Why do people think Chris metzen can change the narrative of WOW?

There is often a fine line between the two. But you aren’t entirely wrong, there has been as much if not more edge than epic. But sometimes, you just need a little edge to cut through the blandness.

I love Dragonflight, I love the smaller stories and the exploration of it. Getting to know the dragons and their history and the other races of the Isles has been a wonderful and even relaxing journey. But in the end it lacks any sort of danger, any sort of consequence. The Incarnates had no build up, they have no real driving force between them, they are painfully under utilized in the open world.

They’ve never really felt like a threat. That is what the current devs seem to be unable to do, convey a threat. And sometimes you need an edge lord of a bad guy to convey that threat. Metzen is good at the edge lord stuff.


I never said miss my daddy I said “how will I lead these people”. The whole xera thing with illidan backstory isnt edgy and you mention DnD while I find that funny as thats been part of DnD lore for the last 15 years that the light and dark are not this good/evil thing. Ysera death did hit though but can we say well 1 thing in the entire story hit its good when the rest was not?

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Are we speaking exclusively about in-game storylines, or the whole of WoW stories, including books and short stories? Because Kel’thuzad watching anub’arak kill and reanimate a wife who then eats her husband alive is pretty epic and edgy, imho.

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He was the cause of so many of the terrible lore choices. He also hasn’t been gone long in the scheme of things as wow has the layout a couple of expansions in advance according to them so honestly dragonflight might be the first he had no input on.

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So I will counter this. When did we see any expansion villain actually pose a threat? The first death being Wotlk storming the wrathgate. A good moment of oh damn this dude aint playing around. We never got that again until bfa in the war campaign when saurfang dies. A cheap death but it did hit in the feels. DF we have seen the incarnates just turn people to ash for fun, we have to bury them. Thats more threat than than the vast majority of expansion villains have ever posed.

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Think we are talking about it in game as the books do slap.


Just his presence can work miracles for a game I’m sure.

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This. Thrall was the most. Annoying part about him. Every little thing that would happen had a thrall insert thrown in. He had some good storylines he drove, but he had some really bad ones too. I like thrall now that he’s a secondary. Shows up once in a while, uses his axe, then kinda poofs.

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holly longdale the director of classic said his title as advisor is an understatement. hes in talks with steve and ion about ideas and his ideas are winning over apparently and some of the current dev team are getting mad over it

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I didn’t say it was edgy, I said it was cool. I haven’t played D&D since the 90s so I had no idea that has changed. What about that storyline was bad? I mean, besides Tyrande squawking about Malfurian.

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Yeah, they totally drop the ball on putting so much depth and grit in the books and leaving the game’s story on the bland side, though I get why they do.


Ok say lets take out tyrande and malphypoo. What else was bad? Illidans emo lines didn’t need too exist like you can take them out and his char is 10 times better. 180 on the char of KJ in his death, like why? Anduins arc and I think anyone will have a hard time arguing he has had a good arc since variuns death. Oh and the light pali/void elf I love you but we cant touch its so sad.

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I like Metzen as much as anyone, but he was clearly losing his touch by Cataclysm.


Well the books don’t have to stick to a T rating. They can do it where the game can’t. Thats the thing its a T rated game.


That’s irrelevant. Profanity and gore don’t make a story good.


i got this account in cata kept up with wow as my sister and brother inlaw played since the game came out played warcraft 2 back in the 90s warcraft 3 read all the lore books been involved following what happens. i play wow for the lore and the lore is suffering.

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What I will say I found cool. Warbringers (jaina slapped) the war campaign story of bfa also cool (saurfangs death was cheap but did slap the feels). Sl deathbrings (my boy ursoc) was also cool thats about all I got for Sl, I will accept people who love daddy D but personally remoria was the mvp in my mind. DF has had Varoc just ashing fools for funsies and the experimention titan keepers did on the proto drakes behind the back of the dragonflights is interesting so far as its not fully told I will leave it open either way. Murloc timeline not cool but I did find it entertaining cause morloc love


You do know those things are not the only things that affect rating right?


Exactly, dude had some big health issues and WoD kind of ruined him so he decided to step away [I guess not permanently].


Posing a threat and conveying a threat are two different things. Something doesn’t need to be an actual threat to feel like a threat.

Deathwing was never posed an actual threat but he felt like a threat. You know the story of Deathwing, you see this massive dragon held together with metal plates leaking lava bursting out of the world and destroying parts of it. Depending on your view, that can be epic or edgy.

Then he disappears and you barely see him until the raid where you kill him. He poses no actual threat to you or the other characters in the story but he has conveyed the threat that he will become in that raid.

Dragonflight doesn’t have that. It kinda tried a little with thew Incarnates but failed miserably.

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