Why do people think Chris metzen can change the narrative of WOW?

I seriously want to know because an advisory role is not a narrative director position nor is it any type of lead or influential role or position of power.


I feel like it was objectively more coherent and enjoyable before he swapped over to doing other stuff like Overwatch. He really “left” WoW well before he left the company, at least as far as it being his exclusive focus.

I don’t think the Jailer happens with him still running the story, but I could be wrong.


People just don’t like the narrative and want to put Metzen on a pedestal.

Personally speaking, I don’t foresee any big changes to the narrative direction. We have completely exhausted WC3’s narrative by Legion, then mined the corpse in BFA and Shadowlands. The next narrative direction is going to be Cosmic War.

If anything Metzen around will hopefully just keep the narrative consistent which has been a big problem since Legion. Maybe also much more straight forward so we’re not sitting around wondering what the big bad is doing, we’ll just know and our job would be to stop them.


He wouldn’t be back at Blizzard if he wasn’t going to impact things. That’s just incredibly unrealistic.

I can’t see Blizzard bringing him back just to say “Hey, look we have a Metzen!” No, he has a good track record, and he’s going to do… something.


If the people who complain about “bad writing” would sketch out what they thought would be good writing, there’s always a chance their ideas would get picked up and used?



“The plague was created by the Scourge, who were created by the Lich King, who were created by Kil’jaedan, who was empowered by Sargeras, who created the Legion because he was corrupted by the Old Gods, who were created by the Void Lords!”

Totally coherent. Totally.


I know! They pretty much said it because, there’s always been this misplaced trust in him. Furthermore, I firmly believe he left for a time to escape a certain legal debacle. And now he’s returned after it’s left the forefront of media. But, that’s putting the tin foil on the head there.


Desperation OP.


The narrative of his time was 10 times better than the current one. SL was so bad there is no way anything can be as bad as that one. SL did not just ruin an expansion, it ruined the lore and history of 30 years of Warcraft.

Metzen has his faults tho, he is directly responsible with green jebus and partly responsible with the multiple timeline mess We were put in with WOD. However, nothing Metzen did can come close to the messed up writings of the current narrative lead/team.


The most he did for Overwatch to my memory is he had old concept art for Soldier. He didn’t do much


Better question is do we want him to change it? Personally, if they go back to an all-out Horde vs. Alliance struggle again I will probably just bail on caring about whatever story they try to churn out because it would be apparent that they are creatively bankrupt.


Okay off topic but cool mog :thumbsup:


Chris Metzen recently returned to Blizzard after a six-year hiatus. His official title is Senior Vice President of Creative Development. In practical terms: he’s currently in charge of the lore and story for WoW.

Hopefully the president has given him the authority to veto any more of the BS thats been put into the game since BFA.


You seriously underestimate the stupidity of corporations.

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He meets with Ion and the retail dev team to discuss WoW on a daily basis, that sounds like he has a lot of sway to me.

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After I clicked on that link…I quickly realized that that site is very very biased. Sheesh.


I think it hits the nail on the head and explains the state of the company quite well.


They are revamping the old world so I wouldn’t be surprised if we got what is functionally WoW 2 after…whatever the next expansion is.

And for that having one of the Warcraft IP’s OG narrative minds around would be a good thing. Even if just as an advisor.

You mean that it supports your opinion based on unsubstantiated claims made by Bellular…

A few quotes:

  1. “There* ‘s *been a fair amount of internal discussion on that team — from what I understand — about the direction of the game. And quite a few people on that team, I think, are not particularly interested in, you know, they’re more interested in the kind of well…”

  2. “I’ve also heard one or two bits of buzz on the grapevine that some people are really frustrated by it because it’s no longer the WoW that they want to work on. But the thing is, it’s like yeah, well Metzen kind of did establish WoW.”

And my favorite: (From the author, not Bellular)

  1. “Given all of this, no wonder the current low-testosterone dev team is frustrated with Chris Metzen. These misbehaving children have had it their way since Metzen’s absence and they messed things up. Daddy’s home and now they have to behave.”

And of course, all of that is sitting next to advertisements to ban the ADL, calling Wikipedia Marxist propaganda, promoting the James O’keefe media group, and many other gems.

Despite that, I agree that WoW doesn’t have a great narrative, but outside of the Warcraft 3 storyline which was written before WoW was made, it never has. But even the Warcraft 3 narrative quality is debatable.

Derka gets it.