Why do people listen to Bellular when he doesn't actually play?

What are you talking about?

His main channel is about Warcraft and he repeatedly promotes his second news channel. Is not like there’s a hidden channel where he talks bad behind people’s back. The main channel is about Wow for people who wants Wow’s content. It would be super stupid expect otherwise.

Maybe he changes the focus of his main channel to FF, NW, AoC because Wow is boring. So what?

The people who watch his channel know full well that he compares Wow to FF. What about it? Is it bad? For all I know the FF team actually respect player feedback and they have walked miles and miles to create a better game over the years. Meanwhile Blizzard doesnt hear anything and the game keeps falling in the same holes over and over.

I don’t want the opinion of someone that plays 8 hours per day. I don’t play that way.

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Hyping it up to a degree that’s embarrassing even to FFXIV players honestly. I have a 1.0 CE sitting on my shelf and when Bellular’s co-host starts singing the game’s praises I just cringe half the time.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good game. I like it. I play it a lot. But he acts as if it’s perfect and without flaw which just isn’t true. I prefer a more nuanced view to give potential new players realistic expectations and not massive amounts of unrealistic hype.

I don’t even want someone else’s opinion. I have my own.

Many comments here are really reaching at this point.

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I agree with that.
There’s things FF14 does extremely well and things, like pvp combat, that they do very poorly.
You could argue that it’s outside of the developers scope (as in, they don’t care about those things so why spend resources on it) but it would be a better game if the combat and UI supported the sort of reactive combat you see in wow (granted, I realize that a lot of the things happen instantly but the animation comes afterwords so it looks slower than it actually is but still).

Why should anyone listen to you, random forum poster who has literally no background in media or journalism?