Why do people think Chris metzen can change the narrative of WOW?

After 3 expansions of explosion and dark and grim and needless action I am tired of those things and I WANTED WANTED a expansion where we can sit back and relax and enjoy the scenery and have a decent character arc or moment without the stupid actions and explosions.


I mean we’re in peacecraft mode atm so wish granted!

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Peace craft would be if the expansion was about diplomatic relations and not using our weapons. or maybe just farming all day long… Which doesn’t sound bad

The faction war Stopped being a prerequisite to be the war in warcraft A long time ago

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Idk atm I think we’re just keeping the peace on the Dragon Isles and helping the dragons to restore their former powers and strength. It feels and seems mostly to me like a peacekeeping operation. Mainly this is a time to heal with a big bad tossed in trying to cause trouble and somewhat succeeding as well.

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If Metzen can advise them to put frelling player housing in, then I’m down for it.

Also it’s kind of good to have him back, did miss how hyped he get people during BlizzCon.

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Ok but are you or are you not battling some weird dragon faction and their ugly human/steroid addled allies


Wouldn’t that be because overwatch was mostly just scrapped ideas from project titan or something and not a planned game?

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Honestly, that’s exactly what I expect them to do.

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i just want to be able to get chirs metzen books here in new zealand


we want metzens wow back not modern wow which is dying most people quit it and is fully of shills who dont see the writting on the wall the game will die if we dont get it back to how metzen made the game.

What’s hysterical about this post is that during Metzen’s time people couldn’t stop saying that the game was dying, everyone’s quitting, and everyone who thinks otherwise is a Blizzard shill.

Seventeen years of the Same. Exact. Post.


Before they went with the retconned draenei path, wasn’t the initial idea for the Alliance to give them Pandaren?

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hopefully something bc you got ppl from wattpadd and fandom/fanfic sites running the show and it’s absolutely horrible. this games story as of late is so damn bad lol this carebear stuff isn’t wow we need a new angle

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Had no idea who Chris Metzen was, sorta explains the reindeer in highlands at Christmas. I am a lore moron. I actually never really cared for the Night Elf territory in Vanilla , but I thought BRD was cool. The cavern under dragon Isles could have been a lot cooler if the Dark irons beat up Fyrrak and built some catacombs in my opinion. I lean towards mazes with the occasional chest or monster at the end, never was much for story lines, to the frustration of many a game master.
The game play has been pretty good , even if I don’t understand WHY it’s there ( incoming cliche’) Methinketh thou doth protest too much!

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Hope. It’s what keeps people around.

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I think that might have been one of the rumours, yeah, sounds familiar. May have even been planned for earlier. Lots of changes happened before vanilla. Like initially, Night Elves were gonna be Horde. Which, tbqh, would have made sense

Ghostcrawler’s regime homogenized everything. On one hand that’s not awful, but on the other it takes a lot of flavor away.

Speaking of Pandaren, does it even make sense that half of them are Horde and half are Alliance? Just another reason to remove the whole binary faction war.

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My understanding is that Metzen is solely on WoW, and is in regular talks with both Hazzikostas and Danuser. Their respect for him, and what he created during his tenure at Blizzard, carries weight.

You don’t bring back a Metzen and have him sit in the corner, navel-gazing. You can call someone anything you want. Titles mean nothing. It’s what was agreed to in the contract that means everything. We don’t know what Metzen was given in return for his agreeing to come back to the franchise.

Based on what the rumor mill is hinting at, I believe that Metzen is helping to contextualize the stories that are being done, to give them that Warcraft flavor that may have been missing, and helping develop the empty spaces both in the older lore and new lore for the narrative team to work with.

While I disagree that Dragonflight was an “interim” expansion, I do believe that the fruits of Blizzard’s labor will be seen in forthcoming expansions.


I have virtually no faith in metzen’s ability to tell a story.

WoD being retcon central? metzen

garrosh actaully doing something of value? a writer forgetting metzen’s notes

Sylvanas not staying permanently dead after yeeting herself off icecrown? metzen

Fel “corruption” being used as a narrative device to completely body snatch characters like kael’thas and entirely undo their whole story and personality pre-WoW? metzen

thrall favoritism/green jesus? metzen

Say what you will about the current writing team, but metzen’s old work is just as much of a hack job, just with more oiled up musclebound men.

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