Why do people listen to Bellular when he doesn't actually play?

This is exactly how I feel.

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LoL,op, most raiders raid they don’t play the game except for achievements or pvp at times.But we all have our start at a beginning point see the game through the years,some see thing in more depth than others. that doesn’t mean he never played it or know it.

New World was fun, but it’s very, very old school.

After leveling, I don’t see much right now for end game. Unfortunately, WoW is better when it comes to instanced dungeon encounters than any other MMO I have played. The combat is unique in NW and is refreshing, but it’s not anything I haven’t seen before, it is very similar to Tera, but imagine if Tera and Guild Wars 2 had a baby.

The crafting is what makes it fun (for me), I can log on and spend time gathering and crafting if I wanted to, the nodes are varied enough that it makes me want to collect the rare stuff as you skill up more and more.

Holding territories brings a new spin on the whole social dynamic, but so far, from what I see, once a large faction gains control, you’re pretty much stuck for a long time, as for the wars…I don’t have a great computer, but I don’t have a horrible one and when war broke out…it got almost impossible to play.

However, I am going to play New World for something different.

Well, I know thats the case but, he literally said verbatim what preach said.

Quality > quantity

I value the opinion of someone who accomplishes a lot in a small amount of time much more than someone who doesn’t accomplish anything even though they play a lot

That said i’ve never watched content creators, but as a general rule of thumb i’ll consider someone’s opinion if they have quality achievements as opposed to numerous meaningless achievements

Why does it matter what other players what or don’t watch about WoW?

Taliesin and Evitel are great to watch. They play a lot of WoW and they have a fairly optimistic attitude towards things.

Man, like I said before: land in this damn century.

Keep saying what you say but that is just not true. Cristiano Ronaldo rejected a bottle of Cola Cola and the next day the stocks for the company went down. That’s the world we are living.

Asmon tried FF and withing a week they run out of digital copies of the game and needed more server capacity.

I know you live in a cave with no contact to the external world, but dont make a clown of yourself trying to convince everyone that the world works like it did in 1960 when the people believed what they watched in the ads in TV.

Streamers are done with this garbage game and a lot of regular players too.

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I’m more and more convinced every day that this guy is a 55 year old grampa.

Somehow he believes that this “weird internet” era is going away in 6 months and everything is gonna be like the good old days in 1960 when a good man could watch the news, read the paper and he was aware of 95% of things that happened in the last 24 hours in the world.

In his head, because he doesnt watch content creators, they dont exist and their impacts is minimal.

Hilarious and cringe at the same time.

Why do people care about what other people do or listen to

balufar who?


Don’t need to be a chef to understand a steak isn’t cooked right.

It’s hard to take his opinions seriously when he and so many other streamers absolutely loved Torghast. So many people bragging about running it for countless hours and just loving every second of it … Then praising Blizzard for listening to feedback and making it better … all the way up to launch.

Then some people started complaining it was too hard for them or their class, and more people started complaining that it wasn’t rewarding enough and all of a sudden it’s the worst feature Blizzard ever implemented.

If this isn’t a perfect example at how stupid some people are and how bad they are identifying what is “fun”. I don’t know what is.

I don’t know, he seems to have more raid prog than you, why should we take you seriously?

Pro tip: Don’t call the credibility of others into question when you have none.

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Torghast in beta wasnt Choreghast.

It has much more floors per layer and it dropped cosmetics and things like that. At least that was the plan.

But at launch they transformed it in a layered crap with 6 floors and mandatory to craft legendaries and then upgrading them.

Back in beta it was practically infinite. Now it’s a 25 minute absent minded activity that has no fun around it.

Watch the videos. It looked fun. Now it isnt.

Just means he liked the way preach worded it. If it’s any consolation he prob would only last a couple more weeks.

If it wasn’t for the video it would’ve been another failed vault drop, raid wipe or frustrating korthia whatever zone problems it has.

He’s burnt his bridges with WoW by slagging it off so much. Now he’s desperate to build a FFXIV following or he won’t be selling many of his silly buttons anymore.


I don’t watch him. He’s a disingenuous piece of filth. All he does is post videos on the same topic over and over again. “Daddy Blizz is bad, FFXIV gud”. Does he do this on his main channel? Of course not! He cowers it away on his “news” channel yet still covers wow on his main channel. He isn’t transparent with his audience WHAT-SO-EVER. His main channel “Bellular Gaming” is his core audience of wow fans.

Also love the evangelizing of FFXIV, when square enix is just as evil as Blizzard if not worse. The team behind it might have the best intentions at heart, Yoshi-P seems like a genuine guy, but that doesn’t negate the fact that SE can make a decision at any given moment to make FFXIV a cesspit.

They provide a different perspective, especially on cultural takes. If I’m not mistaken, both Preach and Bellular are from what could would have been termed the provinces in olden times. So its fun when their takes on American culture often don’t quite match with what Americans know and experience.

It’s like someone who lived all their life in a small California town near the Oregon border explaining how it’s like in Los Angeles. And that’s someone living in the same state. Imagine trying to explain what Americans knew about Bill Cosby to American audiences as someone who lived their entire life in a different country. And not even being born before Cosby’s peak. There’s some entertainment value in that for the jaded and cynical. lol

He often has keen insight. So do Preach and Zack, TBH.