Why do people think Chris metzen can change the narrative of WOW?

Precisely, tis why I said the thing about “tin foil hats”, just a cracked hypothetical!

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He does have a sense of what Warcraft is about stylistically. He’s like George Lucas of Warcraft. I think he can definitely come up with a cool premise for an expansion, big bad, the stakes.

His famous Horde/Alliance call on Blizzcon alone can muster up an extra million of expansion preorders probably :rofl:


Seeing he is vice president of creative development , makes more sense of him presenting at blizzcon actually makes me interested now back in the franchise, direction and seeing blizzcon :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


If it wasnt, advisory wouldnt be a thing. Influence isnt enforcing, but can still change the future of ideas.

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Thanks for giving me a reason to keep playing! I personally have thoroughly enjoyed the “wokeness” some former players have been rending their garments over. It’s been a refreshing bit of fresh air. The lack of toxic masculinity has kept me coming back to (and having fun in) Dragonflight daily. Metzen ain’t gonna change that any more than Andrew Tate could.


Because he’s not just an advisor, he’s taking an active role in crafting the story. The story guys say as much, they come to him to bounce ideas off of him.

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We weren’t made aware of it, from Dec 2022 it was known he was a creative advisor but that changed. It’s only that on metzen’s linkedin that shows he is senior vp of creative development which is big IMO and means he is back at an important role helping develop the game he was apart of creating.

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The important bit is that he is in the creative development for Warcraft only.

His prior role at Blizzard was being a creative director for literally all Blizzard properties. This is why he left in 2016, from burnout and life problems at the time.

However he has an eye on keeping Warcraft going and even being involved in future Warcraft projects that are not WoW.

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They said during the 10.2 interviews that he’s been basically living in the office and had huge influence over the story beats and development.

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Hey I’m with ya. I play LoTRO primarily (the preferred MMO of the boomers), and the sheer outrage over letting hobbit characters have dark skin was really something to behold.


Just as a point of contention, the current team is trying to fix the mess Assfrabi did in late BFA and Shadowlands. HE was the one that forced the narrative of the burning of Teldrassil, and HE was the one that ruined Sylvanas and gave us The Jailer. He knew his time was short with the company because of the SA investigation that was going on for two years while he was there, so he pushed for everything he wanted as a fanboi, story be damned. He’s basically the Stephenie Meyer of Warcraft.


Didn’t we have one of these threads already?


Friendly reminder that it was under Metzens watch that Burning Legion, Eredar and Draenei lore got retconned super hard in BC.

For those not in the know, Draenei used to just be those Broken guys led by Akama on Draenor, and were native to Draenor. Eredar were demons, and Sargeras was a good guy Titan tasked with stopping demonic invasions on other worlds. He did so by imprisoning entire demonic races. But the Eredar and Nathrezim managed to corrupt him, and he freed all the demons he imprisoned and organised them into the Burning Legion.

Now, Sargeras is the OG bad guy. Eredar were a good peaceful race, and Sargeras came and corrupted them. A bunch escaped, calling themselves Draenei, and happened to land on a world conveniantly called Draenor. The Broken are now fel-corrupted draenei.

Yep. It all got turned backwards. And Metzen admitted it was because he forgot that he wrote Draenei, Sargeras and Legion lore in WC3.

The funny thing is, in the months ahead of BC launch, Blood Elves were announced as a new Horde race, in order to give the ugly faction a pretty race. Leaks and rumours were abound that Alliance, the pretty faction, would be getting Draenei (the broken) as an ugly race. Then one particular leak came out showing screenshots of the new Alliance race in its testing stage. And people were confused, because they weren’t Draenei… they were Eredar. The idea of Alliance getting a playable Demon race from the Burning Legion was unimaginable, yet here they were, screenshots of a playable race that looked just like Archimonde and Kiljaedan… Theconfusion was short lived, however, as not too long after, Draenei were officially announced.


well seeing as metzen is one of the major reasons when it comes to the story of the entire warcraft series has become so popular and he has been the most involved and beloved of all the devs and with him leaving the story has quite litterally fell apart it stopped being the warcraft everyone loved from the 90s to an okish game that is to feeling happy sunshine flower power and not the metal hardcore badazz game it was.


Sometimes I wonder how many of you just stopped mentally developing at 15.


the overly emotional type of game is one of the major reasons people leave. it isnt warcraft also the whole metal thing is not a child thing as you imply the fact you think that shows how out of touch with the community you are and based on that alone shows your opinions on the game and metzen are best to be ignored as they are the type of mindsets that lead to wow suffering so badly.


I see that you probably left school at 15 too. Must have missed the lessons on what a sentence is.

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in real life no one speaks as they type if they did it sound weird and no normal person gives a hek about grammar the fact it maters to you shows even more how out of touch with people you are.

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Yeah, but only time before his role expands to all properties as John Hight wrote, but hopefully that isn’t for a long while since I’d love to see him take WoW to where he envisions it, learn from past mistakes perhaps and see how it goes. [He’s not game director but hopefully has a lot of say maybe - - even tho I doubt it]

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Well if Chris can’t save us from this Steven universe writing then retail is dead.

Shadowlands YouTube views are doubling every single dragonflight video.

I love dragonflight but people clearly feel burned from Shadowlands with zero interests to return or just became classic andys.
The beginning of Dragonflight looked great with Razsageth being menace but now we’re in feeling simulator… just look at Emberthal who’s supposed to be the leaders of the Dracthyr. She’s no Illidan or Arthas and it isn’t because she’s a woman but the fact they’re writing her terribly.

You know some recent female characters they’ve written people like? Devos,Talanji, Vanessa,Whitemane,Lilian Voss,Thalyssra.