Because when I get home from work and I’m exhausted and just want to chill, I’d rather quest through Strangle thornvale without getting ganked every five minutes by someone who is bored?
I never enjoyed pvp in world of Warcraft, if I want a fun pvp experience I will play Overwatch and Mordhau. I play world of Warcraft for the story, adventure, and gear upgrades as well as the social aspect. Never for the pvp or dueling. But thats just my own preference.
I am rolling on a PvE server because I enjoy world pvp.
World PvP exists on PvE servers because the people you see flagged actually want to pvp.
It’s the difference between playing baseball with people who sign up for a league and just winging balls at the heads of anyone you see wearing a ball cap.
I’ve played on PvP servers, I’ve never seen real pvp there. Just ganking. Just people attacking and killing other people who are minding their own business because they happen to be vulnerable (lower level, low mana/health, killing a mob) or people sitting in a zone 30+ levels below them slaughtering all comers, and running away when an opposing 60 shows up.
Any semblance of world pvp on a pvp server evaporates the moment battlegrounds open up. The only people left are sociopaths curb stomping low levels.
Thanks for your concern brother. I’ve played on PVP servers, trust me I won’t be missing out on anything. I love PVP so I will be doing battlegrounds and YES, I will flag myself when I feel like doing wpvp Lol.
I love beer too, but I can’t drink it everyday. I have a bad liver and I have to pick and choose wisely when I can have one.
That would be largely supporting of the belief that WoW was not build around PvP. More of an afterthought.
Stronger opponents continually attacking weaker opponents. Of course the solution is going to be escape. Flying made that easier in some ways. But, it also made the job of the wolf a ton easier as long as the wolf didn’t expect to sustain the on escaping targets.
When I first originally rolled on PvP what I pictured were epic LotR style fantasy battles with armies of players charging across the fields at each other.
What it really ended up being was some bored rogue backstabbing you at 25% health and no mana most of the time.
Because the “PvP” in PvP-Server doesn’t stand for Player vs Player. It stands for Powerful vs Pathetic IE ganking.
Yeah yeah, there have been epic Southshore battles but the other 90% is high level guys picking on lowbies and running for the hills if someone that can stand a chance appears. Rogues are super popular on PvP servers for a reason.
PvP servers offer nothing that PvE don’t unless the part of the game you enjoy is ganking people that can’t fight back.
I’m sure someones forming a rant in their mind about the epic world PvP battles that only happen on PvP servers. However the truth is those things are both extremely rare and almost always end up one sided as the dominate faction gets reinforcements that overwhelm by zerging.
ps: is anyone surprised it’s a rogue that started this thread?
I’m going to play Classic on a PvP server because I want the full “hardcore experience”. However, I played Vanilla on a PvE server. Why? Because world PvP is often just frustrating imbalanced ganking. It also doesn’t make any sense immersion wise.
In real life, and fantasy life, people wouldn’t just go from gathering resources or saving a village to murdering random adventurers, even of the opposite faction. Sure maybe undead or an especially psychotic Orc might, but a tauren hunter passing through Stranglethorn wouldn’t see a human priest passing by and shoot him in the face for no reason. Even Orcs have honor and wouldn’t randomly sneak attack and kill a weaker opponent without provocation outside of a battle setting.
World PvP often breaks the immersion and fun of the questing experience so someone that sucks too much to win in premade BGs can feel good about themself.
Pvp both open world and Bg’s can be extremely fun.However when you just want to quest,explore farm it intefere’s with you going about your business.Just because one rolls on a Pve server doesnt mean they never partake in Wpvp,they just do so at their convenience.
I remember with enjoyment many many Crossroads battle’s as horde,and fights in hillsbrad were common,all this occured on pve server’s.People just like the choice of when they can enjoy pvp,and lets face it there will be plenty of griefers in Vanilla this time round who get their jolly’s camping and annoying player’s on a pvp server.
It’s pretty funny how they scurry to the shadows the moment the prospect of an actual fight materializes. They can dish it all day but when it comes to taking it, they’re more sensitive than most of the lowbies they gank.
I wonder how the world PvP scene would change if all characters were effectively level 60 in PvP combat.
I’m going to kill your level 20 on my druid, disappear when a 60 comes, then kill your level 20 again when he leaves. PvE servers are safe spaces and they shouldn’t exist.
Not everyone love’s to PvP and now a day I’m sure since a LOT of us work and are not streamers who get paid to play WoW 12 hours a day we don’t have time to spend 3 hours on a PVP sever and only get half a level.