Why do people think Chris metzen can change the narrative of WOW?

but his opinion is heavily influential . you understand that, don’t you?


If I remember correctly, WOD was his baby.

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also metzen is the guy who made the art and story since warcraft 1 all the way up to wrath where he left a big bluebrint and started working on all of blizzards games not just wow.

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It’s just being stretched out. Something you need to realize is that Warcraft is a comic book storyline: it has to be retconned and will always be inconsistent because they have to keep tacking stuff on. It can’t ever have an actual “end”, which makes it very difficult to tell a coherent story.

Add on the fact that - like comic books - you’re going to have many different writers coming at it with their own ideas and interpretations.

Obviously you can still find enjoyment in it, just like millions love comics, but you have to approach it with the right expectations in mind.


I’m sure he was proud of a lot that they did there but there is no denying even in an interview that he was always trying to do bigger things and WOD was a huge mess ultimately since they tried the one expansion a year which fell on its face, the flying debacle, and then the failure of project titan [which later was salvaged and done as overwatch]


See the opening cinematic did make deathwing feel like a threat yes. Having him fly in the open world spitting fire doing nothing diminished that. Made him a joke in game.

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the lore as it is now is bad the writting now is so not warcraft its all overly personal emotional and most of us who played wow for the lore HATE that as it is like playing a game written by some person who doesnt know the lore how the characters act and how they think and are putting their fan fic while doing that.


:dracthyr_shrug: you don’t speak for me. I’m fine with it.

And I feel like you didn’t read what I said. Of course it feels like a fan fic. That’s what every comic book after a character’s initial run essentially is. That’s what WoW now essentially is. Like it or not, that was always inevitable.


I think that is more of people realizing that it can get worse.

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your not most of the people who play for the lore.

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Yes. Because this is an MMO, that’s always going to happen. If you want a villain that is deeper than that you need to play a single player game. The point is, the Incarnates feel the same way, but they never got the benefit of this part:

So they are utterly forgettable and a joke in game. That’s what I’m talking about.

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Are you saying you are?

Do you contain multitudes?

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well i mean you like playing night elves so that says alot.

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I see that attempting to have a conversation with you like an adult was a waste of time.

Enjoy your day.


Gooood Goooooooooooood! If the devs are fighting then sadly this is probably a very good thing. This means we’re getting a proper and perhaps violent expansion. Hatred and evil and terrible things that make you want to hide in your blanket.


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Grass is always greener on the other side is why. That said i like metzen so it’s cool to see him back on board. I think people expecting the game to get incredibly better are mistaken however.


It’s his foot sliding back in the door. Whereas before, we had no hope. Now, there’s a chance. If he’s even in satellite distance, that is far closer than what he was before. And, hopefully, he gets drawn back into orbit.

How’s about looking at the bigger picture, aye?


He’s the only person in the blizzard office that likes Warcraft and the world of Azeroth, it’s not enough to right the ship.

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