opinion. Not me. And you are the one who necroes threads. Not me.

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That’s seems like a lie to me. Can players have alts in those guilds? I have never been in a guild starting in og vanilla to BfA to classic that didn’t have more alts then players. A guild with 1k characters would have less than 500 players, likely much less since many players have more than 2 characters.


Okay so first of all you may notice that I’ve changed your quotes, that’s because I made it easier to read because you like to put fullstops where commas should be.

What makes you make those huge jumps to conclusions that make zero sense, no I didn’t say that you’re in an echo chamber to get you to stop talking, to even suggest that is asinine. It was simply an assumption, something you should’ve understood but you clearly have thin skin because reading the rest of your post clearly I struck a nerve.

I’m sorry but it’s just incredulous to think that.

Are you agreeing with me? Do you think that you’re in an echo chamber?

Do you not know what an echo chamber is, here this is ripped straight off of google…

echo chamber

An environment in which a person encounters only beliefs or opinions that coincide with their own, so that their existing views are reinforced and alternative ideas are not considered.

It’s not a thing limited to conspiratorial extremists, read the definition.

And if the people who agree with you are your friends and guildies then you are in an echo chamber plain and simple. It’s not a slur, it’s not an insult, you can take it one I honestly don’t care but if you’re talking to people who only reinforce your opinion then you’re in one. Being in one doesn’t invalidate your opinion again I don’t know why you jump to such strange conclusions.

The rest of your post is pretty much you repeating yourself with some strange tangent so I’ll reiterate here.

  1. An echo chamber isn’t limited to conspiratorial extremists, it can be anyone regarding anything, even the function of a rubber duck.
  2. No I didn’t say that to make you stop talking, to even think that is bizarre.
  3. I never said you had the wrong opinion, don’t know where you got that from.
  4. You do necro threads, if someone hasn’t posted in over a week and you come in and post something barely on topic then you’re necro’ing the thread.
  5. I think I’ve been quite civil when responding to you and others when I disagree with them. Well not so much disagree with you than saying that they’re not going be doing WotLK Era servers.

I’m perfectly okay with ‘forever’ considering I’m happily on a PVE realm at the moment and want nothing whatsoever to do with PVP. Why do I bring that up? The entire 'Megaserver" notion people have been circulating means in theory I could be shuffled off to a PVP realm, essentially ending any interest in Classic hence. And yes, I’m aware this isn’t a Classic toon thanks.

  1. Don’t care what toon you post on.
  2. You’ll likely be able to transfer your character to one of the servers that are 99% one faction, essentially making it a PvE realm.

Him and his 2000 buddies are all going to quit.

Narrator: none of them are quitting.

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Well he’s openly stated that he’ll play Cataclysm, or at least is interested so you might be right. Can’t say the same for the rest of this guild.

Well, your last bullet point is wrong. You have no idea if blizz will make permanent wrath classic servers or not. You aren’t a prophet.

The fourth bullet is also wrong. I have never necroed a thread. You are the one necroing threads.

Everything else seems good. Well, you don’t sound civil when you mention echo chambers. So that is also wrong. Being civil means listing pros and cons and even entertaining my idea in some form. But you haven’t listed any of that.

And for bullet 3, what are you saying then. I guess you are just disagreeing with my opinion. Which is fine. You can disagree. But I really don’t understand why. I guess presumably because there aren’t alot of people who want it. Like so. Not alot of people like black licorice but I can still purchase it in any given store.

I mean, let me ask you a question scubagodx?

Why do most of you anti permanent wrath classic clowns not want us to have permanent wrath classic servers?

Still waiting for a valid answer as to why you feel this way.

There’s not going to be any WotLK Era servers and that will be the case until Blizzard says otherwise.

Yes you have, you’ve posted in threads that haven’t had traffic in over a week.

If you found me saying that you’re in an echo chamber offensive then I’m sorry but personally I don’t consider that to be offensive, also that’s not what civil means but for the sake of argument…

I’ve already listed the reasons why I think we’re not getting WotLK Era servers here…


I’ve said that I don’t really care one way or another if they are eventually added, even to you in other threads. The only pro for WotLK servers that I consider to be significant enough to mention is that some people can play it (and I say some because not everyone will).

You’re stating your opinion and I’m stating mine, pretty simple really.

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Again, you have no idea if blizzard is doing wrath classic servers or not. I am just simply stating that I hope that they do.

As mentioned, the whole necroing thread thing is a very tired argument thread. I am not the one necroing threads. Everyone else is. The one who says I did it. They did it. That simple in my eyes, and that will be the argument every time someone accuses me of that from now on.

With the whole echo chamber thing, I guess I have never heard that used in a good lighting. It basically means that anyone posting about wrath classic servers as a permanent options are out of touch and that they are the only ones who feel that way. There are plenty of people who feel that they should exist, even on the pro cataclysm side.
But getting anyone to agree on anything is impossible now anyways. But I still don’t agree with you on the whole, blizzard isn’t giving out permanent wrath classic servers logic. Like, I don’t agree with that take at all. Plain and simple.

I mean, every time I state something on these forums. You type back everything you feel to. But it really doesn’t make any sense why you even do it. You don’t agree with me. I don’t agree with you. So at the end of the day, that means we are just arguing and not getting anywhere.

And of course now, oh well, there aren’t enough people playing wrath classic servers as permanent options. And to that I say, there aren’t enough people eating black licorice. But thank god it exists so I can eat it.

And that is how I feel about permanent wrath classic servers. I might be one of the few who plays it. But by god I want to play it permanently. All I am really saying.

And what is your opinion exactly. You just act like to much of a prophet in my eyes. Like blizzard isn’t making permanent wrath classic servers. Here is why. And I am just disagreeing with that to, because I feel it is pre mature and illogical. Really the main thing I disagree with you on. It just doesn’t make sense to me.

Maybe I should make a counter post. This is why I think permanent wrath classic is going to be made by blizzard. And I guess you can rip that post apart.

At the same time, if you really didn’t care at all one way or another. Well they call that apathy. Apathy is literally not giving a rip. Then you wouldn’t be saying anything. That is legit what apathy is. Not caring. Not saying anything. Not typing anything. Etc. So if you, don’t care at all about whether permanent wrath classic servers come to fruition or not. Then why do you keep arguing with me about it.

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False equivalence. A console can have multiple games to switch between when you tire of one

It’s impressive how hard you’re trying to sidestep the point

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Ok. And what is the point exactly?

I mean, wrath classic old client right. And not alot of people want it. Well, that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t exist as a permanent option.

This will be my counter argument from now on, but you know who likes black licorice. Not alot of people. But I do. And I don’t think we should deprive the world of black licorice for the people who don’t like it and want it to get taken away from those who do like it. Just like the world of warcraft wrath of the lich king servers shouldn’t just disappear because of the people who no longer want it, when there are some who still would want it.

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As well as

Or, to spell it out more clearly:

The amount of people that would play permanent Wrath era servers at all, let alone for an extended period of time, is not nearly enough to justify their existence. They already tried that with Era, and now they’re having to regularly create new “game modes” like hardcore and season of x in order to keep it treading water because the actual base Vanilla servers are ghost towns

And let me repeat it because I’m sure you forgot that I asked you a question:

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Umm. I would play them forever. Every day. Until I was dead. Pretty obvious I thought. But yah.

I would play permanent wrath classic servers forever just as I still play my old nintendo all day every day. Even though it doesn’t have nearly the popularity anymore. I just don’t like the whole out with the old in with the new bullcorn. But that is just me. And at this point, it’s like, out with wrath classic. In with cataclysm classic. Never playing wrath classic again. And I find that logic stupid.


Okay let me rephrase it then, Blizzard has no intention of making WotLK Era servers currently and would likely remain that way for sometime.

I agree the topic of you necro’ing threads is tiring.

Me saying that you’re in an echo chamber really struck a nerve with you… No, it doesn’t mean you’re out of touch. Not anywhere do I say that you and others shouldn’t exist, I don’t know where you’re pulling that from, you go to such extremes with what I and I assume other people say.

Yes that’s how a forum works, you type something and someone responds… Might be me, might be someone else. Maybe I’ll change your mind on something, maybe not.

Okay, only the number of people who eat liquorice is significantly higher than those who’ll stay and play WotLK Era which is why they’re still selling liquorice, they wouldn’t sell it if it weren’t turning a profit.

That WotLK Era servers aren’t gonna happen, I’ve already posted why I think that.

It’s not pre-mature, no plans currently is corperate speak for no servers but if you don’t think so then again I’ll just say no plans currently.

Are you still going to be asking for WotLK Era servers when Cataclysm is current?

Go for it.

No it just means that I don’t care about the end result, doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t say anything and I keep replying to you because you’re of an opposing opinion, pretty self-evident

Cata is Wrath just without the LK. Everything feels the same, aside from better questing and a less bloated talent system. It truly is just mind boggling how many people can’t see this.

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I played Wotlk back in early 2010 and as soon as I got into it, the world was destroyed. I am an entirely pve player who just loves exploring the world, and I wasn’t even aware Wotlk classic launched until recently and stated getting into it. I just want to run around my unsundered 3.3.5 world :tired_face:


Classic and SoD are there to run free in the unsundered world.

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Blows my mind how some people can be so narrow minded. I don’t see any harm at all with providing both the cataclysm experience and the permanent classic wrath experience.

I wasn’t as big a fan on the talent tree rehaul. Or removing the old overworld. And getting rid of ammo and weapon skills and class quests. I thought that was all completely stupid. And while cataclysm had alot of good things going for it. The revamp was cool, but it replaced the old content that I also liked. I just saw that as a major mistep.

And vanilla classic, while we have that. As well as 3 other versions of vanilla. Vanilla was terrible in my op. I didn’t enjoy vanilla at all compared to wrath. And people are requesting permanent wrath realms, and in my op, that is reasonable. IF you can’t see more options being good for the game.