Why do people listen to Bellular when he doesn't actually play?

That’s the average time game journalists spend to review games, which is low really.
But, you can at least judge the combat, graphics and main design of the games…

Personally, I watch him for entertainment like every streamer.

We just had someone quit our guild after preach quit. He said the exact same thing preach said and I laughed.

I made the mistake of watching one to see what some were talking about, now I get recommendations that won’t go away no matter what you click on.

Whoa, nuance?

On my WoW forums?

Ride that wave outta here, sir. You’re not welcome here.

It’s because he has to spend most of his time creating youtube content to keep the bills paid and the only way he can do that right now is to milk the WoW negativity cow.

Because retail wow is horrendous. Not every person that plays it is going to think that, but the overall sentiment of the game is just that, especially compared to what it once was. He’s played enough to not want to play it, how about that?

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What they do is read community reactions to things and then they parrot them in their videos. So people see them and they’re like “ooh, these guys agree with me!” and start giving them clicks. Its the same thing with his WoW content, he doesn’t play that either.

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He knows how to milk money out of the people that don’t like it you mean.

Your point maybe he doesn’t want to grind the beta? Cause you know it’s a beta and just going to be wiped

do people really listen to him?

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The difference is that an average joe doesn’t have a financial interest in disliking a game. People who create content, do.

Like looking at Bellular’s recent uploads, his most popular video in months is the one that he recently uploaded giving his thoughts on the current drama.

I’m not going to be so cynical to say that they only care about the money, but when Preach outright says that he’s stopping making WoW content because the money simply isn’t there for the effort, it’s a pretty safe bet that those capitalizing on the current negativity have a financial incentive ontop of whatever they actually feel about the game.

Riding the wave with my head held high. Surfs up!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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hes a gaming news nexus. He is the center of several networks of information about videogames and synthesizes that information for an audience. It’s not a radical concept. Weathermen can report the wind and rain tomorrow without standing outside. Game reporters can share information from articles, insiders, and players, even if they don’t play as extensively as would satisfy your idea of credibility. Bellular has consistently played WoW for over a decade, and made connections and relationships with its crafters alogn the way. He has information- he shares information. It’s really simple.

The opinion rants and speculation are his entitlement as they are to anyone who wants to rant on anything.

Preach said the exact opposite. WoW is his and his employee’s livelihood, and if they stop covering WoW they may not survive as a company anymore. And he’s willing to take that risk because of how trash they all feel about the game.

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You’re right, why do people listen to historians? It’s not like they’ve actually travelled back in time. They clearly know nothing since they weren’t there.

Its called “Raid Logging” and usually happens with people who have a preference for raiding find that the rest of the content for an expansion is crap, or have run through it all or both. It has been going on since Vanilla.

I have no idea.

Bellular: “No content patch.” “WoW needs a content patch.” “Still waiting on a release date for the new content patch.” “YAY! Only 2 weeks from the new content patch. I’m super excited!”

Also Bellular: “I haven’t played WoW in months.” “I should really get KSM done.” “I missed out on KSM.” “I just want to log in and play my hunter.” “So… I started playing FFXIV…”

I’ve seen this behavior too.

But it goes both ways. People in the community say something or bring up some news, one of them reads it, says it in a video then a sycophant says “oh wow, look what he brought to all of our attention!” Someone else says “uh no, they’ve been talking about that on the forums for days now”.

He was prob already upset at the game and was just looking for a reason to quit.

You honestly think he was very happy with the game and then just quit cause someone else did?

He constantly craps on WoW so it’s not surprising that he doesn’t want to play much.

For FF14 it’s mostly his friend who talks about it.