Why do people think Chris metzen can change the narrative of WOW?

he left the game for many things one was a divorce another was burnout as he was involved in litterally everything in blizzard he was overworked over stretched so on so forth. it was never about the lawsuit.


No it was made by the dreadlords.

He was never corrupted by the old gods.

Not saying the early story isnt a mess but you aint even getting it right


Oh for the love of

Thank you, Red Shirt Guy, for selecting two parts of a much longer post that had a point you ignored entirely so you could publicly correct two minor inaccuracies. You’ve done amazing work.

Jesus Christ


It wasnt much longer and you had more than 2 errors in it but as they flowed off the first error I didn’t see a point showing them. Nor did I ignore the premise and did say the story has always been a mess. But if you can’t get the facts of your arguement right then your arguement falls flat.


So much this here.

Metzen isn’t going to radically alter the direction of the narrative. What he is most likely to help to do, is punch it up. Make it more interesting. The biggest problems with both Shadowlands and Dragonflight aren’t the bones and structure of the stories it was the bland presentation. The Jailor and the Incarnates have become joke villains because we can’t take them seriously.

Their potential has been completely squandered, there was and has been nothing epic about them. That’s what Metzen can hopefully do, is help bring the epicness to the story the modern devs are trying to create.

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Lets be honest here. Was it ever epic or was it we were younger and back that then that stuff to us was edgy and cool. Look at illidan and the “I am my scars” thats cringe.

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you are clearly new to wow and dont know what you are talking about.

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Think you got it backwards pal.

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I’ve been playing WoW since January 2005. How about you?

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Ok so another OG player like myself. So in that regard where was the story ever epic or edgy? Its always been soft

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There are wayyyy too many options to list from vanilla, bc, and legion

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Where? Lets look at legion shall we. Illidan “I am my scars” ok 14 yr old emo boy, malfurion and tyrande love story, variun " I believe in peace " dies. Anduins oh no my daddy died how can I lead these people and our first Lgbqt couple that put people in a fit.

Vanilla - nothing at all that involves the PC anything is oh yeah this thing happened but you weren’t here so you didn’t see it or have any part of it.

TBC. Same thing really the entire premise of that expansion is im mad you locked you me in my room and my friend stop paying attention to me so im going to break his stuff

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That has to be the worst over simplification of the story I’ve seen.

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Its an over simplification yes but nothing in that is cool or edgy.

So, walking into molten core for the first time, seeing lava, fire naga, and flaming massive dog demons, to stop a fire lord that wants to burn everything doesn’t come off as epic or a good story?

If you hate the story so much, why waste the time of someone with your grand importance when you could be making a better game?

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To be fair
what you just described is not a story though.

It’s an epic world building moment. If I recall the story behind Molten Core in vanilla was super bare bones and didn’t get fleshed out into being a power play by Moria until Chronicle came out.


See you said it yourself “first time”. That same stuff doesn’t work anymore. And lets be honest its really not, did you know why you where doing it? So wheres the story? I play wow for the raid encounter challenges not the story so not sure why that has to do anything with making a game?

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In music terms, Metzen is the producer and the new devs are the bands that want to be successful while doing what they want. He knows what will make money, keep it simple, cater to the generic audience not a subset of a subset. Rule of cool.

Ever heard of the difference between an artist and a production artist? Artists do their weird art and are broke while production artists churn out those basic same theme paitings everyone buys over and over

Metzen understands this:

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I thought what Illidan did was really cool and you left out the entire backstory to that scene. How, Xera (I think that’s what the wind chime’s name was?) tried to do the same thing to Alleria and it showed that the Light isn’t really good. Up until then people had this D&D mindset when it came to the Light, even though WoW has been hinting at it for years.

And yeah Malfypoo and Tyrande were pretty dumb and annoying but you’re leaving out the most heartbreaking ending to a character Blizzard has given us in along time (Ysera). Overall it was a great story in that zone.

Varian went out like an absolute badass and Anduin knew he was never going to be that badass. It was more than just “I miss my daddy.”


WoW has simply co-oped Babylon 5s shadow war theme. We are simply at the point after the first Kosh died and we now see the evil version of the Light - add in anti-religious trope

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