Why do people play on PVE servers?

Because I’m a scrub and I can’t be bothered to learn how to play my class on a PvP server


I don’t enjoy pvp. I don’t like being interupted (ganked or whatever) while I’m in the middle of doing something like questing or farming. I don’t enjoy the idea of making someone else have a bad time in case I actually do beat someone.

Being an older person (just turned 54), I could never understand why a lot of my younger friends seemed to enjoy just spending time fighting other players instead of getting useful stuff done in the game. I don’t feel a need to ‘prove myself’ by beating other players.

To me, the most annoying players were the ones who would play on pve servers and spend time trying to get lowbies of the opposite faction to accidently flag themselves so they could gank them or spend time killing quest givers to grief people who had no interest in pvp. That always seemed like the most cowardly way to play the game. I mean, if you really want to pvp then go play on a pvp server and take the downsides like a ‘man’ (or woman, whatever).


No having some MLG “champ” rogue think they’re the dogs bollocks sitting there camping you while you quest.

Getting ganked once is exciting, getting camped with no chance of ressing isn’t. I don’t find the leveling content as amazing as people seem to think it is, I don’t want to drag it out while some teenager thinks about how gangsta they are.


I really hated it being on a PvP server when the Horde would only attack me when I was already fighting mobs. Or when they at 10 or more levels above me and then camp me.

I would really enjoy playing on a PvP server if it wasn’t for the type people that do the things I mentioned.

Not complaining because I was on a PvP server and PvP happened. But, that is why I transferred to a PvE server.


Sure there is, I can’t go into horde cities or near horde guards as alliance, I can’t do horde quests etc…


Some players just don’t want to be forced into PVP. It’s to play the game (and PVP) on their own terms, not somebody elses.

On retail I’m a Gladiator and even I don’t engage in wpvp anymore. I just wanna get through my completionist tasks without getting jumped by a group of 5 players. The 1v1s aren’t even fun anymore due to the removal of skill and depth via pruning.

I’ll definitely be wpvping as my main focus in classic though since it will return, but I understand why players avoid PVP servers, especially with how many rogues we’re going to see.


There’s battlegrounds.

I came from EverQuest where good, neutral or evil races could group together. I feel like PVP factions do more to remove player interaction than not being able to kill each other when you’re on opposite factions does.

The end of Warcraft 3 set up the races all working together to stop the Burning Legion, even.


Because there will always be a server imbalance of H vs A, I play on Tich and sometimes when doing quests even in my own backyard we’ll see 2-3 groups of ally running around, killing horde and just spawn camp them.

That’s the reason PVE servers get in, people just want to play. PVP is great but there always has been huge issue with pvp and faction balance.

You’d be surprised though I had way more fun doing WPVP on a PVE realm in classic then I did when I moved to pvp realm, (rerolled in wotlk to tich) I actually saw more action.
BFA i see a fair but before that… meh.


Because there is no appeal to world PvP for me, at all, it’s a speedbump that constantly interrupts my enjoyment of the world and questing. I like structured PvP, battlegrounds.

WoW PvP, especially Classic, is a mess of imbalance and when a server naturally gets heavily faction imbalanced over time it saps any fun out of the world. This is doubly true on Classic where server transfers aren’t available (from what we know) and with no phasing/crossrealm you’re stuck only with whatever imbalanced faction numbers your server devolves to.

I started WoW in 2004 on Kil’Jaeden (PvP) because my 2 friends played there. I never, ever enjoyed world PvP, but I stayed because them. They eventually quit and I just grinned and beared it. Until late MoP when I transfered to a PvE realm. My enjoyment of the game skyrocketed, I liked going into the world, questing, doing rares, etc.


Because they don’t want to fight players?

Just taking a wild shot in the dark here…


Because I get a grim satisfaction out of the eventual plainitive cries of “Where’s (other faction) on this server?” as PvP servers gut themselves.


because I can PvP when I WANT to PvP

I like to PvP. But I honestly dont enjoy the fights that are often forced upon me. particulary in very unfair situations.

I have played on a PvP server, and a vast majority of the “pvp” was getting ganked.

on a PvE server a vast majority of my PvP was actually fair and fun. so thats why I choose PvE.


because the vast majority of worldPvP happening have either unequal numbers or unequal levels.

the true challenging PvP happens in battleground / arena… rated


If I could have a pvp server without a faction imbalance that’d be the best of both worlds. The feeling of danger and spending hours thwarting off gankers is too fun :smiley:


Some people just enjoy playing WoW Lite


No idiots camping me when I don’t have time to goof off.


While I appreciate the tension and thrill of always having to check your six(I love to play flight sims, where you must constantly keep your head on a swivel), spending the entire game under such tension gets exhausting. It’s just mentally draining after a certain point.

That and WoW’s PvP has never been the type of PvP game I’m into. I like slower, tactical approaches, where it’s more about planning and positioning than reaction and pushing buttons in the right order. It’s why I do better flying virtual WW2 fighter planes than I do fighting shamans and warriors. I’ve always been better with the path of patience than of dexterity.


I just leveled on a pvp server and can count on one hand how many fights I got at level. All my deaths on the pvp server leveling were to ganks most of the time or 2 plus vs me at level. I can get better pvp in a BG and have a lot more fun.


Seems like someone has the Nature of WoW backwards. WoW has ALWAYS (Since me joining in Closed Beta 2004) been PvE Centric with PvP Elements, not the other way around.



Hey, that’s me hahaha.

PvE centric for what? You get geared from raids…then? You do…? The whole point of getting geared from PvE is so you can wreak havoc in Stv/Hillsbrad.